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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 3: political affairs.--Riots in New York.--Morgan's raid North of the Ohio. (search)
Blue Ridge, and using its gaps as circumstances might dictate. Only his cavalry advance, under General Gregg, enntered the Shenandoah Valley. That leader crossed the Potomac at Harper's Ferry on the day when Lee passed over above, and, pushing on to Shepherdstown, he there encountered, fought and beat Confederate cavalry under Fitzhugh Lee, each party being dismounted, on account of the ground being rough and wooded, and each losing about one one hundred men. David McM. Gregg. On the 17th and 18th of July, Meade's army crossed the Potomac, chiefly at and near Berlin, and moved rapidly southward by way of Lovettsville, Union, Upperville, and Warrenton, seizing the gaps of the Blue Ridge on its way. Its route was that which it had followed northward under Hooker a few weeks before. It reached Warrenton on the 25th of July, after a detention at Manassas Gap, where Meade had been led to expect an engagement of the two armies in large force. At that time Meade had the start of Le
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 5: the Chattanooga campaign.--movements of Sherman's and Burnside's forces. (search)
train was behind, and he hoped to remove a greater portion of his stores before it should come up, satisfied that he could not hold the place against the host then hemming it in. Under cover of a fog, on the morning of the 13th, July. he made a sortie, but with no other result than the production of some confusion, and a considerable loss of life on his part. Finally, on the 16th, when he knew that Sherman's ammunition had arrived, he prepared for a speedy departure, and that night July 16, 17. he hurried across the Pearl River, burning the bridges behind him, and pushed on through Brandon to Morton. Sherman's loss in the recapture of Jackson, excepting Lauman's troops, was trifling. Johnston reported his loss in Jackson at about 600, and added that on his retreat desertions were frequent. Sherman did not pursue in force beyond the former place, his chief object being to drive off the Confederate army and make Vicksburg secure. For this purpose he broke up the railway at interv
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 7: the siege of Charleston to the close of 1863.--operations in Missouri, Arkansas, and Texas. (search)
s south of Fort Blunt, where they were waiting for three regiments from Texas, under General Cabell, to join them in an attack on the post. Blunt had heard of this peril, and hence his rapid march. He was informed that the Texans would arrive on the 17th, so he marched at once upon Cooper's camp, with three thousand troops, infantry and cavalry, and twelve light cannon, to assail him before his re-enforcements should come up. He left the fort at midnight, and at ten o'clock the next day July 17. he attacked Cooper in two columns, led respectively by Colonels Phillips and Judson, his cavalry, dismounted, acting as infantry on each flank, with carbines. At the end of, two hours hard fighting the Confederates gave way. They were pursued through the woods into an open prairie, and scattered in wild disorder, leaving one hundred and fifty of their number dead, and seventy-seven of them prisoners, with a disabled gun and two hundred small-arms. The number of their wounded was estimate
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 13: invasion of Maryland and Pennsylvania-operations before Petersburg and in the Shenandoah Valley. (search)
tion of Lieutenant-Colonel Pleasants. The excavation was made through soft earth for some distance, when a stratum of marl, of the consistence of putty, was encountered, to avoid which the direction of the gallery was made to assume that of an inclined plane for about 100 feet. The earth (18,000 cubic feet In bulk) was taken out in barrows constructed of cracker-boxes, and concealed under brushwood, for it was important that no knowledge of the work should reach the Confederates. On the 17th of July the main gallery was completed, 510 feet in length, when lateral galleries were made under the doomed fort, for the magazines of gunpowder. These extended about 37 feet on each side of the termination of the main gallery. The powder, consisting of 320 kegs in bulk, or about 8,000 pounds, was placed in eight magazines, connected by wooden tubes half filled with powder. These were connected with three lines of fuses in the main gallery. These excavations were made secure from accident b
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 14: Sherman's campaign in Georgia. (search)
and in taking measures for making and keeping his communications perfect. When this was accomplished, he was impelled forward by considerations which could not be unheeded. Atlanta lay before us, he said, only eight miles distant, and was too important a place, in the hands of an enemy, to be left undisturbed, with its magazines, stores, arsenals, workshops, founderies, &c., and more especially its railroads, which converge there from the four great cardinal points. Accordingly, on the 17th of July, he resumed active operations, by throwing Thomas's army across the Chattahoochee, close upon Schofield's right, with directions to move forward by Buckland. Schofield was ordered to move by Cross Keys, at the same time, and with McPherson, who was on the extreme left, at Roswell, to march rapidly against the Augusta railway, at some point east of Decatur, and near Stone Mountain. In obedience to these orders, the whole army made a right-wheel movement, and closed in upon Atlanta from