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Maj. Jed. Hotchkiss, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 3, Virginia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 718 4 Browse Search
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure) 564 12 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 37. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 458 4 Browse Search
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee 458 2 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2. 376 6 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 21. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 306 2 Browse Search
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac 280 0 Browse Search
John Esten Cooke, Wearing of the Gray: Being Personal Portraits, Scenes, and Adventures of War. 279 23 Browse Search
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary 237 5 Browse Search
Heros von Borcke, Memoirs of the Confederate War for Independence 216 6 Browse Search
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r trivial or ignoble. They elucidate biography and history-which are the same — for they present the likeness of the actor in the drama, his character and endowments; and to know what great men are, is better than to know what they perform. What Lee, Jackson, Johnston, Stuart, and their associates accomplished, history will record; how they looked, and moved, and spoke, will attract much less attention from the historian of the future. The august muse of history will make her partial and pasf or obtained from good authority. Invention has absolutely nothing to do with the sketches; the writer has recorded his recollections, and not his fancies. The picturesque is a poor style of art, when truth is sacrificed to it. To represent General Lee decked out in a splendid uniform bedizzened with gold lace, on a prancing steed, and followed by a numerous and glittering staff, might tickle the ears of the groundlings; but the picture would be apt to make the judicious grieve. The latter
kahominy. Thenceforth he was the right hand of Lee until his death. The incidents of his careeryland; the bitter conflicts near Upperville as Lee fell back; the fighting all along the slopes ofsands of horsemen, came down like a wolf on General Lee's little fold. It was here, I think, that pahannock and east of the Blue Ridge, while General Lee either advanced or retired through the gapsk. He will live in history as the commander of Lee's cavalry, and for the great part he played in that leader's most important movements. What Lee designed when he moved Northward, or fell back fr, penetrated the enemy's designs, and given General Lee information in every campaign; and now whenr chosen leader; but, better still, the eyes of Lee and Jackson were fixed on him with fullest conf in him. In Spotsylvania, as we have seen, General Lee could scarcely think of him without weepingmplicit confidence of Jackson, and the tears of Lee, are enough to fill the measure of one man's li[12 more...]
ease. At Hayfield, near the same headquarters, and about the same time, the hospitable family were one day visited by Generals Lee, Jackson, and Stuart, when a little damsel of fourteen confided to her friend General Lee her strong desire to kiss GeGeneral Lee her strong desire to kiss General Jackson. General Lee, always fond of pleasantry, at once informed Jackson of the young lady's desire, and the great soldier's face was covered with blushes and confusion. An amusing picture, too, is drawn of the General when he fell into the General Lee, always fond of pleasantry, at once informed Jackson of the young lady's desire, and the great soldier's face was covered with blushes and confusion. An amusing picture, too, is drawn of the General when he fell into the hands of the ladies of Martinsburg, and they cut off almost every button of his coat as souvenirs. The beleaguered hero would have preferred storming a line of intrenchments. Jackson had little humour. He was not sour or gloomy, nor did he loothing like dry humour. It was at Harper's Ferry, in September, 1862, just after the surrender of that place, and when General Lee was falling back upon Sharpsburg. Jackson was standing on the bridge over the Potomac when a courier, out of breath,
e man appeared to be as firm as a rock, as immovably rooted as one of the gigantic live-oaks of his native country. When I asked him one day if he expected to be attacked soon, he laughed and said: No; the enemy's cavalry are afraid to show their noses beyond their infantry. Nor did the Federal cavalry ever achieve any results in that region until the ten or fifteen thousand crack cavalry of General Sheridan came to ride over the two thousand men, on starved and broken-down horses, of General Fitz Lee, in April, 1865. From Virginia, in the dark winter of 1864, Hampton was sent to oppose with his cavalry the advance of General Sherman, and the world knows how desperately he fought there on his natale solum. More than ever before it was sabre to sabre, and Hampton was still in front. When the enemy pressed on to Columbia he fell back, fighting from street to street, and so continued fighting until the thunderbolt fell in South Carolina, as it had fallen in Virginia at Appomattox,
Cavalry, three thousand in the saddle, crossed the Rappahannock at Kelly's Ford, and attacked about eight hundred of General Fitz Lee's command, who faced, without shrinking, these great odds, and fought them stubbornly at every point throughout the f the South. Of his unshrinking nerve and coolness in the hour of peril, the name of the gallant Pelham, given him by General Lee at Fredericksburg, will bear witness. Of his noble, truthful nature, those who knew him best will speak. He had mnced. So it roared on steadily with Pelham beside it, blowing up caissons, and continuing to tear the enemy's ranks. General Lee was watching it from the hill above, and exclaimed, with eyes filled with admiration, It is glorious to see such couraovements and designs of the enemy, wholly careless of the fire of hell hurled against him. It was glorious, indeed, as General Lee declared, to see such heroism in the boyish artillerist; and well might General Jackson speak of him in terms of exagg
John Esten Cooke, Wearing of the Gray: Being Personal Portraits, Scenes, and Adventures of War., Stuart's ride around McClellan in June, 1862. (search)
umn of about 1500 horsemen, and two pieces of horse-artillery under Colonels William H. F. Lee, Fitz Lee, and Will. T. Martin, of Mississippi-cavalier as brave as ever drew sabre-Stuart pushed on nort was drawn up ready to move at the word. Before he gave the signal, the General dispatched Colonel Fitz Lee round to the right, to flank and cut off the party. But all at once the scouts in front we cavalrymen were overtaken and captured, and these proved to belong to the company in which Colonel Fitz Lee had formerly been a lieutenant. I could not refrain from laughter at the pleasure which Cohim, a destitute cavalryman was taking off his spurs as he was dying. War is a hard trade. Fitz Lee immediately pressed on and burst into the camp near Old Church, where large supplies of boots, I looked at him; he was evidently reflecting. In a moment he turned round to me and said: Tell Fitz Lee to come along, I'm going to move on with my column. These words terminated my doubt, and I un
We shall then see, my dear reader, the august form of Lee, dressed in that splendid new uniform which he alwayse little incident I propose to relate took place. Fitz Lee's brigade was ordered to move by way of Verdiersviack about a mile down the road to look out for General Fitz Lee. The major was to go to the mouth of the Richt post from which to observe the road by which General Fitz Lee must come, the major came to a halt at the oldthe road without, and, rising, he went to meet General Fitz Lee. The first circumstance which induced him to che would doubtless take the column for that of General Fitz Lee, which was to come by this very road, and thusse of hoofs upon the road, and concluding that General Fitz Lee had arrived, rose from the floor of the porch,moment soon came. Just one week afterwards, when General Lee had pressed on to the Rappahannock, and General Pn, and designs. Those papers were transmitted to General Lee, and probably determined him to send Jackson to P
John Esten Cooke, Wearing of the Gray: Being Personal Portraits, Scenes, and Adventures of War., A glimpse of Colonel Jeb Stuart (search)
he boughs; and in front of the portico a new blood-red battle flag, with its blue St. Andrew's cross and white stars, rippled in the wind. Bugles sounded, spurs clashed, sabres rattled, as couriers or officers, scouts or escorts of prisoners came and went; huge-bearded cavalrymen awaited orders, or the reply to dispatches-and from within came song and laughter from the young commander. Let me sketch him as he then appeared — the man who was to become so famous as the chief of cavalry of General Lee's army; who was to inaugurate with the hand of a master, a whole new system of cavalry tactics — to invent the raid which his opponents were to imitate with such good results-and to fall, after a hundred hot fights in which no bullet ever touched him, near the scene of his first great ride around the army of McClellan. As he rose to meet me, I took in at a glance every detail of his appearance. His low athletic figure was clad in an old blue undress coat of the United States Army, b
erely follow up Hooker while Hooker followed up Lee, was very unlike Stuart. Strike across for the follow his trail --that Chambliss is up, and Fitz Lee coming. The trail was plain in the moonlightelligence came that the force on the left was Fitz Lee, who had come in on that flank; and the contit wholly desirable. The advance division under Lee had pushed on several miles ahead — there was nrg. No one then anticipated a battle there-Generals Lee and Meade almost as little as the rest. fight decided the event of Gettysburg, and General Lee fell back toward the Potomac, not very hotltely the ridge in front of Boonsboro, while General Lee formed his line to cover the crossing at Fan one morning General Meade discovered that General Lee was on the south bank of the Potomac. Id that the Federal commander designed attacking Lee that day, against the opinion of his officers. d. It was starved, and it surrendered. General Lee was thus over with his army, where provisio[10 more...]
John Esten Cooke, Wearing of the Gray: Being Personal Portraits, Scenes, and Adventures of War., From the Rapidan to Frying-Pan in October, 1863. (search)
few trumpets were blown in his honour; but General Lee is said to have declared that he had given and Pleasanton's at Cumberland, Georgia. General Fitz Lee thereupon sent to General Stuart, after tg up that stream, cross into Madison, leaving Fitz Lee's cavalry division to occupy their places in rd Brandy. The reader will remember that General Fitz Lee had been left on the Lower Rapidan to rep was unsuccessful, and as the enemy fell back Fitz Lee pressed forward on the track of the retreatin. The design was evidently to ascertain if General Lee was in that vicinity, and the column rapidls failed. From the high ground beyond Bristoe, Lee, surrounded by his generals, reconnoitered the y crossed Bull Run. At Blackburn's Ford, General Fitz Lee had a brisk engagement, which drove the Fhe country. On the next morning, Stuart left Fitz Lee in front of Bull Run, to oppose any advance oion at all, but simply to show how Stuart and Fitz Lee, with their brave comrades, did the work assi[21 more...]
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