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J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, IV. July, 1861 (search)
from the office immediately, relinquishing his post with grace. July 16 The Secretary was back again this evening. He could not procure comfortable quarters in the country. He seemed vexed, but from what cause, I did not learn. The colonel, however, had rushed the appointments. He was determined to be quick, because Mr. W. was known to be slow and hesitating. July 17 The news is not so good to-day. Gen. Garnett's small command has been defeated by the superior numbers of Gen. McClellan. But the general himself was killed, fighting in the rear of his retreating men. His example will not be without its effect. Our generals will resolve never to survive a defeat. This will embolden the enemy to attack us at Manassas, where their suddenly acquired confidence will be snuffed out, or I am mistaken. July 18 The major is sick again, and Jacques is away; therefore I have too much work, and the colonel groans for me. He is proud of the appointments he made with such rap
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 13 (search)
or Mississippi. March 2 Gen. Jos. E. Johnston has certainly made a skillful retrograde movement in the face of the enemy at Manassas. He has been keeping McClellan and his 210,000 men at bay for a long time with about 40,000. After the abandonment of his works it was a long time before the enemy knew he had retrograded. Ty, and found that they had been awed by a few Quaker guns — logs of wood in position, and so painted as to resemble cannon. Lord, how the Yankee press will quiz McClellan! March 3 But McClellan would not advance. He could not drag his artillery at this season of the year; and so he is embarking his army, or the greater portMcClellan would not advance. He could not drag his artillery at this season of the year; and so he is embarking his army, or the greater portion of it, for the Peninsula. March 4 We shall have stirring times here. Our troops are to be marched through Richmond immediately, for the defense of Yorktown--the same town surrendered by Lord Cornwallis to Washington. But its fall or its successful defense now will signify nothing. March 5 Martial law has been proc
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 15 (search)
demanded his purpose, he seemed confused. This is the kind of information Gen. McClellan can afford to pay for very liberally. I drew the Provost Marshal's attentihin shelling distance of the city, there will be an attack along our lines by McClellan. We must beat him there, as we could never save our guns, stores, etc. retre in completing the obstructions and strengthening the batteries. May 16 McClellan is intrenching — that is, at least, significant of a respite, and of apprehenow so strong that no one fears the result when the great battle takes place. McClellan has delayed too long, and he is doomed to defeat. The tobacco, savers know ifore yesterday, it is supposed, has so swollen the Chickahominy as to prevent McClellan's left wing from retreating, and reinforcements from being sent to its reliefbad policy to let it be known where and when it would be made; for, no doubt, McClellan was advised of our plans an hour or so after they were promulged in the stree
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 16 (search)
rages. streets crowded with blue Jackets. McClellan retires. June 1 The ambulances are nowfied with the present posture of affairs-and McClellan has no idea of attacking us now. He don't sall be no more fighting around Richmond until McClellan digs his way to it. The moment fighting ceasthe day of battle! Jackson is in the rear of McClellan's right wing! I sent this note to the Secreny a Yankee will breathe his last this night McClellan must be thunderstruck at this unexpected ope's corps, like the march of Fate, still upon McClellan's right flank and rear. Jackson's horse, an the north side of the Chickahominy, leaving McClellan's center and left wing on the south side, wily in the manner I anticipated. Where is McClellan, general? I know not exactly; his movemenentirely on this side of the Chickahominy. McClellan is doggedly retiring toward the James, which would have prevented the escape of McClellan. If this be so, who is responsible, after h[4 more...]
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 17 (search)
e miles from the city, and yet the Northern papers claim the victory. They say it was a masterly strategic movement of McClellan, and a premeditated change of base from the Pamunky to the James; and that he will certainly take Richmond in a week anVirginia, and Gen. Halleck has been made commanding general, to reside in Washington. Good! The Yankees are disgracing McClellan, the best general they have. July 8 Glorious Col. Morgan has dashed into Kentucky, whipped everything before him,ne. We have lost many of the flower of Southern chivalry in the late conflicts. July 15 Gen. Pendleton has given McClellan a scare, and might have hurt him if he had fired lower. He planted a number of batteries (concealed) on the south side Gen. Lee is hurrying up reinforcements from the South, old regiments and conscripts, and pays very little attention to McClellan on the Peninsula, knowing no further enterprises will be attempted by the enemy in that quarter for some time to come.
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 18 (search)
s toward Washington. much manoeuvring in Orange County. a brigade of the enemy annihilated. McClellan flies to Washington. Cretans. Lee has a mighty army. Missouri risings. Pope's coat and papng, one after another, all Gen. Winder's despotic orders. August 3 There is a rumor that McClellan is stealing away from his new base and Burnside has gone up the Rappahannock to co-operate witastly orders, and died with a horrible groan. August 12 Pope claims a victory! So did McClellan. But truth will rise, in spite of everything. I will not quote Bryant literally, because he is an enemy in this war, and falsifies his own precepts. August 13 McClellan is gone, bag and baggage, abandoning his base; to attain which, he said he had instituted his magnificent strategic oon be accumulated there in such numbers as to defy the combined forces of Pope, Burnside, and McClellan! August 20 We have now a solution of the secret of Pope's familiarity with the country
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 19 (search)
Xviii. September, 1862 Lee announces a victory. crosses the Potomac. battle of Sharpsburg. McClellan pauses at the Potomac. Lee moves mysteriously. the campaign a doubtful one in its material results. horrible scene near Washington. Conscription enlarged. heavy loss at Sharpsburg.-10,000 in the hospitals here. September 1 Official dispatches from Lee, announcing a signal victory, by the blessing of God, over the combined forces of the enemy. That is glory enough for a week. When Lee says signal victory, we know exactly what it means, and we breathe freely. Our generals never modify their reports of victories. They see and know the extent of what has been done before they speak of it, and they never mislead by exaggerated accounts of successes. September 2 Winchester is evacuated! The enemy fled, and left enough ordnance stores for a campaign! It was one of their principal depots. September 3 We lament the fall of Ewell-not killed, but his le
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XIX. October, 1862 (search)
the field. Lee makes demonstrations against McClellan. a Jew store robbed last. Night. we havecommand. The enemy are at Warrenton; and McClellan's army has crossed the Upper Potomac. Anothnd, besides, he will be defending Virginia. McClellan, with his immense army, must advance, or elsion. The Abolitionists of the North want McClellan removed-I hope they may have their will. Th It is said Gen. Lee is advancing against Gen. McClellan at Martinsburg. If Lee attacks him, and b from Gen. Lee, dated October 1st, says that McClellan has not crossed the Potomac. Some of his scnot to be supposed that Lee can be amused by McClellan, while a force of any magnitude is sent agaiversity of opinion yet as to the locality of McClellan's army and Lee's intentions. A dispatch s from Winchester inform the government that McClellan is receiving large reinforcements. He may bof his army, he may be too weak to encounter McClellan, if he should advance. I saw the Secreta[9 more...]
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XX. November, 1862 (search)
ard did no execution. Letters from Gen. Lee indicate no battle, unless the enemy should make an egregious blunder. He says he has not half men enough to resist McClellan's advance with his mighty army, and prefers manoeuvring to risking his army. He says three-fourths of our cavalry horses are sick with sore-tongue, and their ho. But he has not been to see the President-and that may be significant, as this is the usual day. A gentleman, arrived to-day from Maryland, reports that Gen. McClellan has been removed, and the command given to Burnside! He says, moreover, that this change has given umbrage to the army. This may be our deliverance; for if McClellan had been let alone two weeks longer (provided he ascertained our present condition), he might have captured Richmond, which would be holding all Eastern and much of Central Virginia. This blunder seems providential. We learn, also, that the Democracy have carried Illinois, Mr. Lincoln's own State, by a very large ma
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 22 (search)
e Herald says everything by turns, and nothing long. Its sympathies are ever with the winning party. But it — is positively asserted that both Seward and his son have resigned, to be followed by the rest of the cabinet. That example might be followed here without detriment to our cause. And it is said Burnside has resigned. I doubt that-but no doubt he will be removed. It is said Fremont has been appointed his successor. That would be good news. I think Halleck will be removed, and McClellan will be recalled. No matter. It is said our President will command in Mississippi himselfthe army having no confidence in Pemberton, because he is a Yankee. We have a letter to-day from Gen. Pike (another Yankee), saying the Indian country is lost-lost, because Gens. Holmes and Hindman--Southern men-won't let him have his own way! The news from North Carolina is still cloudy. Gen. G. W. Smith is there (another Northern man). Gen. Elzey has been appointed to command this
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