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Doc. 44.-the battle of Tebb's Bend, Ky.

Lebanon, Ky., July 12, 1863.
A few of the particulars of the battle of Tebb's Bend, on the Green River, between General John Morgan, with his entire division, and Colonel O. H. Moore, Twenty-fifth Michigan infantry, with two hundred of his men, may be interesting.

The battalion of the Twenty-fifth Michigan infantry, stationed at or near Green River bridge, occupied a position of much importance — all forces in front were drawn off and no reinforcements within thirty-five miles.

For some days before the fight it was currently reported that Duke and Johnson, under the direction of Morgan, were crossing the Cumberland at Berksville and Creelsboro with a force of ten regiments of cavalry and several pieces of artillery. On the second instant, information was received that the enemy was advancing on our position; Colonel Moore mounted his horse, and, riding over the surrounding country, chose his ground and planted his men for a fight, determined that the first opportunity of engaging the enemy should not go untried.

Men were that night set at work with spades and axes, and when the morning dawned a fine rifle-pit was to be seen, while in the rear a barricade of fallen trees was thrown to check all cavalry charges. Seventy-five men were kept in the trenches during the day, and in the evening, after the enemy's spies had visited our lines, found our exact position, and made their reports, we began a movement of our force, with all our stores and camp and garrison equipage. While we were thus engaged, the enemy was by no means neglectful — the sound of preparation on our front proclaimed that they were busy.

Our lines were visited at about one o'clock A. M., and all seemed in order. Companies D, E, F, and K occupied the earth-works, while company I was held as a reserve. The scene was exciting and beautiful — the men, wakeful with the thoughts of the coming struggle, were jovial and happy, the brightened barrels of the arms glittering in the moonlight rendered the view soul-inspiring. Thus all continued, and as the first bright rays of morning streamed up the eastern sky, our last wagon crossed the ford, and the sharp-shooters of the enemy opened the ball. Thus the engagement [250] began and thus it continued for nearly an hour, when the enemy, having their artillery in position, sent a shell plunging into our earth-works, disabling two of our men. Before we had an opportunity of clearing the enemy away from their guns, Major Elliot, of Morgan's staff; approached with a flag of truce, with the following despatch:

headquarters Morgan's division, in the field in front of Green River stockade, July 4, 1863.
To the Officer Commanding Federal Forces at Stockade near Green River Bridge:
Sir: In the name of the confederate States government I demand an immediate and unconditional surrender of the entire force under your command, together with the stockade.

I am, very respectfully,

John H. Morgan, Commanding Div. Cavalry C. S. A.

Colonel Moore replied: “Present my compliments to General Morgan, and say to him that this being the Fourth of July, I cannot entertain the proposition.” Shaking hands, the Colonel and Major parted, and the Colonel regaining our lines said: “Now, my men, rise up, take good aim, and pick those gunners.” The words were sufficient; but ere the deadly fire was poured in upon them, the old Parrott gun of the enemy boomed forth again in its tones of thunder. The volley from our fortification did splendid execution, for not a man was left to tell the story. The enemy charged upon us, and we fell back to the timber. The fight now became terrible. The men fought with a desperation I never saw equalled. They seemed to feel that the enemy was yet to be organized that was to whip them. All possible chance of retreat was cut off, and no support within thirty-five miles. The enemy occupied one side of the tree-tops while we held the other. The case was indeed one: that called forth the exertions of every member <*>, <*>he little band. 'Twas life or death, and all were determined rather to die nobly and manfully fighting than cowardly surrendering without a struggle; seven charges followed the first, but the advancing foe fell dead before us. The firing continued for nearly four hours, when the enemy retreated, leaving their dead on the field. Their loss in killed and wounded was very severe, being much greater than our entire numbers, and among the former many of Morgan's ablest officers. There cannot be too much said in praise of the men. In a fair field-fight they defeated John Morgan, the rebel raider, the terrifier of Kentucky. The officers were ever where needed, and deserve credit for their coolness and bravery. Colonel Moore's courage, coolness, daring, and will must call forth the admiration of all. His conduct on the field of battle cheered his men to strenuous efforts, for in every post of danger he was in their midst. He was ever where the bullets fell the thickest, and by his good generalship won the day. General Morgan admired his generalship so much that he promoted him to a Brigadier-General, but the Colonel says that the largest brigade he wishes to command is the Twenty. fifth Michigan infantry.

Our loss was six killed and twenty-three wounded. I send inclosed the official report. The enemy acknowledged a loss of seventy-three killed, and over two hundred wounded.

About a mile in our rear was a dilapidated stockade which Morgan had on a previous raid endeavored to destroy; we, however, did not think enough of such pens to refit it, and accordingly engaged the enemy in a fair field-fight.

After the battle, as we paid our last honors to the brave men that had fallen, the Colonel issued the following order:

headquarters twenty-Fifth Michigan infantry, battle-field of Tebb's Bend, Green River, July 4, 1863.
special orders no. 42.

My brave, my noble men! It is with pride and pleasure that I congratulate you upon the great victory won to-day. While you numbered but two hundred men, the enemy numbered thousands. Being advised of their strength, and of their advantage in having artillery bearing upon us, their demand for a surrender was answered with a response that echoed the feelings of the gallant little band of the Twenty-fifth Michigan infantry that was about to engage them.

The engagement was long and.bloody; charge after charge was successfully repelled, and after three and a half hours hard fighting, the enemy was defeated and victory crowned our efforts.

Our brave companions who fell, fell gallantly fighting for their country, and in defence of the starry flag; their names, deeply inscribed on the pages of memory, will be wreathed ever in bright laurels of fame, and though 'tis hard to part with our noble dead, we know 'tis sweet in the cause of our country to die. Although no marble slab have we placed o'er their heads to mark their last resting-place; although no monumental pile have we erected o'er their graves; yet, in the hearts of the people of our own Peninsula State will be erected a monument that will perpetuate their names to all eternity.

By order of Colonel O. H. Moore.

Ed. M. Prutzman, Lieutenant and Adjutant.

Thus the fourth day of July, made memorable ever in the annals of history, was to-day brought nearer and dearer to us by the gaining of a splendid victory over John Morgan's entire division.

E. M. P.

Colonel Moore's report.

headquarters twenty-Fifth Michigan infantry battle-field of Tebb's Bend, Green River, July 4, 1863.
Colonel: I have the honor to report that I have had a fight with the rebel General, John Morgan.

I did not move my command from where it was encamped, on the north side of the river, until Morgan's advance had entered Columbia. I then moved forward to occupy the ground I had previously selected, and had the night before prepared for the fight, which was one and a half [251] miles in advance, on the Columbia road, south side of the river. I did not at any time occupy the stockade, which was far in my rear, but gave battle on the narrows entering the bend.

I engaged the enemy's force this morning at half-past 3 o'clock; early in the engagement he opened on our breastworks with a battery, and after firing a shot, disabling two of my men, lie sent a flag of truce with the following despatch:

headquarters Morgan's division, in field in front Green River Stocoadr, July 4, 1808.
To the Officer Commanding the Federal Forces at Stockade near Green River Bridge, Ky.:
sir: In the name of the confederate States government, I demand an immediate and unconditional surrender of the entire force under your command, together with the stockade.

I am, very respectfully, sir,

John H. Morgan, Commanding Division Cavalry C. S. A.

I sent a reply to General John Morgan that the Fourth day of July was no day for me to entertain such a proposition. After receiving the reply, he opened fire with his artillery and musketry. My force, which occupied the open field, were withdrawn to the woods where they engaged the enemy with a determination not to be defeated. The battle raged for three and a half (3 1/2) hours, when the enemy retreated with a loss of over fifty (50) killed and two hundred (200) wounded. Among the killed were Colonel Chenault, Major Brent, another major, and five (5) captains, and six (6) lieutenants, as near as can be estimated.

The conflict was fierce and bloody. At times the enemy occupied one side of the fallen timber, while my men held the other, in almost a hand-to-hand fight. The enemy's force consisted of the greater part of Morgan's division. My force was a fraction of my regiment, consisting of two hundred (200) men, who fought gallantly. I cannot say too much in their praise.

Our loss was six (6) killed and twenty-three (23) wounded.

After the battle, I received, under a flag of truce, a despatch asking permission to bury their (lead, which request I granted, proposing to deliver them in front of our lines.

The detachment of forty men, under command of Lieutenant M. A. Hogan, Eighth Michigan infantry, held the river at the ford, near the bridge, and repulsed a cavalry charge made by the enemy in a very creditable and gallant manner.

The gallantry of my officers and men in the action was such that I cannot individualize; they all did their duty nobly, and the wounded were treated with the greatest care and attention by Assistant Surgeon J. N. Greggs, of my regiment, whose tine abilities as a surgeon are highly appreciated.

I am, Colonel, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Orlando H. Moore, Colonel Twenty-fifth Mich. Inf. Lieutenant-Col. Geo. B. Drake, Assistant Adjutant-General, Lexington, Ky.

headquarters twenty-Third army corps, Lexington, July 17, 1863.
General order no. 12.

The General commanding the corps hereby extends his thanks to the two hundred officers and soldiers of the Twenty-fifth Michigan regiment, under Colonel O. H. Moore, who so successfully resisted, by their gallant and heroic bravery, the attack of a vastly superior force of the enemy, under the rebel General, John Morgan, at Tebb's Bend, on Green River, on the fourth of July, 1863, in which they killed one fourth as many of the enemy as their own little band amounted to, and wounded a number equal to their own.

. . . . . . . .

By command of Major-Gen. Hartsuff.

Official. Geo. B. Drake, A. A. G.

Official Report of killed and wounded at the battle of Tebb's Bend, Green River, Ky., July fourth, 1863 :

Company D, killed, Rosewell Beebe, Third Corporal, Morgan Wallace, Sixth Corporal, Southard Perrin, private; wounded, Harvey C. Lambert, First Sergeant, Simon Young, Corporal ; privates Gillespie Parson, Samuel Stecker, Bruce Beebe, Henry Beebe, Jonathan Walbert. Company E, wounded, Joseph Gault, Sergeant; privates George W. Hicks, since died, Orin D. White, Richard W. Baxter, Thomas W. Preston. Company F, killed, Peter G. Cuddeback, Second Corporal; wounded, Arthur M. Twombly, Second Lieutenant, Irving Paddock, Second Sergeant, Henry Bond, Third Sergeant, Henry F. Garmon, First Corporal, Julius C. Webb, Seventh Corporal, George Bonnet, Eighth Corporal; privates Marcus: Tuttle, Thomas Wood, Arbutt M. Nott, Isaac Smith. Company I, killed, Peter Van Schure, private. Company K, killed, James L. Slater, Fourth Sergeant; wounded, Hiram H. Dunham, private.

Six (6) killed and twenty-three (23) wounded.

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