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Davis, Cushman Kellogg, 1838-

Statesman; born in Henderson, N. Y., June 16, 1838;

Cushman Kellogg Davis.

graduated at the University of Michigan in 1857; studied law and began practice in Waukesha, Wis. During the Civil War he served three years in the Union army. In 1865 he removed to St. Paul, Minn. He was a member of the Minnesota legislature in 1867; United States district attorney for Minnesota in 1868-73; governor of Minnesota in 1874-75; and elected to the United States Senate in 1887, 1893, and 1899. For several years he was chairman of the Senate committee on foreign relations, and familiarity with the international affairs of the United States led to his appointment as a member of the commission to negotiate peace with Spain after the war of 1898. He published The law in Shakespeare. He died in St. Paul, Nov. 27, 1900.

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