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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Atlantic Essays 34 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Women and Men 4 0 Browse Search
Jula Ward Howe, Reminiscences: 1819-1899 4 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Afternoon landscape: poems and translations 2 0 Browse Search
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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Women and Men, chapter 9 (search)
e matter is referred to Phoebus Apollo, who thus rules: The mother is not the parent of what is called her child, but only the nurse of the infant germ; for the male creates the offspring, while the female, like a host for a guest, preserves the young plant, when some god does not mar the increase. He adds also, I will give you a proof of my assertion; there may be a father without a mother; and he then mentions the mythological tradition of the birth of Athena, or Minerva, from the head of Zeus, or Jupiter. This fantastic argument is, of course, irresistible in the view of Greek mythology. But the half truth which lies at the basis of it has always been springing up all over the world, not. alone among barbarous nations, but among the most civilized in the ancient and medieval worlds. For instance, in a valuable paper on the social and family relations among Australian tribes, in the Smithsonian Report for 1883, by A. W. Howitt, we find just this same theory modifying the law o
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Women and Men, Index. (search)
te under the names of men, 259. Wife, position of, in Rome, 45. Will, breaking of, in children, 1°1. Willis, N. P., 289. Winlock, Anna, 287. Wolcott, Mrs., Oliver, 98. Wollstonecraft, Mary. See Godwin. woman of influence, the, 17. woman's enterprise, A, 207. Women, advantages of, 29; as household decorators, 161; as organizers, 20, 149; as public speakers, 239; authors, 18; courage of, 142; disadvantages of, 12, 92; earnings of, 119; education of, 88; employments of, 60, 161,269; plurality of, 38; teachers, 20, 100, 131, 244; their need of strength, 59; working among men, 10; writing under men's names, 259. women as household decorators, 161. Women's Christian Temperance Union, the, 25. women's influence on literary style, 85. women's letters, 110. Wordsworth, William, 302. Worth, M., 17. Wright, C. D., 38. Wright, Thomas, quoted, 148. X. Xanthippe, 81. Y. Yale University, 99. Youth, the flood-tide of, 48. Z. Zeus, 45. The end
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Afternoon landscape: poems and translations, Translations. (search)
Translations. Sappho's ode to Aphrodite. poikilo/qrona, a)qa/nata *)afrodi/ta.Sappho. Beautiful-throned, immortal Aphrodite! Daughter of Zeus, beguiler! I implore thee Weigh me not down with weariness and anguish, O thou most holy! Come to me now! if ever thou in kindness Hearkenedst my words,--and often hast thou hearkened, Heeding, and coming from the mansion golden Of thy great Father, Yoking thy chariot, borne by thy most lovely Consecrated birds, with dusky-tinted pinions, Waving swift wings from utmost heights of heaven Through the mid-ether; Swiftly they vanished, leaving thee, O Goddess! Smiling, with face immortal in its beauty, Asking why I grieved, and why in utter longing I had dared call thee; Asking what I sought, thus hopeless in desiring, 'Wildered in brain, and spreading nets of passion— Alas, for whom? and saidst thou, “Who has harmed thee? O my poor Sappho! “Though now he flies, ere long he shall pursue thee; Fearing thy gifts, he too in turn shall <
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Atlantic Essays, The Greek goddesses. (search)
e, and, whenever she bows her head, it is as if Zeus had nodded,--a privilege which he has given to omprehended it. Aphrodite is the daughter of Zeus and Harmonia, according to some legends; while, in the oldest mythology, is simply the wife of Zeus (or Jupiter), and the type and protector of marhe highest gods reverence Hera, but she reveres Zeus. His domestic relations, therefore, are a despself to her august spouse. Accordingly, when Zeus embraces Hera on Mount Ida, clothed in fascinat like Hera, both sister and in a manner wife of Zeus, to bring her into equality with him. Yet she ierpine. In a sense this maiden is the child of Zeus, but not in a mortal manner,--by an ineffable cst them all. Hestia, or Vesta, is the sister of Zeus, but not his wife like Hera, nor his symbolicalebus and Poseidon, she has sworn by the head of Zeus to be a virgin forever. She represents woman ass, and Artemis, the maid, her cruel chastity. Zeus and Actaeon were the sufferers, because consist[5 more...]
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Atlantic Essays, Sappho. (search)
hat even the harshest voice or most awkward recital can hardly render it unpleasing to the ear. Let us hope that the Muses may extend some such grace, even to a translation. Hymn to Aphrodite. Beautiful-throned, immortal Aphrodite! Daughter of Zeus, beguiler, I implore thee, Weigh me not down with weariness and anguish, O thou most holy! Come to me now! if ever thou in kindness Hearkenedst my words,--and often hast thou hearkened, Heeding, and coming from the mansions golden Of thy great Fughts and dreams that draw round us with the shadows and vanish with the dawn. Achilles Tatius, in the fifth century, gave in prose the substance of one of Sappho's poems, not otherwise preserved. It may be called The song of the rose. If Zeus had wished to appoint a sovereign over the flowers, he would have made the rose their king. It is the ornament of the earth, the glory of plants, the eye of the flowers, the blush of the meadows, a flash of beauty. It breathes of love, welcomes
Jula Ward Howe, Reminiscences: 1819-1899, Chapter 7: marriage: tour in Europe (search)
ld not refrain from exclaiming, Oh, Cecilia, how you have improved! to which Mrs. Combe replied, Who could help improving when living with perfection? Dr. Howe and Mr. Combe sometimes visited the galleries in company, viewing the works therein contained in the light of their favorite theory. I remember having gone with them through the great sculpture hall of the Vatican, listening with edification to their instructive conversation. They stood for some time before the well-known head of Zeus, the contour and features of which appeared to them quite orthodox, according to the standard of phrenology. In this last my husband was rather an enthusiastic believer. He was apt, in judging new acquaintances, to note closely the shape of the head, and at one time was unwilling even to allow a woman servant to be engaged until, at his request, she had removed her bonnet, giving him an opportunity to form his estimate of her character or, at least, of her natural proclivities. In commo
Jula Ward Howe, Reminiscences: 1819-1899, Index (search)
ttacked, 236. Tiibingen, University of, confers a degree on Samuel Ward, Mrs. Howe's brother, 68. Turks, their devastation of Greece, 85. Tweedy, Edmund, 402. Tweedy, Mary, 402. Umberto, king of Italy, crowned, 424. Uncle Tom's Cabin, Mrs. Stowe's, 253. United States, Bank of, Jackson's refusal to renew charter of, 50; English sneer at, 17 Van de Weyer, Mr. Sylvain, Belgian minister to England, 93. Van de Weyer, Mrs. Sylvain, 92. Vatican, evening visit to, 129; head of Zeus in, 132. Via Felice, a poem, 200. Victor Emmanuel, his popularity and death, 423. Victoria, Queen, 93. Vienna, the Howes at, 118. Von Walther, Mme., 118. Voysey, Rev., Charles, sermon by, 330. Waddington, W. H., 410. Wade, Benjamin F., commissioner on the annexation of Santo Domingo, 181, 345. Wadsworth, William, of Geneseo, 104. Walcourt, Lord, visited by the Howes, 114, 115. Walcourt, Lady, 115. Wall Street, Samuel Ward in, 51; John Ward in, 55. Wallace, Hor