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Livingston, William 1723-1790

Governor; born in Albany, N. Y., Nov. 30, 1723; was an eminent member of the bar of both New York and New Jersey. With William

William Livingston.

Smith he published the first Digest of the colonial laws, in 1752. For a while he published the Independent Reflector. Thoroughly educated at Yale College, he possessed many solid as well as brilliant attainments in law and literature, and was an elegant and facile writer. Behind the mask of anonymity, Mr. Livingston dealt heavy blows in favor of Presbyterianism, and against Episcopacy, in his weekly periodical, first published late in 1752. In 1757 he published, in defence of Governor Shirley, a Review of the military operations in North America from 1753 to April 14, 1756, in a letter to a nobleman. The following year he was elected a member of the New York Assembly. Having purchased land in Elizabethtown, N. J., he built a fine mansion there, which he called “Liberty Hall,” and removed there in 1773. He early espoused the cause of the oppressed colonies, and [446] was a representative of New Jersey in the first Continental Congress (1774). He was again a delegate to that body in 1775, but was soon called (June 5) to command the militia of New Jersey, with the commission of brigadier-general. After William Franklin was deposed in 1776, Livingston succeeded him as governor of New Jersey, which post he retained until his death, conducting public affairs with wisdom and energy. The British called him “The Don Quixote of New Jersey” (for he was tall and thin in person), and tried hard to catch him, but he always managed to escape. Mr. Livingston was a delegate from New Jersey in the convention which framed the national Constitution. He was offered the position of minister to Holland, but declined. He died in Elizabethtown, N. J., July 25, 1790.

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