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Mayor's Court, Wednesday.

--Nothing of importance was transacted in this court yesterday. A number of individuals were fined various sums, varying from five to twenty dollars, for selling liquor after the regular hours presoribed by law. Annexed we append a list of the cases disposed of:

Andrew Muller and Carlos W. Ellis, charged with keeping a ‘"faro bank,"’ were again brought up for examination, but the case was continued till Saturday, and the accused gave security in $1,000 each for their appearance.

Jesse White, charged with dealing ‘"faro,"’ gave security in $1,000 to appear next Saturday and answer charge.

Samuel Roberts, a free negro, charged with giving a knife to Anthony Burns to cut Wm. Bird, was ordered twenty-nine lashes.

The case of Henry Holman, a free negro, who kept door at the ‘"faro bank"’ of Muller and Ellis, was continued till Saturday next.

A soldier named Wm. H. Callerton, was arraigned for being drunk and begging in the street. He was sent to Gen. Winder.

Barney Tracey, for keeping his bar room open after ten o'clock, was fined $5.

Mary Downs, for selling spirits without a license, was fined $10.

Simon Steinlein, charged with keeping his bar room open after ten o'clock at night, was fined $10.

Thomas Bradford, charged with keeping his bar room open after ten o'clock at night was fined $20.

P. Moran was fined $5 for keeping his bar room open on Sunday last.

Lavinia Scott, charged with stealing one gold pencil, four under shirts, two silk dress patterns, and three linen handkerchiefs, from Mildred Bowden. Case continued.

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