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Elias Nason, McClellan's Own Story: the war for the union, the soldiers who fought it, the civilians who directed it, and his relations to them. 47 1 Browse Search
Oliver Otis Howard, Autobiography of Oliver Otis Howard, major general , United States army : volume 1 8 0 Browse Search
Brigadier-General Ellison Capers, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 5, South Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 6 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 6 0 Browse Search
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac 6 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 10. (ed. Frank Moore) 4 0 Browse Search
D. H. Hill, Jr., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 4, North Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 4 0 Browse Search
Capt. Calvin D. Cowles , 23d U. S. Infantry, Major George B. Davis , U. S. Army, Leslie J. Perry, Joseph W. Kirkley, The Official Military Atlas of the Civil War 4 4 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 2 0 Browse Search
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 8: Soldier Life and Secret Service. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 2 0 Browse Search
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General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 5: Round about Richmond. (search)
lar approaches. After allowing due time for the completion of his battering arrangements, Johnston abandoned his line the night of May 3 and marched back towards Richmond, ordering a corresponding move by the troops at Norfolk; but the Confederate authorities interfered in favor of Norfolk, giving that garrison time to withdraw its army supplies. The divisions of G. W. Smith and D. H. Hill were ordered by the Yorktown and Williamsburg road, Magruder's and Longstreet's by the Hampton and Lee's Mill road, Stuart's cavalry to cover both routes. Anticipating this move as the possible result of operations against his lower line, General Magruder had constructed a series of earthworks about two miles in front of Williamsburg. The main work, Fort Magruder, was a bastion. On either side redoubts were thrown up reaching out towards the James and York Rivers. The peninsula is about eight miles wide at that point. College Creek on the right flows into James River, and Queen's Creek on
ter described than in the clear and graphic language of the Prince de Joinville, besides which his account contains the criticism of a candid and intelligent observer upon a defect in the organization of our armies, which is the more worthy of our consideration because offered in so kindly a spirit. Next day the battle began again, but, of course, in circumstances unfavorable to the Federals. The two roads leading to Williamsburg were crowded with troops. Upon that to the left from Lee's Mill were the divisions of Hooker and Kearney, belonging to Heintzelman's corps; but they were separated from each other by an enormous multitude of wagons loaded down with baggage and for the most part fast in the mud. Upon that to the right, two other divisions were moving forward with still greater difficulty. Such was the condition of the ground that the cannon sank over the axle into the mud. This medley of men and baggage thrown pellmell into narrow and flooded roads had fallen into cons
r the defense of a line of 13 miles. Gen. McClellan says his information placed Magruder's command at 15,000 to 20,000 men, aside from Gen. Huger's force at Norfolk, estimated by him at 20,000. Feeling the importance of dealing decisively with Magruder before he could be reenforced by Johnston, MeClellan ordered an advance on the morning of the 4th; and, before evening of the next day, Gen. Heintzelman, in front of Yorktown, and Gen. Keyes, before Winn's Mill, Called by Gen. McClellan, Lee's Mill. on the Warwick, were brought to a halt by the fire of Rebel batteries. Pollard says: General Magruder, the hero of Bethel, and a commander who was capable of much greater achievements, was left to confront the growing forces on the Peninsula, which daily menaced him, with an army of 7 500 men, while the great bulk of the Confederate forces were still in motion in the neighborhood of the Rappahannock and the Rapidan, and he had no assurance of reinforcements. The force of the enemy
Doc. 138.-advance to young's Mill, Va. Gen. Davidson's official Rfport. headquarters Third brigade, Smith's division, camp near Lee's Mill, Warwick River, Va., April 12, 1862. Capt. L D. Care, Ass't Adjutant-General: sir: Having been directed by the General commanding the division to furnish a report of the operations of my brigade from the fifth instant to the present time, I respectfully state as follows: The advance of the division from Young's Mill was formed by my brigade, the Seventh Maine, Col. Mason commanding, being deployed as a line of skirmishers in front, with a section of Kennedy's battery, Lieut. Cowan, following the road. The Thirty-third New-York, Col. B. F. Taylor, Seventy-seventh New-York volunteers, Col. McKean, and the Forty-ninth New-York, Lieut.-Col. Alberger, in the order named, moving in rear of this advance in column. About four miles from Young's Mill, at eleven A. M., the enemy's pickets were driven in, exchanging occasional shots with o
ith skirmishers in front, across the country to the left, the enemy giving away with scarcely any resistance, to the Reed's Bridge road, near the bridge. Thence marched, hearing heavy musketry firing in front, to within one and a half miles of Lee's Mill, on the Chattanooga and Lee's Mill road, where it encamped in line for the night some time after dark. On the nineteenth, just about eight A. M., the battle having begun on the right, the brigade was placed in position in the rear of Gregg'sLee's Mill road, where it encamped in line for the night some time after dark. On the nineteenth, just about eight A. M., the battle having begun on the right, the brigade was placed in position in the rear of Gregg's brigade, with the artillery, Captain Culpeper's three pieces, and the Thirty-ninth North Carolina regiment, Colonel Coleman, and Twenty-fifth Arkansas, Lieutenant-Colonel Hupstelder. Colonel Coleman, commanding both regiments, being ordered to support General Gregg, moved rapidly forward and, getting near Gregg's brigade (then under a terrific fire), charged impetuously, passing over the left of Gregg's brigade, with loud cheers, and drove the enemy in rapid flight through the thick woods, acro
yes, commanding the left column, received information that from 5,000 to 8,000 of the enemy were strongly entrenched at Lee's Mill. Still ignorant of the true course of the Warwick and of its relations to the entrenchments at Lee's Mill, and alive tLee's Mill, and alive to the necessity of preventing further reinforcements to the garrison at Yorktown, I, on the evening of the 4th, ordered the movements for the 5th as follows: Smith's division to move at six A. M. via Warwick Court-House to the Halfway House on theter. Sedgwick, temporarily attached to headquarters, to move with the reserves to Dr. Pavis's house, where the road to Lee's Mill diverged, and there await orders. If Heintzelman found it possible to assault the works at Yorktown immediately, therrying out his orders, the reserves were in position to move at once to his support. If Keyes had succeeded in passing Lee's Mill and reaching the Halfway House, I should at once have gone to his support with all the reserves and one of Heintzelman'
enemy. Keyes, with two divisions, is in front of Lee's Mill, where the road from Newport News to Williamsburgeral hours' duration, losing some five killed. At Lee's Mill we have a causeway covered by formidable batterie fire of the enemy's artillery. From its head to Lee's Mill the Warwick was flooded by means of artificial inle until their artillery-fire was reduced. Below Lee's Mill the river was a tidal stream, not fordable at any one practicable under the circumstances. From Lee's Mill a line of works extended to the enemy's rear to Sg parties and adjacent woods. Your flank towards Lee's Mill should be carefully watched, also towards Wynn's neral plan involving the use of batteries against Lee's Mill and other contiguous points. From the statement ries on his left to guard against any attack from Lee's Mill, and commenced operations with his remaining brigguns of the 4th corps a feint was to be made upon Lee's Mill, to be converted into a real attack if the effect
nt of him in some force of infantry and cavalry. Gen. Stoneman has been ordered to move as rapidly as possible to the Halfway House, and to take possession of the cross-road near that place, to cut off this command, and also to send a strong reconnoissance towards Blen's wharf. I wish Hooker to follow this movement with the utmost rapidity. When he reaches the point where the road branches off near the Halfway House, to leave a portion of his force there, and with the rest to gain the Lee's Mill and Williamsburg road, so as to support Stoneman and aid him in cutting off the retreat of the enemy. The division should move simply with its ambulances and some reserve ammunition, with not more than two days rations. Should further information from Smith render it necessary to move Kearny's division also, I would be glad to have you take control of the entire movement. Smith is in possession of their works, and the enemy referred to are some distance in rear of them-how far I do not
the 4th of May, Magruder's command to move by the Lee's Mill road, to halt at the junction of roads on the Yorry in force about one and a half miles in rear of Lee's Mill, Stoneman was ordered to cut off their retreat in if they fell back. His pursuit was to be by the Lee's Mill road, with Smith leading. The remaining divisionard, but also to endeavor to cut off those on the Lee's Mill road in front of Sumner. About six miles from he 3d Penn., and Barker's squadron, across to the Lee's Mill road to cut off the force in front of Sumner, whoetached at the Halfway House, and on reaching the Lee's Mill road encountered an equal force of the enemy, whom he drove back on the Lee's Mill road, whence they escaped by a circuitous route along the banks of the Jameseintzelman turned it off by a cross-road into the Lee's Mill road, thus changing places with Smith. Marching Yorktown road) and the other along the James (the Lee's Mill road), unite between the heads of the tributary s
kland, Capt. J., 122, 123. Klapka, Gen. G., offers service, 143. Knapp, Capt., 591, 592. Lander, Gen. F. W., 81, 187, 190, death 191 . Langner, Capt., 589. Lansing, Col., 370. Le Compte, Maj. F., 123. Lee, Gen., Fitz-Hugh, 514. 526. Lee, Col., Raymond, at Ball's Bluff, 171, 189, 190; Fair Oaks, 381. Lee, Gen., Robert, in Peninsula, 240, 482; Pope's campaign, 518, 531 ; in Maryland, 556, 557, 573, 624, 643, 660 ; lost order, 573. Leesburg,Va., 170, 171, 181-190, 550. Lee's Mill, Va., 260, 261, 263, 272, 274, 284, 285, 287, 320-323. Le Fort, Capt.-see Chartres. Letterman, Dr., 126, 128. Letters and despatches. Washington, 1861-2 : McClellan's Memorandum, 2d .4ug., 101. To Lincoln, 22d Oct., ‘61, 187 ; 28th Feb., ‘62 195. To Halleck, 11th Nov.,‘61 207 ; 2d Mar., ‘61, 216. To Stanton, 3d Feb., ‘62 229 ; 28th Feb., ‘62. 194; 9th Mar., ‘62, 223. 224. To Cameron, 6th Sept., ‘61, 205 ; 8th Sept., ‘61, 106. To Banks, 21st Oct., 61. 186; 29th Oct.,‘6
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