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James, Henry 1843-

Author; born in New York City, April 15, 1843; was educated in France, Switzerland, and in the Harvard Law School. His literary career opened in 1866. A year or two later he began writing serial stories, but produced no extended novel till 1875. He has since been a prolific writer, not only of novels but also of contributions to the periodical press on engrossing questions of the day. Since 1869 he has lived chiefly in England. His publications include Trans-Atlantic sketches (1875); A passionate Pilgrim; The American; The Europeans; An international episode; The siege of London; The Bostonians; Poor Richard; Watch and Ward; Life of Hawthorne; A little Tour in France; A London life; The tragic Muse; The lesson of the master; Embarrassments; Tales of three cities; Essays in London and elsewhere; The wheel of time; What Maisie knew, etc.

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