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4 أَقْصَدَنِى إِِلَيْهِ الأَمُرْ ذ The affair caused me to tend, repair, betake myself, or direct my course, to, or towards, him, or it; to aim at him, or it; to seek, endeavour after, pursue, or endeavour to reach, attain, or obtain, him, or it; to desire it, or wish for it; to intend it, or purpose it. (M, L.) ― -b2- (tropical:) It (an arrow) hit its object, and killed on the spot. (S, K.) ― -b3- He pierced a man with a spear, (K,) or shot him with an arrow, (TA,) and did not miss him: (K:) he struck, or shot, a thing so that it died on the spot: (As:) he killed on the spot: (Lth:) it (a serpent) killed a person (Lth, S) on the spot: (Lth:) or bit him so as to kill him. (K, * TA.) أَقْصَدَتْهُ المَنِيَّةُ Destiny killed him on the spot. (A.) -A2- اقصد, (inf. n. إِِقْصَادٌ, TA,) He composed [odes, or] poems of the kind termed قَصِيد; a verb similar to أَرْمَلَ and أَهْزَجَ and أَرْجَزَ: (Ibn-Buzurj, L:) also, (L, TA,) or ↓ اقتصد , inf. n. إِِقْتِصَادٌ, accord. to the K, but the former is the correct form, (TA,) [or the latter is probably correct, as being similar to إِِرْتَجَزَ, as well as the former, of which the act. part. n. occurs in a verse,] and ↓ قَصَدَ , inf. n. قَصْدٌ; (K;) or ↓ قَصَّدَ ; (as in the M and L;) he continued uninterruptedly, (L, K,) and prolonged, (L,) the composition of [odes, or] poems of the kind termed قَصَائِد. (L, K.) See مُقْصدٌ.

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