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Humbertson Skipwith, Esq., probably the wealthiest man, and certainly, with a single exception, the largest slaveholder in Virginia, died at his residence, in Mecklenburg, a few days since, at an advanced age. He was almost the last of the genuine, old-fashioned aristocrats of the State. His father was an English baronet, (Sir, Peyton Skipwith) and his elder brother succeeded to the title and estate in England. Mr. Skipwith was said by those who knew him to be a gentleman of refined taste and highly cultivated understanding, perfectly simple in his manners and very entertaining in conversation. His temper and education, however, were better suited to the latitude of England than to this country. His manners in public were reserved, and his bearing perfectly polite, but not such as to encourage familiarity. He bore the reputation of a perfectly honorable man, just in all his dealings, and always punctual in doing what he had once promised to do.

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