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G. S. Hillard, Life and Campaigns of George B. McClellan, Major-General , U. S. Army, Appendix. Oration at West Point. (search)
erals as Richardson, Williams, Terrill, Stevens, Weed, strong, Saunders, and Hayes, lost their lives while in the midst of a career of usefulness. Young Bayard, so like the most renowned of his name, that knight above fear and above reproach, was cut off too early for his country, and that excellent staff-officer, Colonel Garesche, fell while gallantly doing his duty. No regiments can spare such gallant, devoted, and able commanders as Rossell, Davis, Gove, Simmons, Bailey, Putnam, and Kingsbury,--all of whom fell in the thickest of the combat,--some of them veterans, and others young in service, all good men and well-beloved. Our batteries have partially paid their terrible debt to fate in the loss of such commanders as Greble, the first to fall in this war, Benson, Hazzard, Smead, de Hart, Hazlitt, and those gallant boys, Kirby, Woodruff, Dimmick, and Cushing; while the engineers lament the promising and gallant Wagner and cross. Beneath remote battle-fields rest the corps
far from us, in time and place, when Turenne had, after months of successful manoeuvring, finally forced his enemy into a position which gave assurance of victory, and had marshaled his forces for a decisive battle, he was, when making a preliminary reconnaissance, killed by a chance shot; then his successor, instead of attacking, retreated, and all which the one had gained for France, the other lost. To take another example, not quite so conclusive, it was epigrammatically said by Lieutenant Kingsbury, when writing of the battle of Buena Vista, that if the last shot, fired at the close of the second day's conflict, had killed General Taylor, the next morning's sun would have risen upon the strange spectacle of two armies in full retreat from each other, the field for which they had fought being in the possession of neither. What material consequences would have flowed from the supposed event—how the Mexican people would have been inspired by the retreat of our army, how far it wo
. Kearney, General, 275. Kearsarge (ship), 214. Fight with the Alabama, 315-16. Kellogg, W. P., 642. Kemper, General, 103, 273. Kennon, Lt., Beverly, 185. Report of loss of Governor Moore, 186. Kent, Chancellor, 227. Kentucky, subversion of state government, 395-99. Kernstown, Battle of, 97. Kershaw, General, 131, 361, 451, 452-53, 454, 563, 564, 565. Keyes, General, 72, 105, 106. Kilpatrick, General, 423, 426, 539. Raid on Richmond, 424. King, Preston, 417. Kingsbury, Lieutenant, 54. Kirkland, General, 435. Kollock, Dr., 605. L Lafayette, Marquis de, 404. Laird, Messrs., account of building of the Alabama, 208-10. Lamb, Colonel, 548. Lane, General, 297. James H., 417. Law, General, 284, 285, 361. Lawton, Gen. A. R., 110, 133-34, 265, 272, 281,284, 285,550, 569. Lea, Lieutenant, 198. Lee. Captain, 82. Charles, 426. Edmund I., 448. Gen. Fitzhugh, 271, 279, 281, 284, 300, 302, 449, 544, 556, 558, 563. Gen. G. W. C., 85, 424, 426, 562, 563-6
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Morris, Lewis 1671-1746 (search)
Morris, Lewis 1671-1746 Statesman; born in New York City, in 1671; son of Richard Morris, an officer in Cromwell's army, who, after settling in New York, purchased (1650) the tract on which Morrisania was subsequently built. Lewis was judge of the Supreme Court of New Jersey, and a member of the council; for several years was chief-justice of New York and New Jersey, and governor of New Jersey from 1738 to 1746. He died in Kingsbury, N. J., May 21, 1746. His son, Robert Hunter (born about 1700; died Jan. 27, 1764), was chief-justice of New Jersey for twenty years, and for twenty-six years one of the council. A signer of the Declaration of Independence; born in Morrisania, N. Y., in 1726; graduated at Yale College in 1746, and was in Congress in 1775, serving on some of the most important committees. To him was assigned the delicate task of detaching the Western Indians from the British interest, and early in 1776 he resumed his seat in Congress. His fine estate near
George Meade, The Life and Letters of George Gordon Meade, Major-General United States Army (ed. George Gordon Meade), chapter 4 (search)
the order was countermanded before the time for moving came. I saw your brother Willie yesterday; he is quite well, but greatly disgusted in not having been in any of the recent battles. Although the papers are silent on the subject of the Pennsylvania Reserves, yet I can assure you in the army they are now acknowledged as the best division for fighting in the whole army, and are praised everywhere. James Biddle arrived the day after the last battle and joined Ricketts' staff. Young Kingsbury, whom you may remember seeing at Mrs. Turnbull's, was killed. One of my aides, Lieutenant Riddle, of Pittsburg, was shot in the hand. Old Baldy is doing well and is good for lots of fights yet. camp near Sharpsburg, September 27, 1862. I have received your letters of the 20th and 23d. In the latter you had received my pencil note of the 18th, and were aware of my success and promotion, which I must say you take in the most humble manner and pretty much as if it were no more than y
, Washington, II, 240, 241. Kelley, B. F., II, 309, 310. Kelly, Patrick, II, 86. Kemper, James L., I, 287-289, 293. Kendrick, Henry L., I, 12. Kent, Mr., II, 214. Kern, Gen., I, 286, 289, 291. Kershaw, Joseph B., II, 80, 85, 86. Ketland, John, I, 3. Ketland, Thomas, I, 3. Keyes, Erasmus D., I, 250, 253, 284. Kilpatrick, Judson, II, 8, 17, 23, 26, 65, 94, 100, 126, 130, 169, 170, 191, 267. King, Charles, I, 253, 254. King, Rufus, I, 256, 259, 262. Kingsbury, Mr., I, 313. Kinzie, David H., II, 98. Knapp, Joseph M., II, 99. Knieriem, Gen., I, 286, 288, 289. Kuhn, James Hamilton, I, 220, 222, 227, 228, 235, 244, 274, 298, 300, 315, 345, 365. L Lambdin, Lieut., II, 399. Lane, James H., II, 52. Lane, Jim, I, 246. Lander, Fred'k W., I, 253. La Resaca de la Palma, battle of, May 9, 1846, I, 78-81, 84. La Vega, Gen., I, 89. Law, E. M., II, 60, 70, 81, 83, 100. Law, Judge, II, 165. Ledlie, James H., II, 346, 348.
Oliver Otis Howard, Autobiography of Oliver Otis Howard, major general , United States army : volume 1, Chapter 14: the Peninsular campaign begun; Yorktown (search)
ve to resist an attack from Magruder. The morning of April 24th I rode to McClellan's headquarters to pay my respects to him and to some of his staff. The grandeur of that staff greatly impressed me. I had a long talk with my old friend Colonel Kingsbury, chief of ordnance in the field. He said in parting: General McClellan wishes to get all his batteries in readiness before he opens fire. If our friends could realize the kind of country they are in they would not be impatient. Thus KingKingsbury gently rebuked my impatience. In the afternoon of the same day I went to the extreme left of McClellan's lines and followed the Warwick River in that neighborhood as far as I could on horseback, along its swampy border and impenetrable thickets, and visited Generals Erasmus D. Keyes, Silas Casey, and other acquaintances who were stationed near that flank. During my ride we were crossing a narrow ravine in the midst of which was a sluggish, muddy stream. Lieutenant Nelson A. Miles, my
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, chapter 3 (search)
d to perform. I said the order I received was marked private and confidential; and as they came from the President, our commander-in-chief, I conceived, as a common superior to General McClellan and both of us, it was for the President to say this, and not us. That I would consult the Secretary of the Treasury, who was at hand, and could tell us what was the rule in the cabinet in such matters. The secretary was of opinion that the matter lay entirely with the President. We went to Colonel Kingsbury, chief of ordnance of the Army of the Potomac, Brigadier-General Van Viret, chief quartermaster, and Major Shiras, commissary of subsistence, and obtained all the information desired. Met at the President's in the evening at eight o'clock. Present, the same as on the first day, with the addition of the Postmaster-General, Judge Blair, who came in after the meeting had begun the discussion. I read a paper containing both General Franklin's and my own views, General Franklin agreeing w
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, chapter 4 (search)
ors are the necessary result of the nature of such a theatre of war as that on which the two armies were operating, Owing to ignorance of the country on the part of the Confederates, and the difficulty of the ground, the line was not formed until late in the afternoon, though a brisk artillery duel was kept up, and about three o'clock a single brigade (Anderson's, of D. H. Hill's division) attacked Couch's front and was repulsed. This repulse was determined by the excellent practice of Kingsbury's battery, together with the steady fire of the Tenth Massachusetts and a charge of the Thirty-sixth New York—the latter regiment capturing the colors of the Fourteenth North Carolina in a hand-to-hand conflict. As McClellan expected, Lee's purpose was to force the plateau of Malvern on the left. With this view he had massed Jackson's force and the troops under Huger and Magruder well on his right, being resolved to carry the heights by storm. Previously to the attack, the Confederate co
nor had called out the volunteers to repulse any effort to reinforce the command at Harper's Ferry, and that Virginia intended to take possession of the armory and arsenal. This caused much excitement, as the citizens were under the impression that an unlawful seizure of the United States property was to be made, which they determined to oppose. In the meantime, Colonel Allen called out the local regiment, the Second Virginia, to assemble at Charlestown. Apprised of these things, Superintendent Kingsbury (Barbour's successor) and Lieutenant Jones, knowing they could not resist an attack by any considerable force, made arrangements to destroy the property. Dismissing the operatives with the assurance that they should resume work on the 19th, they closed the gates of the armory and posted sentinels; removed the foot bridges across the canal, and placed kegs and sacks of powder in the arsenal buildings, using bedticks for this purpose; scattered powder over the floors of the shops, an