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f justice from the North was gone, and that nothing remained but separation, and, if necessary, war to maintain the rights of the South; and while the discussion was going on, the Mayor of Savannah had already pledged fifty thousand Georgians to rally to the aid of South Carolina, if needed. It was impossible for any checks of authority or arts of the demagogue to restrain the popular sentiment in the Cotton States that clamoured to follow the example of South Carolina. On the 7th day of January, 1861, the State of Florida seceded from the Union. Mississippi followed on the 9th day of the same month; Alabama on the 11th; Georgia on the 20th; Louisiana on the 26th; and Texas on the 1st of February. Thus, in less than three months after the announcement of Mr. Lincoln's election, all the Cotton States had seceded from the Union. They had done more than this. They had secured all the forts, arsenals, and government places lying within their territory, with the exception of For
, 1863. Bell, Joseph M. Born in New Hampshire. Appointed from Massachusetts. Major, Assistant Adj. General, U. S. Volunteers, Nov. 7, 1863. Resigned, Jan. 18, 1865. Died, Sept. 10, 1868. Bell, Luther V. Born in New Hampshire. Major, Surgeon, 11th Mass. Infantry, June 13, 1861. Major, Surgeon, U. S. Volunteers, Aug. 3, 1861. Died, Feb. 11, 1862, at Budd's Ferry, Md. Bellows, Alonzo J. Born in Massachusetts. Private and Corporal, 2d U. S. Dragoons, Jan. 7, 1856, to Jan. 7, 1861. Private and First Sergeant, 14th U. S. Infantry, Aug. 10 to Nov. 25, 1861. Second Lieutenant, Nov. 20, 1861. First Lieutenant, Sept. 17, 1862. Resigned, Sept. 28, 1865. Benson, Frederick Shepard. Born at Boston, Mass., Nov. 29, 1838. Sergeant Major, 22d Mass. Infantry, Oct. 8, 1861. Second Lieutenant, Feb. 17, 1862. First Lieutenant, Adjutant, June 28, 1862. Detached as Second Lieutenant, U. S. Signal Corps, Mar. 3, 1863. Discharged as First Lieutenant, 22d Mass. Infantry, Aug.
Feb. 27, 1845 Resigned, Oct. 6, 1845 Died, Nov. 20, 1845 Josiah Quincy, Jr., inaugurated, Dec. 11, 1845 Died, Nov. 2, 1882 John P. Bigelow, inaugurated, Jan. 1, 1849 Died, July 4, 1872 Benjamin Seaver, inaugurated, Jan. 5, 1852 Died, Feb. 11, 1856 Jerome V. C. Smith, inaugurated, Jan. 10, 1854 Died, aged 79, Aug. 20, 1879 Alexander H. Rice, inaugurated, Jan. 7, 1856 Frederick W. Lincoln, Jr. inaugurated, Jan. 4, 1858 Joseph M. Wightman, inaugurated, Jan. 7, 1861 Frederick W. Lincoln, Jr., again inaugurated, Jan. 5, 1863 Otis Norcross, inaugurated, Jan. 7, 1867 Mayors Otis Norcross, died, Sep. 5, 1882 Nathaniel B. Shurtleff, inaugurated, Jan. 6, 1868 Died, Oct. 17, 1874 William Gaston, inaugurated, Jan. 2, 1871 Henry L. Pierce, Jan. 6, 1873 Resigned, Nov. 28, 1873 Samuel C. Cobb, inaugurated, Jan. 5, 1874 Frederick O. Prince, Jan. 1, 1877 Henry L. Pierce, again inaugurated, Jan. 7, 1878 Frederick O. Prince,
ld not order Major Anderson to return to Fort Moultrie. On the 30th, South Carolina took possession of the United States arsenal at Charleston. This rapid succession of disintegrating events marked the close of 1860. Between the 2d and 7th of January, 1861, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama and Florida took possession of a number of United States forts and arsenals within their borders, although none of these except South Carolina had as yet seceded. On the 8th, Jacob Thompson, of Mississipp been demanded by authorities of the States in which they were situated. In the midst of this stirring and rapid sequence of events, Gov. John Letcher, by proclamation, convened the general assembly of Virginia in extra session, on the 7th of January, 1861, to consider the critical political condition of the country. On the 14th that body ordered an election, on the following 4th of February, of delegates to a convention of the State, the people at the same time to vote on the question as t
cordance with my cherished views, I avowed my readiness and eagerness to accept it, in order to save the Union, if we could unite upon it. No man has labored harder than I have to get it passed. I can confirm the Senator's declaration that Senator Davis himself, when on the Committee of Thirteen, was ready, at all times, to compromise on the Crittenden proposition. I will go further and say that Mr. Toombs was also ready to do so. Con. Globe, 1860-61, p. 1391. Besides, on the 7th January, 1861, Mr. Toombs, only twelve days before his State seceded, said: But although I insist upon this perfect equality in the Territories, when it was proposed, as I understand the Senator from Kentucky now proposes, that the line of 36° 30′ shall be extended, acknowledging and protecting our property on the south side of that line, for the sake of peace, permanent peace, I said to the Committee of Thirteen, and I say here, that with other satisfactory provisions, I would accept it, etc., etc.
Brigadier-General Ellison Capers, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 5, South Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Additional Sketches Illustrating the services of officers and Privates and patriotic citizens of South Carolina. (search)
nson Joseph Brunson was born in Edgefield county, S. C., July 20, 1840. He received his education in the schools of his native county and for a time attended the Arsenal, a military school at Columbia. He entered the Confederate service January 7, 1861, as a private in Company C, Gregg's First South Carolina infantry, and served with that company until they disbanded six months later. He then enlisted in Company D, Fourteenth South Carolina regiment, as a private and served as such during. Holmes is the only survivor of six brothers in the Confederate service, the others being: Edmund Green Holmes, of the Charleston light dragoons, who died in 1889; Robert L. Holmes, of the Carolina light infantry, killed at Castle Pinckney, January 7, 1861; Thomas G. Holmes, also of the light dragoons, killed at Hawe's Shop, Va., in 1864; Philip G. Holmes, of the light infantry, killed at Cold Harbor, 1862; and James B. Holmes, who served on the coast and died from disease in 1863. William
ma's distinguished soldiers. I have made quite a wide digression and have devoted considerable space to the endeavor to reproduce the sentiments prevailing among the most intellectual and patriotic leaders of the Northern States of the Union on the subject of State rights up to the very outbreak of hostilities. In obedience to the act of the legislature, on December 6th, Governor Moore issued the proclamation ordering an election to be held on December 24th. The convention met on January 7, 1861, in the hall of representatives at Montgomery. Of the 100 men composing this body, many afterward proved their devotion to their State on the battlefield and in legislative halls, and some of them now hold high posts of honor in the reconstructed Union. The Rev. Basil Manly, ex-president of the State university, opened the proceedings with a touching and eloquent prayer: Almighty Father, Maker of Heaven and Earth; King eternal, immortal, invisible; the only wise God! We adore T
upholding the negative of the issue. Under the provisions of the bill convoking the sovereign people of the State in convention, passed by both branches of the legislature without a dissenting voice, an election for delegates to the convention was held at the time and places mentioned, resulting in favor of secession delegates by a popular majority of not less than 18,000. The delegates elected, one hundred in all, assembled at the capitol in the city of Jackson on Monday, the 7th day of January, 1861, and on the following Wednesday, the 9th day of January, 1861, the ordinance of secession was adopted. Subsequently Mr. Clayton, of Marshall, from the committee to which was referred the subject of preparing an address setting forth the causes which induce and justify the secession of Mississippi from the Federal Union, submitted the following report: A Declaration of the Immediate Causes which induce and justify the Secession of the State of Mississippi from the Federal Unio
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 16. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.35 (search)
teal a negro. He made a similar refusal to Virginia. These Governors were sworn to support the Constitution of the United States, and certainly understood its plain command. In 1793, while Washington was President, an act was passed to carry out the provision for the return of fugitive slaves. It was adopted unanimously in the Senate, and nearly so in the House. The Federal and State courts held it to be constitutional, and yet these Governors refused to execute it. On the 7th of January, 1861, more than two weeks after South Carolina had passed her ordinance of secession, Mr. Toombs, of Georgia, in a speech in the Senate, said: The Supreme Court has decided that by the Constitution we have a right to go to the territories and be protected with our property. Mr. Lincoln says he does not care what the Supreme Court decides, he will turn us out anyhow. He says this in his debate with the Honorable Senator from Illinois, Mr. Dunlap. I have it before me. He said he would vot
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 29. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.46 (search)
lomacy must needs wait on some positive military success, and at that time there had been little actual conflict of arms. In addition to this, Mr. Toombs was looking forward to military service, and during the summer of 1861 he left the Department to become a brigadier-general. He achieved no special distinction in this role, and his fame must rest chiefly on what he said and did during his long and brilliant service in the Federal Congress. Alexander H. Stephens said of his speech of January 7, 1861, that it deserved a place by the side of that of Pericles on a like occasion. R. M. T. Hunter. Mr. Toomb's successor in the Confederate State Department after July, 1861, the Hon. Robert M. T. Hunter, of Virginia, was a man of very different mold. Educated at the famous University of Virginia, and for the bar, he went, after a brief law practice, into the service of the State. He was always a careful student of history and of the science of politics in its most elevated sphere o
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