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Bell, James Franklin, 1857-

Military officer; born in Lexington, Ky., in 1857; was graduated at the United States Military Academy in 1878; promoted to second lieutenant in the 9th Cavalry the same year, first lieutenant in the 7th Cavalry in 1890, and captain in 1899. In the volunteer army he was commissioned major of engineers May 17, 1898; major and assistant adjutant-general, April 17, 1899, and colonel of the 36th United States Infantry, July 5, 1899. In May, 1898, he was ordered to duty to Manila, where he was placed in charge of the Bureau of Information (or secret-service department of the army in the Philippines). In February, 1899, when operations were begun against the Filipino insurgents, he attached himself to the staff of General MacArthur, and rendered important service in scouting. On Sept. 9, for “most distinguished gallantry in action” near Porac. Luzon, President McKinley directed that a congressional medal of honor should be presented to him. On Nov. 12, Colonel Bell took possession of Tarlac, where Aguinaldo had established his headquarters. The following month he was promoted to brigadier-general of volunteers. On the reorganization of the regular army in February, 1901, President McKinley appointed Colonel Bell one of the new brigadier-generals--an act that caused considerable surprise, as this officer was only a captain in the regular army, and was advanced over the heads of more than 1,000 [313] officers who, according to the rules of seniority, would have been entitled to precede him in promotion. General Bell is widely known in the army as a dashing cavalry officer, and when General Otis recommended the presentation of the medal of honor, he said that it was a wonder that Colonel Bell still lived, because of his recklessness in action.

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