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Beaumont, William, 1796-1853

Physician; born in Lebanon, Conn., in 1796. In 1812 he [302] was made assistant surgeon in the United States army, and served until 1837. While stationed at Michilimackinac (Mackinaw) in 1822, he treated Alexis St. Martin, a Canadian, who had a gunshot wound in his side; the wound healed without closing up, exposing to view the operations of the stomach in its digestive functions. Dr. Beaumont made careful experiments with this man, for several years, upon the process of digestion, and published the result of his researches. St. Martin lived for more than fifty years after the accident. The orifice exposing the stomach never closed. Dr. Beaumont died in St. Louis, Mo., April 25, 1853.

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