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[69] and noble pilgrimage for liberty, for the Union and Constitution of your country. Soldiers of the Old Bay State, sons of sires who never disgraced their flag in civil life or on the tented field, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for this noble response to the call of your State and your country. You cannot wait for words. I bid you Godspeed and an affectionate farewell.

Colonel Packard made a brief and fitting response; and the regiment filed down Park Street, and marched to the depot of the Old Colony Railroad, where a train was ready to receive it. In a few minutes, the regiment was on the way to Fall River, where it was put on board the steamer ‘State of Maine,’ and arrived at New York the next afternoon. Its departure was delayed until four o'clock on the morning of the 19th, in adjusting ballast and taking in coal, when it started for Fortress Monroe, and arrived there at break of day on the morning of the 20th. In its march through Boston and along the route to Fall River, the regiment was received with cheers of approval from the men, and by the waving of handkerchiefs by the women, who turned out to greet it.

The Sixth Regiment mustered on the 16th at Lowell, at nine o'clock in the morning. Before leaving the city for Boston, it was addressed by the Mayor and others, and cheered by the populace. Four of the companies belonged in Lowell. The inhabitants in mass came from their dwellings, mills, and workshops, to witness the regiment depart. It arrived in Boston at one o'clock, where it met with a cordial reception. The crowd followed it to Faneuil Hall, and from thence to Boylston Hall, where its headquarters were established.

The field and staff officers of the Sixth were Edward F. Jones, of Pepperell, colonel; Benjamin F. Watson, of Lawrence, lieutenant-colonel; Josiah A. Sawtell, of Lowell, major; Alpha B. Farr, of Lowell, adjutant; James Monroe, of Cambridge, quartermaster; Charles Babbidge, of Pepperell, chaplain; Norman Smith, of Groton, surgeon; Jansen T. Paine, of Charlestown, ‘surgeon's mate;’ Rufus L. Plaisted, of Lowell, paymaster; Samuel D. Shattuck, of Groton, sergeant-major; Church Howe, of Worcester, quartermaster-sergeant; John Dupee, of Boston, commissary-sergeant; Frederick

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