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Troy (Turkey) 84 0 Browse Search
Greece (Greece) 46 0 Browse Search
Ilium (Turkey) 32 0 Browse Search
Argos (Greece) 18 0 Browse Search
Phrygia (Turkey) 16 0 Browse Search
Argive (Greece) 10 0 Browse Search
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Achaia (Greece) 8 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Euripides, The Trojan Women (ed. E. P. Coleridge). Search the whole document.

Found 24 total hits in 5 results.

Ilium (Turkey) (search for this): card 860
etched woman away—wife I have no mind to call her, though she once was mine—for now she is one among the other Trojan women who share these tents as captives. For they, the very men who who toiled to take her with the spear, have granted to me to slay her, or, if I will, to spare and carry back with me to Argos. Now my purpose is not to put her to death in Troy, but to carry her to Hellas in my sea-borne ship, and then surrender her to death, a recompense to all whose friends were slain in Ilium. Ho! my servants, enter the tent, and drag her out to me by her hair foul with murder; and when a favoring breeze shall blow, to Hellas will we convey her. Hecuba O you that do support the earth and rest thereupon, whoever you are, a riddle past our knowledge! Zeus, owhether you are natural necessity, or man's intellect, to you I pray; for, though you tread over a noiseless path, all your dealings with mankind are guided by justice. Menelaus What is this? Strange the prayer you offer to
Troy (Turkey) (search for this): card 860
Menelaus Hail! you radiant flare of the sun, by whose fair light I now shall capture her that was my wife, Helen; for I am that Menelaus, who has toiled so hard, I and Achaea's army. I came to Troy, not so much as men suppose for, the sake of a woman, but to punish the man who from my house stole my wife, traitor to my hospitality. But he, by the gods' will, has paid the penalty, ruined, and his country too, by the spear of Hellas. And I have come to bear that wretched woman away—wife I harojan women who share these tents as captives. For they, the very men who who toiled to take her with the spear, have granted to me to slay her, or, if I will, to spare and carry back with me to Argos. Now my purpose is not to put her to death in Troy, but to carry her to Hellas in my sea-borne ship, and then surrender her to death, a recompense to all whose friends were slain in Ilium. Ho! my servants, enter the tent, and drag her out to me by her hair foul with murder; and when a favoring br
Achaia (Greece) (search for this): card 860
Menelaus Hail! you radiant flare of the sun, by whose fair light I now shall capture her that was my wife, Helen; for I am that Menelaus, who has toiled so hard, I and Achaea's army. I came to Troy, not so much as men suppose for, the sake of a woman, but to punish the man who from my house stole my wife, traitor to my hospitality. But he, by the gods' will, has paid the penalty, ruined, and his country too, by the spear of Hellas. And I have come to bear that wretched woman away—wife I have no mind to call her, though she once was mine—for now she is one among the other Trojan women who share these tents as captives. For they, the very men who who toiled to take her with the spear, have granted to me to slay her, or, if I will, to spare and carry back with me to Argos. Now my purpose is not to put her to death in Troy, but to carry her to Hellas in my sea-borne ship, and then surrender her to death, a recompense to all whose friends were slain in Ilium. Ho! my servants, enter
Argos (Greece) (search for this): card 860
rom my house stole my wife, traitor to my hospitality. But he, by the gods' will, has paid the penalty, ruined, and his country too, by the spear of Hellas. And I have come to bear that wretched woman away—wife I have no mind to call her, though she once was mine—for now she is one among the other Trojan women who share these tents as captives. For they, the very men who who toiled to take her with the spear, have granted to me to slay her, or, if I will, to spare and carry back with me to Argos. Now my purpose is not to put her to death in Troy, but to carry her to Hellas in my sea-borne ship, and then surrender her to death, a recompense to all whose friends were slain in Ilium. Ho! my servants, enter the tent, and drag her out to me by her hair foul with murder; and when a favoring breeze shall blow, to Hellas will we convey her. Hecuba O you that do support the earth and rest thereupon, whoever you are, a riddle past our knowledge! Zeus, owhether you are natural necessity, or
Greece (Greece) (search for this): card 860
the man who from my house stole my wife, traitor to my hospitality. But he, by the gods' will, has paid the penalty, ruined, and his country too, by the spear of Hellas. And I have come to bear that wretched woman away—wife I have no mind to call her, though she once was mine—for now she is one among the other Trojan women who s, have granted to me to slay her, or, if I will, to spare and carry back with me to Argos. Now my purpose is not to put her to death in Troy, but to carry her to Hellas in my sea-borne ship, and then surrender her to death, a recompense to all whose friends were slain in Ilium. Ho! my servants, enter the tent, and drag her out to me by her hair foul with murder; and when a favoring breeze shall blow, to Hellas will we convey her. Hecuba O you that do support the earth and rest thereupon, whoever you are, a riddle past our knowledge! Zeus, owhether you are natural necessity, or man's intellect, to you I pray; for, though you tread over a noiseless path,