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George P. Rowell and Company's American Newspaper Directory, containing accurate lists of all the newspapers and periodicals published in the United States and territories, and the dominion of Canada, and British Colonies of North America., together with a description of the towns and cities in which they are published. (ed. George P. Rowell and company) 1,873 1,873 Browse Search
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley) 79 79 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 10. (ed. Frank Moore) 66 66 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 8. (ed. Frank Moore) 50 50 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 9. (ed. Frank Moore) 36 36 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 5. (ed. Frank Moore) 29 29 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 11. (ed. Frank Moore) 28 28 Browse Search
Adam Badeau, Military history of Ulysses S. Grant from April 1861 to April 1865. Volume 1 26 26 Browse Search
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War. 23 23 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4. 19 19 Browse Search
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corps, May 6, 1862. Captain: I have the honor to report that, on receiving orders on the fifth instant, at nine A. M., the division took up its line of march, and shortly after came upon the crowg to your notice the important part performed by them in the battle of Williamsburgh, on the fifth instant, and if not themselves the sufferers in loss, they contributed, by steady and imposing attitivision, and as particularly illustrated in the late severe but victorious engagement of the fifth instant in front of Williamsburgh. These were the Thirty-seventh, Col. Hayman; the Thirty-eighth, C, and Eighty-seventh New-York,) forming the rear of the column on the march from camp, on the fifth inst., used vigor in bringing up his men, under every difficulty, and was with me under severe firehe heroic courage and fortitude displayed by them at the battle of Williamsburgh, Va., on the fifth inst. Gen. Peck, with his brigade, consisting of the Sixty-second New-York, Ninety-third Pennsyl
arless determination which are his peculiar characteristics, has been hotly pursuing them, until they were driven beyond the Shenandoah mountains, the boundary of Fremont's department. In their retreat the rebels destroyed an immense amount of camp equipage. This was particularly the case at their camp on the Shenandoah mountain, where they left considerable quantities of flour, forage, etc.; they burned most of their tents, the rest they cut so as to render them unfit for use. On the fifth the Thirty-second Ohio was advanced beyond the Shenandoah mountain for the double purpose of scouting and foraging. The Seventy-fifth Ohio and Third Virginia, with Capt. Hyman's battery, were encamped at the foot of the mountain on this side; the rest of our force was at McDowell, at which place Gen. Milroy had his headquarters. On Wednesday morning the cavalry pickets belonging to Capt. Shuman's company First Virginia, were attacked and driven in after losing several men and a number of h
Doc. 12.-the destruction of the Merrimac. Official report of Commodore Tatnall. Richmond May 14, 1862. sir: In detailing to you the circumstances which caused the destruction of the confederate States steamer Virginia, and her movements a few days previous to that event, I begin with your telegraphic despatches to me of the fourth and fifth instant, directing me to take such a position in the James River as would entirely prevent the enemy's ascending it. Gen. Huger, commanding at Norfolk, on learning that I had received this order, called on me and declared that its execution would oblige him to abandon immediately his forts on Craney Island, at Sewell's Point, and their guns to the enemy. I informed him that, as the order was imperative, I must execute it, but stated that he should telegraph you and state the consequences. He did so, and on the sixth instant you telegraphed me to endeavor to afford protection to Norfolk as well as the James River, which replaced m
self from Shelbyville, and the third battalion of the Seventh Pennsylvania cavalry, with Col. Wynkoop from Nashville; both these forces were despatched for Lebanon, where, within eight miles from Murfreesboro, I met this force returning, under the impression that I had been cut off at Shelbyville and needed reinforcements. I directed this force to turn back and unite with the one recently from Murfreesboro, and pushed on all night for Lebanon; halted at one o'clock on the morning of the fifth instant, within four miles of that place, and rested until daybreak. The column was then put in motion, proceeded at the trot, drove in the pickets and charged into town. The enemy was completely surprised, and was only aware of our presence by the fire of his pickets, posted less than a mile from the village. His main force was quartered at the college buildings on the outskirts of the town, from which he endeavored to reach the livery stables in the village to saddle up and mount, but being
fifty prisoners of the rebels, (mostly women and children,) living in a horrible condition, in sheds, and without the common necessaries of life. These people were residents of Elizabeth City county, and sent here by Gen. Magruder on account of their Union proclivities. I at once decided to remain and hold possession of the place, protect the people, and prevent a further destruction of property by the rebels, until the arrival of the commanding officer of the naval division. On the fifth instant we seized a schooner in the Pamunkey River, and also the C. S. sloop Water Witch, recently abandoned by Capt. Thomas Jefferson Page. During the day, I secured much information regarding the movements of the rebel army, which was transmitted to the proper authority. On the sixth, the naval vessels arrived, conveying the division of Gen. Franklin. During the evening I received information that the enemy would attempt to destroy the town during the night, which I at once reported to the
tructions would not permit me to act unless the exchange was simultaneous. About five o'clock P. M., June fourth, I received a letter stating that there was some misunderstanding as to the extent of General Huger's promise in his letter of May third, which could only be settled by conference, and time must be allowed for that. I replied to this by inquiring whether they would confer with me on this business, or with whom and when. I waited for a reply to this until five o'clock of the fifth, having, at three o'clock, gone ashore, and left a letter with a picket, to be forwarded to Petersburgh, informing General Huger that, having already waited twenty-four hours for a reply to my communication, I would return to Fortress Monroe, and that any communication on the subject of the exchange would be forwarded by the navy. I then returned to this place, reaching here about eight o'clock A. M., to-day. Owing to the fog the boat could not run last night. I am, sir, very respectful
he occupation of the city by the Union forces, would expiate his offence on the gallows. Crowds were soon wending their way toward the Mint, where all doubts were dispelled by the ghastly spectacle of a gallows projecting from a window in the second story of that building, fronting on Esplanade street, directly under, as it were, the flag-staff that had borne the colors in question. In the mean time the unfortunate man was awaiting his fate in the Custom-House. On the evening of the fifth instant, three days ago, the order of execution was read to him by Deputy Provost-Marshal Stafford, he being charged with carrying into effect the details of the sentence in consequence of the illness of Provost-Marshal French. The document reads as follows: headquarters Department of the Gulf, New-Orleans, June 5. special order no 70. William B. Mumford, a citizen of New-Orleans, having been convicted before the military commission of treason and an overt act thereof in tearing dow
fficers of regiments and batteries which served under my command in the right wing of this brigade, in the battle before Baton Rouge, La., on the morning of the fifth inst., marked as follows: A--Capt. Clarke, Acting Colonel Sixth Michigan volunteers. B--Major H. O. Whittemore, commanding Thirtieth Massachusetts volunteers. army. I made such a disposition of the naval force under my command, as I thought would give the most aid to our small force on shore. On the morning of the fifth inst., at one A. M., the enemy made an attack on our land forces, and drove in the left wing of our army, killing Gen. Williams. Our men retreating, I opened fire wi On the fourth instant I sent the Tennessee up to Baton Rouge with provisions for Commodore Porter and the gunboats stationed at that place. On the night of the fifth, she returned with information that the enemy had made a combined attack upon Baton Rouge by the ram and two gunboats, Webb and Music, and calling for assistance.
and the men fell out of ranks rapidly. Almost every farm-house on the roadside was converted into a hospital. On Sunday, the third inst., Gen. Breckinridge advised Gen. Van Dorn that he would be prepared to attack Baton Rouge at daylight the following morning. Gen. Van Dorn replied that the Arkansas would not reach a position where she could participate in the fight until Tuesday morning. It was then definitely determined that the attack should be made at daylight on the morning of the fifth, the ram Arkansas, of whose steady and uninterrupted progress down the river we had constantly been advised, cooperating with the troops. At ten o'clock, Monday night, August fourth, the troops, about two thousand four hundred in all, advanced from their camp on Comite River. The men were in the finest spirits and confident of accomplishing their purpose before breakfast-time. The march of ten miles over a smooth, sandy road, between well-cultivated plantations, was conducted with quiet
battery, under command of Lieut. Marsh, a very brave and competent officer. At daylight, on the fifth, the brigade started in pursuit of the retreating enemy; and continued the pursuit until the eveverely; enlisted men, forty-four; missing enlisted men, one; taken at Camp Montgomery on the fifth instant, one; total killed, wounded, and missing in both days' engagements: Killed of commanding offselves for gallantry and soldierly bearing during the battle. Early on the morning of the fifth instant, I joined with my command in the pursuit of Van Dorn's and Price's armies; marched sixteen m Capt. F. W. Fox, Assistant Adjutant-General: sir: At eight o'clock on the morning of the fifth instant, under orders from Brig.-Gen. Veatch, the Forty-sixth regiment took position on the right ofulates the armies of the West for another great victory won by them on the third, fourth, and fifth inst., over the combined armies of Van Dorn, Price, and Lovell. The enemy chose his own time and
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