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Wednesday, May 22. In the Senate.—On motion of Mr. Northend, of Essex, the bill to provide for the discipline and instruction of a militia force was taken from the table,—the question being on passing it to be enacted.

Mr. Bonney, of Middlesex, opposed the bill. He said that it authorized the Governor to order into camp a military force of not less than six thousand men. It provided for nothing less than a standing army, for an unlimited period. It conferred upon the Governor a power which the sovereigns of England and France did not possess over their troops.

Mr. Northend spoke briefly in support of the bill, after which, no amendment being in order, the bill was passed to be enacted,—yeas 27, nays 2.

Mr. Northend then moved to take from the table the resolves concerning the present crisis, which motion was rejected,—yeas 10, nays 24.

The House bill, entitled an act ‘withholding certain aid from the people of the so-called seceded States,’ was rejected.

Mr. Stone, of Essex, from the Committee on the Judiciary, reported, in a new draft, ‘a bill to provide for a home guard,’ which, under a suspension of the rules, was ordered to be engrossed.

In the afternoon session, Mr. Whiting, of Plymouth, moved a reconsideration of the vote by which the bill ‘withholding certain aid from the people in the so-called seceded States’ was rejected, which was placed in the orders of the day.

In the House.—The bill for aid to the families of volunteers was discussed in the morning session, until adjournment; without taking the question, several amendments were offered.

In the afternoon, a petition was received from Robert Morris and sixty-three other colored citizens, for leave to form a home guard. Referred to the Committee on the Militia.

Mr. Pierce, of Dorchester, reported that the bill to pay for the services of the Cadets, and other militia organizations, for services, ought not to pass, as payment had been provided in another bill.

The bill giving aid to the families of volunteers was passed to be engrossed.

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