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enemy seemed to understand the importance of this movement, and pushed our rear-guard more fiercely than ever. Our cavalry had charged the enemy, and driven their horsemen upon the infantry; but a full brigade came galloping forward, and we retired. The brigade of Ashby now came up, and, with loud shouts, attacked the Yankees and completely routed them, killing and wounding many, capturing several; among the latter their brigadier-general, a fine, soldierly, and handsome Englishman, named Wyndham. This officer loudly cursed his command in unmeasured terms for cowardice, swearing roundly that he would never serve with them again; for although he had been urging them forward the whole day, and personally leading, he could make nothing of them. Finding that the enemy's infantry were near at hand, Ashby sent information to Ewell, who soon countermarched three regiments, and made dispositions for attack. The enemy deployed their men right and left of the road, and advancing throug
ss must naturally be slow. It was therefore determined to attempt the capture of the whole or a part of his forces. For this purpose a force of cavalry under Col. Wyndham of the New-Jersey cavalry, was sent out by General Bayard at the request of General Sigel, to be joined to our cavalry, which had been advanced to Chantilly. The force under Colonel Wyndham reached Fairfax Wednesday night, and immediately proceeded to Chantilly, where they were to await orders from General Stahel. Encamping at this place, they were joined in the morning by Gen. Stahel, and the order was at once given to march. The force comprised cavalry and a battery of light artillergy in not allowing any rest to his opponents; unquestioned courage in leading wherever danger threatened. General Stahel was ably seconded by Capt. Dahlgren, Col. Wyndham, and Lieut.-Colonel Sackett, and generally by his soldiers. The expedition lost not more than twelve in killed and wounded. They captured nearly one hundred
ider it necessary to communicate these facts, as Col. Wyndham in the advance had doubtless possessed himself oe upon arriving near the ferry, was commanded by Col. Wyndham, of the First New-Jersey cavalry. Gen. Stahel diap. Gen. Stahel, Capt. Theilkuhl, of his staff, Col. Wyndham, Capt. Middleton, of the Second Pennsylvania caveedily as possible. The advance force, under Colonel Wyndham, as soon as the river had been forded, dashed f we surrender! Lieut. Penn Gaskell, Adjutant of Col. Wyndham, unearthed a man who had rolled himself in to a have been recaptured. At this point the bulk of Col. Wyndham's command was sent off by Gen. Stahel, on picketd with tents and camp equipage, were captured by Col. Wyndham and sent to the rear. The standing tents and aloperty not carried away were destroyed. While Col. Wyndham was engaged at White's camp, Col. Cesnola, of thad been, by Gen. Stahel, and followed closely by Col. Wyndham, with a small portion of his command not otherwi
apture of Colonel Stoughton. Provost-Marshal's office, Fairfax Court-House, Va., March 18. Colonel Wyndham, Commanding Cavalry Brigade and Post: sir: On the night of the eighth instant, say about stables, captured his guard, took his horses, and those of his aids. They then proceeded to Col. Wyndham's headquarters, and took all the horses and movable property with them. In the mean time othaids, named Prentiss, (who afterward made his escape,) prisoners. They then proceeded to Colonel Wyndham's headquarters, and took Captain Barker, of the Fifth New-York cavalry, and also Baron Vardnal course to come in at the lower end of the village. On leaving, they went out by way of Colonel Wyndham's stables (south-west) and proceeded toward Centreville, cutting telegraph wires as they wen possession of this place, and you are a prisoner. We also surrounded the Headquarters of Colonel Wyndham, (Acting Brigadier of cavalry,) but unfortunately he had gone down to Washington. We got h
outs reported that several hundred of the enemy's cavalry, with a train, were escaping by a side-road on our right. Colonel Wyndham was sent in pursuit, and went to the vicinity of Madison, without overhauling the force, however. There was some stng brightly, the roads were comparatively good, and for once in the history of the war, every thing was in harmony. Colonel Wyndham, of the First New-Jersey cavalry, with his own and the First Maine regiments--in all about five hundred men, took a wed by a crowd of excited people, who were threatening him with all sorts of vengeance, just as the advance-guard of Colonel Wyndham's force, under Major Beaumont, dashed into town. There were no soldiers there. A dozen or more citizens succeeded hat night, allege that two rebel regiments, with eight pieces of artillery, entered the place within two hours after Colonel Wyndham evacuated it. At about four o'clock P. M., the detachment marched down the canal bank for about five miles, forded B
e enemy were leaving Louisa, and moving in the direction of Columbia. Knowing their object was to destroy the aqueduct, I started after them. Arrived there at night ; heard that they had left in a great hurry; pursued all night. At daybreak, having travelled sixty or seventy miles, the enemy being three hours ahead of me, halted. My videttes reported the enemy about one mile in advance; had exchanged words; they said they belonged to the Fifth regulars; knew the party I was pursuing was Wyndham's. Monday, May 4th.--Started forward and came upon him drawn up in the road. One squadron of the Ninth was ahead a few hundred yards; charged; the enemy charged at the same time; fought hand to hand for four or five minutes; routed the party; killed six, wounded a number, and took thirty three prisoners, among them Captain Owens and Lieutenant Buford. Captain Owens reported that his regiment was not all present, but that he was on picket; that General Buford was only three miles distan
it. Please refer to my despatch to the Secretary of War of to-night for the details of our present situation. I find on the back of my retained copy of this despatch the following memorandum made at the time by myself: Return of March 31, 1862, shows men present for duty171,602 Deduct 1st corps, infantry and artillery,32,119  Deduct Blenker,8,616  Deduct Banks,21,739  Deduct Wadsworth,19,318  Deduct Cavalry of 1st corps, etc.,1,600  Deduct Cavalry of Blenker,800  Van Alen and Wyndham,1,600   85,79285,792    85,810 Officers, about 3,900. Total absent from whole command, 23,796. As this memorandum was a calculation to ascertain only the number of troops left under my command, it did not take into consideration all the troops left behind which did not compose parts of the total of 171,602 for duty. My letters of April 1, show that many more were left in addition to those mentioned in this memorandum. The telegram referred to in my despatch to the President
d with and my force diminished by the action of the commanding officer of the Department of the Rappahannock, in violation of G. O. No. 29, War Department, adjutant-general's office, March 22, 1862. Under these circumstances I beg the immediate interposition of the War Department to relieve from arrest a meritorious officer, against whom there appears to be no complaint save that of obedience to the orders of his rightful superior. I also ask that the regiment, as well as the 1st N. J., Col. Wyndham, may be permitted to join the army under my command without further delay. G. B. McClellan, Maj.-Gen. Commanding. Wachusett, York river, April 22, 1862. My dear general: The carriage on board the Sebago is weak. Two carriage-makers are coming to us from Washington; I fear not in time. I am promised, if she comes in time, a steamer with 100-pounder rifle. The Corwin has no battery but a 10-pounder and two sixes, being only a surveying-craft. When you commence attack the 1
1 ; in pursuit, 340 ; Hanover C. H., 372, 374, 398. Williams, Gen. S., 45, 61, 83, 122, 141, 219, 540. Williams, Col., 510. Williamsburg, Va., 260, 300, 318 battle of, 319-333 ; evacuated, 333, 352. Williamsport, Va., 559, 562, 621, 622, 624. Willich, Col., 143. Wilson, Lieut. J. H., 125. Wilson, Lieut. J. M., 125. Wilson. Capt. T., 170. Winchester, Va., 78, 192, 193, 195, 570, 615, 616, 622, 624, 625. Wood, Maj. W. H., 33. Woodbury, Gen. D. V., 119, 124, 246, 248, 262, 511, 514. Woodruff, Lieut., 593, 598. Woodward, Capt. J. H., 130. Wool, Gen. J. E., at Fortress Monroe, 246, 247, 265, 266, 270, 277, 278, 306. Wright, Col. E. H., 123, 311. Wyndham. Col, 296. Wynn's Mill, Va., 284, 287, 312, Wytheville, Va., 53, 54. Yorktown, Va., 163, 165, 227, 246, siege of, 253-318; defences, 260 267, 268, 279, 309 ; plans for assault, 2.86, 287 ; evacuated, 288 ; torpedoes, 315, 326 ; Confederate retreat from, 319. Young's Mill, Va., 254, 256, 259, 260, 264, 307.
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 3. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Memoranda of the operations of Brigadier-General W. H. F. Lee's command during General Stoneman's raid into Virginia. (search)
scouts that the enemy were leaving Louisa and moving in direction of Columbia; knowing their object was to destroy the aqueduct, I started after them; arrived there at night; heard they had left in a great hurry, pursued all night; at day-break, having traveled sixty or seventy miles, and the enemy being three hours ahead of me, halted; my videttes reported enemy about one mile in advance; had exchanged words, and they said they belonged to Fifth regulars; knew the party I was pursuing was Wyndham's. Monday, 4th--Started forward and care upon him drawn up in road; one squadron of Ninth cavalry was ahead, a few hundred yards; charged; enemy charged at same time; fought hand to hand four or five minutes; routed the party; killed six; wounded a number; took thirty-three prisoners, among them Captain Owens and Lieutenant Buford. Captain Owens reported that his regiment was not all present, but that he was on picket; that General Buford was only three miles distant. My horses and men b
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