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1 قَذَّ الرِّيشَ ذ (S, M, A, L,) [aor. قَذُ3َ ,] inf. n. قَذٌّ, (K,) He cut the edges, or extremities, of the feathers, (S, M, A, L, K,) [for the arrow, or arrows,] with the instrument called مِقَذّ, (A,) and made them (حَذَّفَهُ, M, L, [in the K, تَحْرِيفُهُ is put for تَحْذِيفُهُ]) of the suitable dimensions, (عَلَى نَحْوِ الحَذْوِ والتَّقْدِيرُ, M, [in the L and K, التَّدْوِير is put for التَّقْدِير, and in the K الحذو and the foll. conjunction are omitted,]) and even. (M, L, K.) ― -b2- And قَذَّ, He cut anything in a similar manner. ― -b3- [Hence,] قُذَّ, It (anything) was made even, and fine, or delicate, or elegant; (M, L;) [as also ↓ قُذِّذَ : see مُقَذَّذٌ, and see 2.] ― -b4- قَذَّ السَّهْمَ, (S, M, A, L,) aor. قَذُ3َ , (M, A, L,) inf. n. قَذٌّ; (S, M, L, K;) and ↓ اقذّهُ , (M, L,) inf. n. إِِقْذَاذٌ; (K;) and ↓ قذّذهُ ; (Deewán El-Hudhaleeyeen, cited by Freytag;) He feathered the arrow; fixed, or stuck, upon it the feathers; (S, M, A, L, K;) whereof an arrow has three, also called its آذَان. (L.) -A2- قَذَّهُ, aor. قَذُ3َ , (L,) inf. n. قَذٌّ, (K,) He struck him upon the part called the مَقَذّ; (L, K;) on the back of his neck. (L.) [But see طَبَعَ قَفَاهُ in art. طبع.] 2 قُذِّذَ ذ , (inf. n. تَقْذِيذٌ, L,) It (anything) was trimmed, or decorated. (M, L.) See also 1. 4 أَقْذَ3َ see 1. 8 اقتذّ الحَدِيثَ مِنِّى ذ (assumed tropical:) He heard the story from me like as I heard it. (TA, voce إِِكْتَتَّ.) قُذَّةٌ ذ A feather of an arrow: pl. قُذَذٌ, (S, M, L, K,) and قِذَاذٌ. (M, L.) [You say,] حَذْوَ القُذَّةِ بالقُذَّةِ, Like as one feather of an arrow corresponds to, or matches, another. (L.) ― -b2- [Hence,] the ear of a man, and of a horse; (M, L, K;) the two ears are called القُذَّتَانِ. (M, L.) ― -b3- And the side of the vulva; (K;) dual, قُذَّتَانِ, the two sides of the vulva, (S, M, L,) which are called the إِِسْكَتَانِ. (M, L.) -A2- The flea; (S, M, L, K;) as also ↓ قُذَّذٌ : (M, L, K:) pl. قِذَّانٌ. (S, M, L, K.) قُذَّذٌ ذ see قُذَّةٌ. قُذَاذَةٌ ذ A piece that is cut from the extremity of a feather; (M, L;) and قُذَاذَاتٌ, [the pl.,] what falls in the cutting of the extremities of feathers, and the like: (S, L, K:) and the sing., what is cut, or clipped, from the extremities of gold, &c.: (K:) the pl. signifies pieces, (M,) or small pieces, (L,) cut, or clipped, from the extremities of gold: and pieces cut or clipped from silver are called جُذَاذَاتٌ: or the sing. signifies what is cut, or clipped, from anything. (M, L.) أَقَذُّ ذ An arrow without feathers upon it; (T, S, M, A, L, K;) like as أَفْوَقُ, applied to an arrow, signifies “ having no notch: ” (L:) or of which the feathers have fallen off: (L:) or just pared, before it is feathered: (Lh, M, L:) also, a feathered arrow: or (in the K, and) that is evenly pared, without any deviation from a straight shape: (M, L, K: *) pl. قُذٌّ: and pl. of قُذٌّ, قِذَاذٌ. (S, L. [See an ex. voce أَحْشَنُ.]) ― -b2- مَا لَهُ أَقَذُّ وَلَا مَرِيشٌ He has not anything: (M, L, K:) or he has not either property or people. (Lh, M, L, K.) A proverb. (TA.) ― -b3- مَا أَصَبْتُ مِنْهُ أَقَذَّ وَلَا مَرِيشًا I gained not from him anything: (M, L:) or I obtained not from him good, either little or much. (Meyd, TA.) Ibn-Háni relates this saying, on the authority of Aboo-Málik, differently, saying أَفَذَّ, with ف, instead of اقذّ, from فَذٌّ in the sense of فَرْدٌ. (L.) ― -b4- In another proverb it is said, مَا تَرَكْتُ لَهُ أَقَذَّ وَلَا مَرِيشًا [I left not to him anything]. (A.) مَقَذٌّ ذ The part between the two ears, behind: (M, * L, K:) one says, إِِنَّهُ لَلَئِمُ المَقَذَّيْنِ Verily he is vile in the part between the two ears, behind, and حَسَنُ المقذّين, goodly in that part; though a man has but one مَقَذّ: also, the base of the ear: (M, L:) and the place where the hair of the head ends, between the two ears, behind: (S:) the part of the back of the head where the growth of the hair ends: (M, L, K:) or the part of the back of the head where the hair is cut with the shears: (M, L:) and the part where the hair ends, behind and before: (L:) or the place where the head is set upon the neck: its proper signification is a place of cutting: and therefore it may mean the place where the hair ends, at the back of the neck: or the place where the head ends; which is the place where it is set upon the neck. (A.) مِقَذٌّ ذ A blade for cutting or clipping; syn. مِقْرَاضٌ; (S;) an instrument for cutting the extremities of feathers, (M, A, L, K, *) such as a knife and the like; as also مِقَذَّةٌ: (M, L:) a knife. (K.) مُقَذَّذٌ ذ and ↓ مَقْذُوذٌ , Trimmed, or decorated; (M, K;) applied to a man. (M.) See مَقْذُوذٌ ― -b2- [Hence,] مُقَذَّذٌ (M, K) and ↓ مَقْذُوذٌ (L), A man (M, L) having his hair clipped (M, L, K) round the part where its growth terminates, before and behind: (M, L:) and مُقَذَّذٌ الشَّعَرِ, (S, L,) and ↓ مَقْذُوذُهُ , (L,) A man having his hair trimmed. (S, L.) ― -b3- مُقَذَّذٌ Anything made even, and fine, or delicate, or elegant. (K.) ― -b4- [Hence,] A man having a clean garment, one part of it resembling another, every part of it goodly. (L.) And A man of light form, or figure; (Yaakoob, S, M, L, K;) as also مُزَلَّمٌ: and in like manner مُقَذَّذَةٌ, A woman not tall; also مُزَلَّمَةٌ. (Yaakoob, S, M, * L.) مَقْذُوذٌ ذ see مُقَذَّذٌ in three places. ― -b2- أُذُنٌ مَقْذُوذَةٌ, (S, M, L, K,) and ↓ مُقَذَّذَةٌ , (M, L, K,) an ear of a rounded shape (M, L, K,) as though it were pared. (S, L.) [You say,] لَهُ أُذُنَانِ مَقْذُوذَتَانِ He (a horse) has two ears shaped like the feathers of an arrow. (A.) ― -b3- هُوَ مَقْذُوذُ القَفَا He has his hair clipped at the back of the neck. (L.)

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