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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 3 3 Browse Search
Brigadier-General Ellison Capers, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 5, South Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 2 2 Browse Search
James Buchanan, Buchanan's administration on the eve of the rebellion 1 1 Browse Search
Hon. J. L. M. Curry , LL.D., William Robertson Garrett , A. M. , Ph.D., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 1.1, Legal Justification of the South in secession, The South as a factor in the territorial expansion of the United States (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 1 1 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies 1 1 Browse Search
Mary Thacher Higginson, Thomas Wentworth Higginson: the story of his life 1 1 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Letters and Journals of Thomas Wentworth Higginson 1 1 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 2. (ed. Frank Moore) 1 1 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 1 1 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: July 20, 1861., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Editorial paragraphs. (search)
-Map of the Seat of War in South Carolina and Georgia. Major Norman S. Walker, Liverpool.--Five bound volumes of the London Index, from May 1st 1862, to August 12th 1865. E. V. Fox, Esq.--Fox's mission to Russia in 1866. Mrs. Henry Pye, Richmond, Virginia.--Mss. of General Lee's final and full Report of the Pennsylvania Campaign (dated January 1864), copied by Michael Kelly, Clerk to General S. Cooper. R. S. Hollins, Baltimore, Maryland.--One bound file of Baltimore Sun, from October, 1860, to December 31st, 1865.--T. Ditterline's sketch of the battles of Gettysburg.--M. Jacobs' Invasion of Pennsylvania and Battle of Gettysbnrg. John McRae, Camden, South Carolina.--Complete file of Charleston Courier from May 1856 to February 1865.--Complete file of Richmond Dispatch from April 1861 to April 1864. James T. Bowyer, Fincastle, Virginia.--Lot of miscellaneous Confederate newspapers. Miss Kate McCall, Louisiana, through Colonel G. W. Terrell, New Orleans.--Five Scrap
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 5: events in Charleston and Charleston harbor in December, 1860.--the conspirators encouraged by the Government policy. (search)
or nearly so, there being embrasures. Its complement of heavy guns was one hundred and forty, but only seventy-five were now in the work. For some time a large number of men had been employed in mounting ordnance there, and otherwise putting the fort in order for defense, yet there was no regular garrison to man it. Fort Johnson, on James Island, directly West from Fort Sumter, was of but little account then as a fortification. It was a relic of the old war for Independence. In October, 1860, Colonel Gardner was removed from the command in Charleston Harbor, by Floyd, for attempting to increase his supply of ammunition, History of the War for the Preservation of the Union: by Lorenzo H. Whiting, 1. 145. and Major Robert Anderson, a native of Kentucky, and a meritorious officer in the war with Mexico, was appointed to succeed him in November. He arrived there on the 20th, and assumed .the command. He was convinced, from the tone of conversation and feeling in Charleston,
ice, through years of doubt, depression, and disaster, the second place in importance, and the first in the magnitude of its requirements, and had discharged its duties with preeminent ability, energy, and courage. When he accepted it, on the accession of Mr. Lincoln, the Finances were already in chaos; the current revenue being inadequate, even in the absence of all expenditure or preparation for war; his predecessor Howell Cobb, of Georgia. having attempted to borrow $10,000,000 in October, 1860, and obtained only $7,022,000-the bidders to whom the balance was awarded choosing to forfeit their initial deposit rather than take and pay for their bonds. Thenceforth, he had tided over till his resignation, by selling treasury notes payable a year from date at 6 to 12 per cent. discount; and when, after he had vanished from the scene, Gen. Dix, who succeeded him in Mr. Buchanan's Cabinet, attempted In Feb., 1861. to borrow a small sum on twenty-year bonds at 6 per cent., he was o
n monarchical Governments, if the progressive spirit of the Democracy of the United States is allowed to succeed. Elect Lincoln, and the first blow to the separation of the United States is effected. --London Morning Chronicle. I hold, further, that there is no evil in this country for which the Constitution and laws will not furnish a remedy. Then we must maintain outer rights inside of the Union in conformity with the Constitution, and not break up the Union. --Douglas at Memphis, October, 1860. Brothers, there are times when nations Must, like battle-worn men, Leave their proud, self-builded quiet, To do service once again; When the banners blessed by Fortune, And by blood and brain embalmed, Must re-throb the soul with feelings That long happiness hath calmed. Thus the Democratic faith that won The Nation, now hath need To raise its ever-stalwart arm, And save what twice it freed. So, friends, fill up The brimming cup In brotherly communion; Here's blood and blow For a fore
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Anderson, Robert, -1871 (search)
1861; born near Louisville, Ky., June 14, 1805. He was a graduate of West Point Military Academy, and entered the artillery. He was instructor for a while at West Point. He served in the Black Hawk War q. v.), and in Florida. In May, 1838, he became assistant adjutant-general on the stair of General Scott, and accompanied that officer in his campaign in Mexico, where he was severely wounded in the battle of Molino Del Rey (q. v.) In 1857 he was commissioned major of artillery, and in October, 1860, Secretary Floyd removed Colonel Gardiner from the command of the defences of Charleston Harbor, because he attempted to increase his supply of ammunition. and Major Anderson was appointed to succeed him. He arrived there on the 20th, and was satisfied, by the tone of conversation and feeling in Charleston, and by the military drills going on, that a revolution was to be inaugurated there. He communicated his suspicions to Adjutant-General Cooper. In that letter Anderson announced R
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Indiana, (search)
hn Gibsonacting1812 Thomas PoseyappointedMarch 3, 1813 Governors of State. Jonathan Jenningsassumes officeNov. 7, 1816 William Hendricksassumes officeDec. 4, 1822 James B. Rayassumes officeFeb. 12, 1825 Noah Nobleassumes officeDec. 7, 1831 David Wallaceassumes officeDec. 6, 1837 Samuel Biggerassumes officeDec. 9, 1840 James Whitcombassumes officeDec. 6, 1843 Joseph A. Wrightassumes officeDec. 6, 1849 Ashbel P. Willardassumes officeJan. 12, 1857 Abraham A. Hammondassumes officeOct. 1860 Henry S. Laneelected U. S. SenatorJan. 1861 Oliver P. Mortonassumes officeJan. 1861 Conrad Bakerassumes officeJan. 1867 Thomas A. Hendricksassumes officeJan. 1873 James D. Williamsassumes officeJan. 1877 Albert G. Porterassumes officeJan. 1881 Isaac P. Grayassumes officeJan. 1885 Alvin P. Hovey(died in office)Jan. 1889 Ira J. Chase, lieut.-gov.actingNov. 1891 Claude Matthewsassumes officeJan. 1, 1893 James A. Mountassumes officeJan. 1897 Winfield T. Durbinassumes officeJan. 190
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), McNair, Frederick Vallette 1839- (search)
McNair, Frederick Vallette 1839- Naval officer; born in Jenkintown, Pa., Jan. 13, 1839; graduated at the United States Naval Academy in June. 1857; promoted passed midshipman, June, 1860; master, October, 1860; lieutenant, April, 1861; lieutenant-commander, April, 1864; commander, January, 1872; captain, October, 1883; commodore, May, 1895; rear-admiral, 1898. In the latter year he was appointed superintendent of the United States Naval Academy. During the Civil War he took part in many engagements, including the actions at Fort Jackson, Fort St. Philip, and the Chalmette batteries; the capture of New Orleans; the opening of the Mississippi River; and the engagements and surrender at Fort Fisher. He died in Washington, D. C., Nov. 28, 1900.
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Letters and Journals of Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Chapter 2: the Worcester period (search)
said she quickly, snow is eggs, you know — in cookery. . . . Then she also told me of a little girl who said snow was popped rain, which I think inimitable. April, 1862 Since that Letter to a young Contributor I have more wonderful effusions than ever sent me to read with request for advice, which is hard to give ... One begins: Summer is come Winter is gone On! the brier And prickly thorn and ends: My little home Is safe and sound And I'm a tiller of the ground Worcester, October, 1860 ... It so happens that we have just had a visit from Edwin Morton, Gerrit Smith's private tutor, who went to Europe at the time of John Brown. The wicked flea, whom no man pursueth, Judge Russell satirically termed him: but he is a very cultivated and refined person and had that career among English literati which seems to be cheaply open to all young Yankees. A letter without date describes Colonel Higginson's first meeting with Anne Whitney, the poet and sculptor: Here I
Mary Thacher Higginson, Thomas Wentworth Higginson: the story of his life, XI: John Brown and the call to arms (search)
s you. You may not remember me, but I saw you in September, 1856, at Nebraska City when you were coming out of the Territory with Gen. Lane .. Death is only a step in life and there is no more reason why we should fear to go from one world into another than from one room into another. . . . The world where John Brown is cannot be a bad one to live in. . . . My wife would have been willing that I should risk my life to save yours had that been possible. Recalling these events in October, 1860, Mr. Higginson wrote in his journal:— Last year at this time I was worn and restless with inability to do anything for John Brown. Not that I grudged him his happy death—but it seemed terrible to yield him to Virginia. The effort to rescue Stevens and Hazlett—undertaken on my sole responsibility—restored my self-respect. It did not fail like the Burns rescue through the timidity of others—but simply through the impracticability of the thing. I would not have accepted any one
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies, chapter 36 (search)
ovember of the same year he had been driven out of the woods by the cold and wet, so he had fallen back upon school-teaching again. His spirits were as lively as ever. In June, 1860, he was back at his farm, but, from want of help, had only been able to plant, with wheat, about two acres. He was again at work chopping trees. His house was not yet finished, and he was still living — in camp. A passage in an address delivered by him before the North Aroostook Agricultural Society, in October, 1860, paints what seems to have been a chief attraction in the life he was now leading:— If chopping trees be hard work, there is some poetry as well as plain prose in it. There is much poetry in the life of a pioneer, while camping out in the woods with nothing to disturb the quiet but the hooting of owls, the chattering of squirrels, and the singing of birds. Poetry there is in two volumes: first, that he is doing a good and pious work; second, that there is a good time coming when h
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