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ed alive. Of the other boats, an uncertain story reached Cabeza, that one foundered in the gulf; that the crews of the two others gained the shore; that Narvaez was afterwards driven out to sea; that the stranded men began wandering towards the west; and that at last all of them but one perished fearfully from hunger. Those who were with Cabeza and Castillo, gradually wasted away from cold, and want, and despair; but Cabeza de Vaca, Dorantes, Castillo, and Estevanico, a blackamoor from Barbary, bore up against every Chap. II.} 1528. ill, and though scattered among various tribes, took thought for each other's welfare. The brave Cabeza de Vaca, as self-possessed a hero as ever graced a fiction, fruitful in resources and never wasting time in complaints of fate or fortune, studied the habits and the languages of the Indians, accustomed himself to their modes of life; peddled little articles of commerce from tribe to tribe in the interior and along the coast for forty or fifty l
ursions into the neighboring villages and towns to enslave the inhabitants. Greek pirates, roving, like the corsairs of Barbary, in quest of men, laid the foundations of Greek commerce; each commercial town was a slave-mart; and every cottage near es; the number of them sold into Christian bondage exceeded the number of all the Christians ever sold by the pirates of Barbary. The clergy, who had pleaded successfully for the Christian, felt no sympathy for the unbeliever. The final victory ofnd had spread from the native regions of the Aethiopian race to the heart of Egypt on the one hand, and to the coasts of Barbary on the other. Edrisius and Leo Africanus, in Hune, i. 150—163. Hune's volumes deserve to be more known. But the a half century before the discovery of America. It was not long after the first conquests of the 1415. Portuguese in Barbary, that the passion for gain, the love of conquest, and the hatred of the infidels, conducted their navy to the ports of W