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Hawthorne, Nathaniel 1804-

Author; born in Salem, Mass., July 4, 1804; was graduated at Bowdoin College in 1825. His first novel was published anonymously in Boston in 1832. In 1837 a number of his tales and sketches were published under the title of Twice-told tales. A second series appeared in 1842. From 1838 to [330] 1841, he held a place in the Boston custom-house. Afterwards he lived at Brook Farm, a community of literary men and philosophers (see Brook farm Association). Marrying in 1843, he took up his abode at Concord. He became surveyor of the port of Salem. He afterwards settled in Lenox, Mass., and in 1852 returned to Concord. In 1853 he became United States consul at Liverpool, which place he resigned in 1857. His most popular writings are The scarlet letter, and The House of the seven

Nathaniel Hawthorne.

Gables. Septimus; American note-books; English note-books, etc., appeared after his death, which occurred in Plymouth, N. H., May 19, 1864.

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