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Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, ANTONINUS ET FAUSTINA, TEMPLUM (search)
ame of the temple was templum d. Antonini et d. Faustinae (so a fragment of the Fasti if 213-236 A.D., CIL vi. 2001), but it was also called templum Faustinae (Hist. Aug. Salon. I; Not. Reg. IV) and templum d. Pii (Hist. Aug. Carac. 4). It is represented on coins of Faustina (Cohen 2, Faustina senior, Nos. I, 64-71, 191-194, 253-255, 274). In the seventh>/dateRange> or eighth century this temple, apparently in good condition, was converted into the church of S. Lorenzo in Miranda (Armellini 2, 156-157; HCh 288), the floor of which is about 12 metres above the ancient level. Excavations in front of the temple were undertaken in 1546 (LS ii. 193-196; JRS 1919, 183), 1810, 1876, 1885 (HJ 9), and in 1899 and following years (CR 1899, 186; 1902, 285; BC 1900, 62-63; 1902, 30-31; NS 1899, 77), when the whole eastern side was exposed to view. It was hexastyle prostyle, with two columns on each side, besides those at the corners, and pilasters in antis. The columns are of cipollino, 17
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, BASILICA IULIA (search)
uint. xii. 5. 6) and a statue of Crispus was set up here as a reward for his frequent pleadings before the Emperor Domitian (Schol. Iuv. 4. 81). The basilica is mentioned in several inscriptions (CIL vi. 9709, 9711, 9712, 32296), in Reg. (Reg. VIII), and by Pol. Silv. (545). The amount and magnificence of the marble used in this basilica marked it as the special prey of the vandals of the middle ages, and a lime kiln was found on its very pavement (LD passim; BC 1891, 229-236). In the seventh or eighth century, the outer aisle on the west side was converted into a church (Archivio Storico dell' Arte, 1896, 164; Frothingham, Monuments of Christian Rome (New York 1908) 83); this has generally been identified with S. Maria de Cannapara, mentioned in the catalogues of the twelfth to fifteenth centuries, which must, however, have been at a considerably higher level (HCh 321). Nor can it be S. Maria in Foro (HCh 335); cf. HFP 15. The basilica occupied a space 101 metres long an
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, PONS AEMILIUS (search)
g in the forum Boarium in front of the Ponte Rotto described as arcus marmoreus in platea pontis S. Mariae (Anon. Magl. 155), on which was an inscription (CIL vi. 878) referring to a restoration by Augustus after 12 B.C. It is possible that this restoration may have been that of the bridge. Besides pons S. Mariae (LS ii. 22-28; iv. 49, 84) this bridge was called in the Middle Ages pons Senatorum (Mirab. II), and pons Maior (Eins. 7. 4; cf. Delbruck, Hellenistische Bauten i. 14). In the seventh century Aethicus (loc. cit.) writes: pontem Lepidi qui nunc abusive a plebe lapideus dicitur iuxta forum boarium transiens. Both these early variants of Aemilius are easily explained, Lepidi from Aemilius, and lapideus from the tradition that it was the first stone bridge (Plut. loc. cit.). The identification of the pons Aemilius of the empire with the present Ponte Rotto may be regarded as certain. This bridge was partially destroyed by the flood of 1557 (cf. M61. 1906, 189-193) and repaired b
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, PORTA CORNELIA (search)
PORTA CORNELIA mentioned only in a seventh (?) century document(GMU 87; R. ii. 404; Jord. ii. 580). It was on the right bank of the Tiber, near the south-west corner of the mausoleum of Hadrian, and spanned the VIA CORNELIA (q.v.), which ran west from the head of the pons Aelius. The date of the first porta Cornelia is not known, but in the time of Procopius (BG i. 22) a portico was already in existence from near the mausoleum to S. Peter's, by which time also the fortifications of the mausoleum were continued down to the bank of the river, and the porta Cornelia must have formed a passage through them (Jord. i. I. 375-377, 390; ii. 166; T ix. 473; cf. also PORTA AURELIA). It seems very doubtful whether any remains of this gate survived as late as the sixteenth century (Richter 72).
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, PORTA PINCIANA (search)
ANA : a gate in the Aurelian wall, famous for its defence by Belisarius. On the keystone is a Greek cross (Procop. BG i. 19, 23, 24, 29; ii. I, 2, 5, 9, 10; seven times puli/s, five times pu/lh or pu/lai). It was still open in the eighth century, but was closed in the ninth century (DMH: porta Pinciana clausa; the addition of the last word must have been made at a later period, unless with Lanciani, we refuse to attribute the DMH to Honorius). The name had already become corrupt in the seventh century (tertia porta Porciniana (Portitiana, al.) et via eodem modo appellata, sed cum pervenit ad Salariam nomen perdit; GMU 87; R. ii. 404). It was closed in 1808 and re-opened in 1887. It was originally a postern, and was transformed into a gate by Honorius, who converted the square tower on the right into a semi-circular one, and added the. round tower on the left. At one time it had three stories, as older views show. The arch is of travertine and so was the threshold; one of the slabs of
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, REGIA (search)
ng the round block of peperino with the inscription A. COVRI (second century B.C.). A fragment of a puteal was also found, bearing the name REGIA (CIL ij. 1007, 1008). At the south-west end of the marble building is a small room, and near this in the wall was found the inscription (NS 1899, 128) of the SCHOLA KALATORUM (q.v.), but no identification of any of the existing divisions of the ruins with any of the parts of the ancient regia mentioned in classical literature is possible. In the seventh or eighth century the regia was transformed into a private house, the traces of which are visible in all parts of the area, but especially along the Sacra via, where the house was approached by a flight of two steps roughly made of marble and travertine, on which stood a row of cipollino columns taken from some ancient building. Literature: general-Jord. i. 2. 298-304, 423-429; Gilb. i. 225-227, 305-310, 341-352; iii. 407-410; Thedenat 91-94, 274-277; HC 180-185; RE i. A. 465-469; WR 502;
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, REGIONES QUATTUORDECIM (search)
were taken, and then were placed by careless editing at the head of the list of buildings in each region. It is further to be noted that, even when they are those of buildings, they are not repeated in these lists. (cf. REGIO-PALATII, REGIO CAMPI MARTII, Suet. Caes. 39, Aug. 5, Nero 12, de gramm. 2; and TEMPLUM PACIS for Region IV, which could not have been used at all until after that building was erected by Vespasian.) This division into fourteen regions continued in force until the seventh century when an ecclesiastical division into seven regions was introduced and opened the way for the entirely different organisation of the Middle Ages. From the Regionary Catalogue it is possible to determine with some precision, in most cases, the limits of these regions in the fourth century, but it is a different matter to do this for the Augustan division, inasmuch as it is certain that the outer boundaries at least had been extended at some points during the intervening three hundred year
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, THERMAE AGRIPPAE (search)
Agrippae; cf. also a reference in CIL vi. 9797=AL 294). An inscription (vi. 1165) of 344/5 A.D. recording a restoration by Constantius and Constans of 'termas vetustate labefactas' was found near the church of S. Maria in Monterone close' to the west side of the baths of Agrippa, and therefore probably refers to them. They are mentioned in the Regionary Catalogue (Reg. IX), by Sid. Apollinaris (loc. cit.), and in the sixth century (Greg. Magn. Reg. vi. 42; ix. 137; Kehr i. 98). By the seventh century the destruction of the building was well under way, and that its marble was burned into lime is shown by the name Calcararium, applied to the immediate vicinity somewhat later (Mirabilia 23; Jord. ii. 439; LS i. 25). They are, however, mentioned as Thermae Commodianae in Eins. 1. 4; 2. 4; 4. 8; 8. 6. The general plan of these thermae is known from a fragment of the Marble Plan found in 1900 (NS 1900, 633-634; BC 1901, 3-19; LS ii. 209; Mitt. 1905, 75); from drawings and plans of the si
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, DIVUS VESPASIANUS, TEMPLUM (search)
n by Titus (AJA 1912, 411) but completed by Domitian, and called templum Vespasiani et Titi (Chron. 146; Not. Reg. VIII), although only Vespasian's name appears in the original inscription on the upper part of the architrave (CIL vi. 938:divo Vespasiano Augusto SPQR). Beneath this was added a second line (Impp. Caes. Severus et Antoninus Pii felices Augg. Restituerunt), which indicates a restoration, probably not extensive, by Severus and Caracalla. This inscription was complete in the seventh century and was copied by the compiler of the Einsiedeln Itinerary, but only the end of the last word has been preserved. The temple was prostyle hexastyle, 33 metres long and 22 wide, with an unusual arrangement of the steps on account of the narrow space between the Tabularium, against which it was built, and the clivus Capitolinus. The existing remains consist of the core of the podium with some of its peperino lining, two fragments of the cella wall of travertine, part of the pedestal in th