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William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, chapter 2 (search)
forward into Virginia. Meantime, the United States arsenal at Harper's Ferry had been evacuated and partially destroyed by the commander of e Shenandoah; the other posted at the outlet of this valley, at Harper's Ferry. The force assembled and assembling at the former of these came Department of the Potomac. The body of troops collected at Harper's Ferry, and which, at the close of the month of May, consisted of nines immediately sent forward to command the Confederate troops at Harper's Ferry. About the time, however, that Bonham was replaced by Beauregard, the command of the force at Harper's Ferry, which bore the style of the Army of the Shenandoah, was committed to the hands of General J. Emulating under General Patterson, which by its position menaced Harper's Ferry. The presidential call had been for seventy-five thousand voluom which point he, on the 17th, fell off upon Charlestown, near Harper's Ferry, and Johnston was left free to move to form a junction with Bea
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, chapter 3 (search)
procure at once the necessary steamers and sailing-craft to transport the Army of the Potomac to its new field of operations. Even after this step had been taken, however, the President, convinced against his will, retained his aversion to the proposed movement. He repeatedly expressed his dissatisfaction at the project of removing the army from Washington, and preferred that an operation should be made for opening the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad by a movement across the Potomac at Harper's Ferry, and another for the destruction of the enemy's batteries on the Potomac. General McClellan seems to have been able to overcome these objections by a recital of the same considerations he had previously presented; but, on the 8th of March, the President returned with renewed vigor to his old position, and urged him to submit his project of campaign to a council of his division commanders. The meeting was accordingly held the same day. The commanding general laid before his officers the
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, chapter 4 (search)
bank of the Potomac (May 25), making a march of fifty-three miles in forty-eight hours. Jackson continued the pursuit as far as Halltown, within two miles of Harper's Ferry, where he remained till the 30th, when, finding heavy forces converging on his rear, he began a retrograde movement up the Valley. The tidings of Jackson's apparition at Winchester on the 24th, and his subsequent advance to Harper's Ferry, fell like a thunderbolt on the war-council at Washington. The order for McDowell's advance from Fredericksburg, to unite with McClellan, was instantly countermanded; and he was directed to put twenty thousand men in motion at once for the Shenanl from the east, upon Strasburg. The two columns moved rapidly; they had almost effected a junction on the 31st; but that very day Jackson, falling back from Harper's Ferry, slipped between the two, and made good his retreat up the Valley, leaving his opponents to follow in a long and fruitless Chevy Chase, all the time a day beh
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, chapter 6 (search)
e crossed the Potomac, the Federal post at Harper's Ferry, commanding the debouteh of the Shenandoah was the whim of General Halleck to regard Harper's Ferry as a point per se and in any event of the of Sharpsburg, crossing the Potomac above Harper's Ferry, and, investing it by the rear; McLaws wasLaws, who was engaged in the investment of Harper's Ferry from the side of Maryland Heights; but Tur have put Mc-Clellan in position to succor Harper's Ferry. During the contest at Turner's Gap, Frow in a position to succor the garrison at Harper's Ferry, whose situation was one of almost tragic ison from that side, he moved down towards Harper's Ferry. On his approach, General White with the sburg evacuated that place, and retired to Harper's Ferry, the rear of which, at Bolivar Heights, Jahe south bank. Between Loudon Heights and Harper's Ferry the Shenandoah breaks into the Potomac, andesigns. The retention of the garrison at Harper's Ferry compelled him to turn aside and reduce th[32 more...]
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, chapter 7 (search)
James River, last July, I cannot be mistaken in saying that lie distinctly advised the bringing of the army away from there. Yours, very truly, A. Lincoln. headquarters left Grand division, December 26, 1862. to the President: I respectfully acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 22d inst. In arguing the propriety of a campaign on the James River, we supposed Washington to be garrisoned sufficiently, and the Potomac impassable except by bridges. The fortification of Harper's Ferry is another important requisite. These matters were considered as of course, and did not enter into our discussion of the two plans of campaign. I presume that you are right in supposing that I advised the withdrawal of the army from James River in July last. I think that under the same circumstances I would give the same advice. The army was debilitated by what it had already gone through, was in an unhealthy position, its sick list was enormous, and there was a prospect that we woul
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, chapter 9 (search)
th seven hundred prisoners, and the garrison at Harper's Ferry withdrew to Maryland Heights, the Valley was nowelfth Corps, under General Slocum, to march to Harper's Ferry. Here Slocum was to be joined by the garrison the pet crotchet of General Halleck respecting Harper's Ferry, and thence began griefs for Hooker, and an imb east of Cumberland, including the garrisons at Harper's Ferry, Winchester, etc.; while General Dix, with a corpose had directed the temporary abandonment of Harper's Ferry, with the view of uniting its garrison of eleve: I have received your telegram in regard to Harper's Ferry. I find ten thousand men here in condition to annot defend a ford of the river; and as far as Harper's Ferry is concerned, there is nothing in it. As for th seven thousand men had since the evacuation of Harper's Ferry been occupying Frederick, was directed to seizehese passes in advance and repossess himself of Harper's Ferry. Both these duties were fulfilled by General F
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, chapter 10 (search)
he London Valley; and by hugging the Blue Ridge closely, Meade hoped, by vigorous action, to bring the Confederate force to battle under advantageous conditions before it should break through the mountains. No demonstration was made in the Valley of the Shenandoah other than that of a body of cavalry under Gregg, which retired after an indecisive engagement with the Confederate cavalry under General Fitz Hugh Lee at Shepherdstown. The army crossed the Potomac on ponton-bridges at Harper's Ferry and Berlin on the 17th and 18th July, and followed southward, skirting the Blue Ridge; while Lee, conforming to this manoeuvre, fell back up the Shenandoah Valley. The movement of Meade was made with much vigor—indeed with so much vigor that, on reaching Union, on the 20th of June, he was compelled to halt a day, lest by further advance he should dangerously uncover his right; but even with this delay, the army, on reaching Manassas Gap on the 22d, was so well up with the enemy, that it
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, chapter 12 (search)
force, at once retreated across the Potomac at Shepherdstown. General Weber, in command at Harper's Ferry, evacuated the town and retired to Maryland Heights. Hunter, who had made a toilsome march he Alpine region of Western Virginia, experienced great delays in transporting his troops to Harper's Ferry, owing to the lowness of the river and the breaking of the railroad in several places. He whe Sixth Corps, which had been retired to Washington en route for the James, was returned to Harper's Ferry, to unite with the Nineteenth Corps and the Federal forces of West Virginia in an effort to nce or twice driving Early southward to Strasburg, he each time returned on his path towards Harper's Ferry. General Grant had hesitated in allowing Sheridan to take a real initiative, as defeat would covering Winchester; and the Union force lay in front of Berryville, twenty miles south of Harper's Ferry. The situation of the opposing armies was peculiar: each threatened the communications of t
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, Index. (search)
awal from the Peninsula, 170; whim to hold Harper's Ferry, 200; his interference with Hooker's intenion, Porter's defeat of Branch at, 124. Harper's Ferry, United States arsenal abandoned in 1861,2dispatch to Halleck, urging abandonment of Harper's Ferry, 322; resigns command of the army, 323. 's right at Ox Hill, 192; movement towards Harper's Ferry, 205; force at Antietam, 212; march on Hoof Maryland campaign, 198; advances towards Harper's Ferry, 198; plan of Harper's Ferry movement fellHarper's Ferry movement fell into McClellan's hands, 201; withdrew to Antietam Valley, 207; at Antietam—see Antietam; Maryland crederick, 197; gains copy of Lee's plan of Harper's Ferry advance, 201; arrived at South Mountain, 2cuated by Lee, 198; General Miles force at Harper's Ferry, 199; Lee's report on straggling, 224; thedan commanding, 555. Miles, General, at Harper's Ferry, 199. Miles, Colonel, brilliant servicegstreet sent to hold passes, 201; see also Harper's Ferry. Southside Railroad, Warren's turning m[1 more...]