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will also furnish a party of wharf builders and a small amount of material for landing, etc. Thirty launches will be taken on board at Fortress Monroe. The chief signal officer has been instructed to order signal officers and men to report to you. Lieutenant Parson, with a company of engineer soldiers, will report to you. Five hundred shovels, two hundred and fifty axes, and one hundred picks have been prepared. It is expected that the necessary transportation will be ready to-morrow at Deep Bottom. You will report in person to the major-general commanding for further instructions. I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant, John W. Turner, Brigadier-General and Chief of Staff [Indorsement.] Respectfully forwarded to Lieutenant-General Grant for his information, and with the earnest request that he will make any suggestion that may occur to him in aid of the enterprise. Benj. F. Butler, Major-General Commanding. On the same day I received the first written i
Benjamnin F. Butler, Butler's Book: Autobiography and Personal Reminiscences of Major-General Benjamin Butler, Chapter 18: why I was relieved from command. (search)
r navy where troops could be embarked and where expeditions could be sent across the rivers by pontoon bridges. I had three pontoon bridges, one across the Appomattox, during the whole time of my occupation, and two across the James, one at Deep Bottom, and one at Varina. Over these, between the 14th of June and the 25th of December, 1864, Grant ordered the following expeditions, composed of a corps or more, sometimes from both armies, to move in attack upon Richmond and elsewhere:-- Maye 11, I sent Gillmore to attack Petersburg. June 15, the Eighteenth Corps under Smith was sent to attack Petersburg by order of Grant. June 16, the Sixth Corps under Wright; afterwards sent thence to Washington. June 21, expedition to Deep Bottom, crossing the pontoon bridge to the south side of the James River. July 14, the Eighteenth Corps, Kautz's Cavalry, attacked Petersburg, crossing the Appomattox by the pontoon bridge. July 17, Birney's Corps crossed the pontoon bridge ove
[No. 81. See page 705.] history of the Second Army Corps by Francis A. Walker, pp. 555, 556. Deep Bottom. The terrible experiences of May and June in assaults on intrenched positions; assaults mapared from the lines between the Appomattox and the James, march across the pontoon bridge at Deep Bottom at such time as will enable you to strike the enemy in front of Brigadier-General Foster in t command and add it to your own as you think will be prudent. As you are to advance, leaving Deep Bottom behind you, in my judgment a small force will be necessary. You will turn over the command on arranged between us personally. You will report to Major-General Hancock, who will be at Deep Bottom in the course of the night. Any other instructions that you may desire from me will be promp for you to withdraw from north of the James, you abandon all of your present lines except at Deep Bottom and Dutch Gap. Just occupy what you did prior to the movement which secured our present posi
Birney, General, joins Hancock in expedition against Deep Bottom, 717-718; Butler's order to regarding demonstration agai Dean, Judge, Henry Clay, threatening speech of, 756. Deep Bottom, expedition against, C93-694, 717-718. Deerfield, attrant, 671; return to Bermuda Hundred, 685; fail to reach Deep Bottom, 694; assigned to Smith's command, 695; order revoked, 6xious for the safety of, 670. Foster, Colonel, seizes Deep Bottom, 694. Foster, General, relieved by Butler, 897. Fo, 686; invests Petersburg,693; orders demonstration upon Deep Bottom, 693; relieves Smith of command, 696; orders Nineteenth n attack on Petersburg, 705; commands expedition against Deep Bottom, 717-718; reference to, 878; nominated for President, 96nce to, 652, 686, 692, 706, 707; attack enemy's lines at Deep Bottom, 717-718; reference to, 858. Second North Carolina Reulse Beauregard's attack at Bermuda Hundred, 665; seized Deep Bottom, 694; reference, 699; expedition against Newmarket Heigh
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 2, chapter 20 (search)
l W. T. Sherman, commanding Military Division of the Mississippi. General: I send Lieutenant-Colonel Horace Porter, of my staff, with this. Colonel Porter will explain to you the exact condition of affairs here, better than I can do in the limits of a letter. Although I feel myself strong enough now for offensive operations, I am holding on quietly, to get advantage of recruits and convalescents, who are coming forward very rapidly. My lines are necessarily very long, extending from Deep Bottom, north of the James, across the peninsula formed by the Appomattox and the James, and south of the Appomattox to the Weldon road. This line is very strongly fortified, and can be held with comparatively few men; but, from its great length, necessarily takes many in the aggregate. I propose, when I do move, to extend my left so as to control what is known as the Southside, or Lynchburg & Petersburg road; then, if possible, to keep the Danville road cut. At the same time this move is made
vern and secured possession of the turnpike. The other Union divisions being brought up, Custer with his own brigade, supported by Chapman's brigade of Wilson's division, made a mounted charge which was brilliantly executed, followed by a dash at the Southern line which received the charge in a stationary position. This charge resulted in the capture of two guns. Then, while Gibbs and Devin forced the Confederate right and center, Gregg charged in the rear and the battle was won. At Deep Bottom, too, July 28th, occurred a brilliant fight which is worthy of more than passing notice. The Second United States Cavalry led the advance on the 27th and took the New Market road in the direction of Richmond. When close to the Confederate pickets a dashing charge was made, forcing the foe back rapidly. On the afternoon of the following day the Union cavalry pickets were furiously attacked, and before the leading troops could dismount and conduct the led horses to the rear, an entire
nd Appomattox rivers, and to Petersburg. At the same time, one company of engineer troops was detachedd with a pontoon train and sent to Petersburg, where a bridge was needed to facilitate crossing the Appomattox River at that point. Of the eleven companies of engineer troops which remained north of the James during General Grant's first operations against Petersburg, one company was in charge of the pontoon bridge at Chaffin's Bluff and ten served as infantry on what was known as the Deep Bottom line. As soon as it became known to General Beauregard that an attempt was being made to undermine a salient point on his line, he made use of the company of engineer troops then at Petersburg, in an effort to protect the threatened point by countermining. Two pits were sunk in the trenches, from the bottom of which drifts or tunnels were extended some distance beyond the entrenchments, and a circumvallating gallery was in progress, which, if it had been completed in time, might have
13.8 5th VermontGetty'sSixth1,53321313.8 6th IowaCorse'sSixteenth1,10215213.7 155th New YorkGibbon'sSecond83011413.7 49th OhioT. J. Wood'sFourth1,46820213.7 Confederate generals killed in battle group no. 7 Brigadier-generals Abner Perrin Spotsylvania May 12, 1864. W. E. Jones, Piedmont June 5. 1864. George doles, Bethesda Church May 30, 1864. Robert H. Anderson, Antietam October 6, 1862. John H. Morgan, Greenville September 4, 1864. John R. Chambliss, Jr., Deep Bottom August 16, 1864. Junius Daniel, Spotsylvania died May 13, 1864. James B. Gordon, Yellow Tavern May 11, 1864. J. C. Saunders, Weldon Railroad August 21, 1864. Micah Jenkins, Wilderness May 6, 1864. C. H. Stevens, Peach tree Creek July 20, 1864. Samuel Benton, Esra Church July 29, 1864. Some casualties of Confederate regiments General Marcus J. Wright, Confederate States Army At the time when Lieutenant-Colonel William F. Fox, U. S. V., published his valuable and excee
neral W. H. T. Brooks, Major-General D. B. Birney, and Brigadier-General Adelbert Ames. It fought around Drewry's Bluff, and two divisions went to Cold Harbor, forming a third division of the Eighteenth Corps. After this, the corps fought at Deep Bottom, Darbytown Road, and Fair Oaks. It was discontinued December 3, 1864 and merged in the new Twenty-fourth Corps. One division and a brigade of the Twenty-fourth, under Major-General Terry, went to Fort Fisher, and, after its capture, the Tenthe he commanded the right wing of Major-General Banks' forces. In May, 1864, he was given a division in the Eighteenth Army Corps, and later was chief engineer of the Army of the James, and constructed the fortifications at Bermuda Hundred and Deep Bottom. He was in command of the Eighteenth Army Corps from October to December, 1864, having been made major-general of volunteers. On the formation of the Twenty-fifth Army Corps (December, 1864) he was placed at its head and remained so, except
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Official diary of First corps, A. N. V., while commanded by Lt.-General R. H. Anderson, from June 1st to October 18, 1864. (search)
In the afternoon Kershaw and Conner move down to Darby's to occupy, with skirmishers, the junction of the Long Bridge and Darbytown roads. Field's division is sent to us from the south side and arrives at Tussell's mill about sundown. He came to Rice's turnout by rail. Fitz. Lee's division of cavalry is also sent to the north side. July 30 In the morning the enemy is discovered to have abandoned the Long Bridge road and retired to the other side of the river, leaving a force at Deep Bottom on the right of our line. Heth's division is sent back to Rice's turnout. His trenches are occupied by Field. In the evening Kershaw recrosses to the south side by Chaffin's Bluff to halt for the night near the Clay house. July 31, August 1 and 2 Affairs unchanged. August 3 Colonel Carter, with some artillery, moves down the river, escorted by two regiments of cavalry, to annoy the enemy's transports. August 4, 5 Quiet and without change. August 6 General Anders
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