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Italy (Italy) (search for this): letter 7
supremacy, or else the class of those who hold power in the States becomes, by some dispensation of Heaven, really philosophic.This echoes the famous passage in Plat. Rep. 5.473d; cf. Plat. L. 7.328a infra.This was the view I held when I came to Italy and Sicily, at the time of my first arrival. And when I came I was in no wise pleased at all with “the blissful life,” as it is there termed, replete as it is with Italian and Syracusan banquetingscf. Plat. Rep. 404d.; for thus one's existence o repeat—in which his request was couched: ” What opportunities (he asked) are we to wait for that could be better than those that have now been presented by a stroke of divine good fortune?” And he dwelt in detail on the extent of the empire in Italy and Sicily and his own power therein, and the youth of Dionysius, mentioning also how great a desire he had for philosophy and education, and he spoke of his own nephewsProbably sisters' sons of Dion, and not including Hipparinus (who would be
Megara (Greece) (search for this): letter 7
and just and thereby to bring them always into a state of mutual friendliness and comradeship. And it is because you have left me destitute of these that I have now quitted Syracuse and come hither. My condition, however, casts a lesser reproach on you; but as for Philosophy, which you are always belauding, and saying that she is treated with ignominy by the rest of mankind, surely, so far as it depends on you, she too is now betrayed as well as I. Now if we had happened to be living at Megara,A town close to Athens, to which the disciples of Socrates retreated after his death. you would no doubt have come to assist me in the cause for which I summoned you, on pain of deeming yourself of all men the most base; and now, forsooth, do you imagine that when you plead in excuse the length of the journey and the great strain of the voyage and of the labor involved you can possibly be acquitted of the charge of cowardice? Far from it, indeed.” If he had spoken thus, what plausible ans
Peloponnesus (Greece) (search for this): letter 7
ate of alarm. Then—to cut a long story short—Dion came from the Peloponnesus and from Athens and admonished Dionysius by deed.i.e. by a milit, calling them both from Sicily itself and from the whole of the Peloponnese, not fearing even Athens itself; for there too there are those come, he now ceased to permit Dion's trustees to remit it to the Peloponnese, just as though he had entirely forgotten the terms of his lette. I require that he shall remove his property and reside in the Peloponnese, not, however, as an exile but possessing the right to visit thiy. And all the property he shall take shall be deposited in the Peloponnese and Athens with such persons as you shall think fit; and he shat reside in Sicily, I claim that he should have a passage to the Peloponnese, taking his son and his wife, and reside there without doing inj.On arriving at Olympia,i.e. for the festival of 360 B.C. in the Peloponnese, I came upon Dion, who was attending the Games; and I reported
iving the future overthrow of the tyranny. For Dion in truth, being quick-witted, both in other resnderous stories brought to the court concerning Dion. So I defended him, so far as I was able, thoung towards him as Dionysius had done. For when Dion was trying to train and rear him up to be a kinin the future. Of this I attempted to persuade Dion in the first place, secondly Dionysius, and nowd I would count but small. And the murderer of Dion is not aware that he has brought about the same 7.330d, just before he begins his “counsel” to Dion's friends. before I gave my counsel to the intimates and companions of Dion. What happened next was this: I urged Dionysius by all means possibledemanding most insistently that I should come. Dion, then, kept urging and entreating me to make thhers in Syracuse who had had some teaching from Dion, and others again who had been taught by these, they have flooded the world with woes. And yet Dion had the same designs as I myself should have ha[81 more...]<
Gela (Italy) (search for this): letter 7
ed, then, if he were to re-people the devastated cities of Sicily and bind them together by laws and constitutions so that they should be leagued both with himself and with one another against barbarian reinforcements, he would thus not merely double the empire of his father but actually multiply it many times over; for if this came to pass, it would be an easy task to enslave the Carthaginians far more than they had been enslaved in the time of Gelon,Gelon succeeded Hippocrates as tyrant of Gela about 490 B.C., and then captured Syracuse and made it his capital. His defeat of the Carthaginians at Himera, 480 B.C., was celebrated by the poet Simonides. whereas now, on the contrary, his father had contracted to pay tribute to the barbarians.Such was the advice and exhortation given to Dionysius by us, who were plotting against him, as statements pouring in from many quarters alleged; which statements in fact so prevailed with Dionysius that they caused Dion's expulsion and threw us i
Tarentum (Italy) (search for this): letter 7
being taken were in accordance with our compact.Now it seems that after this ArchytasA famous scientist and statesman of Tarentum; cf. Plat. L. 7.350a infra,Plat. L. 13.360c. arrived at the court of Dionysius; for when I sailed away, I had, before he rest it were tedious and inopportune to repeat. And other letters kept coming both from Archytas and from the men in Tarentum, eulogizing the philosophy of Dionysius, and saying that unless I come now I should utterly dissolve their friendship wi once again the same argument recurred, namely, that it was my duty not to betray Dion, nor yet my hosts and comrades in Tarentum. And I felt also myself that there would be nothing surprising in a young man, who was apt at learning, attaining to a ey would make away with me. So I devised the following plan to save myself: I sent to Archytas and my other friends in Tarentum stating the position in which I found myself: and they, having found some pretext for an Embassy from the State, dispat
Olympia (Greece) (search for this): letter 7
oundation of the events which have now taken place in regard to Dion and in regard to Syracuse; and of still more events, as is to be feared, unless you now hearken to the counsel I offer you now, for the second time.The first occasion being at Olympia in 360 B.C.; cf. Plat. L. 7.350b ff.What, then, do I mean by saying that my arrival in Sicily on that occasion was the foundation of everything? When I associated with Dion, who was then a youth, instructing him verbally in what I believed wasous to depart, and begging him by all means to give his consent. To this he agreed, and he sent me forth after giving me supplies for the journey; but as to Dion's money, neither did I ask for any of it nor did anyone pay me any.On arriving at Olympia,i.e. for the festival of 360 B.C. in the Peloponnese, I came upon Dion, who was attending the Games; and I reported what had taken place. And he, calling Zeus to witness, was invoking me and my relatives and friends to prepare at once to take
Sicily (Italy) (search for this): letter 7
, then, do I mean by saying that my arrival in Sicily on that occasion was the foundation of everythetail on the extent of the empire in Italy and Sicily and his own power therein, and the youth of Disel as before, and the same doctrine. Neither Sicily, nor yet any other State—such is my doctrine—ss you should call to aid you in repeopling all Sicily and giving it equal laws, calling them both frd my account of the first period of my stay in SicilyThis refers back to Plat. L. 7.330c, Plat. L. 7ieving that I esteemed him above all others in Sicily, and other Sicilians of my acquaintance; and e Speusippus and Xenocrates and Dion's here in Sicily shall be the guarantors of these terms, and hef Dion's money; nevertheless, to the whole of Sicily we appeared to be comrades.Now Dionysius attem case it is decided that he must not reside in Sicily, I claim that he should have a passage to the e reasons why I undertook my second journey to Sicilyi.e. Plato's third Sicilian visit (as he does n[13 more...]<
Mede (Italy) (search for this): letter 7
r by benefits nor by ties of kindred, was he able to make any one of them worthy of a share in his government. Thus he was seven times more unhappy than DariusDarius wrested the kingdom of Persia from the usurper Pseudo-Smerdis by the aid of six other Persian nobles, cf. Plat. Laws 695b ff. For the numerical computation of comparative happiness cf. Plat. Rep. 587b ff. who trusted men who neither were his brothers nor reared up by himself but merely colleagues who had helped him to crush the Mede and the Eunuch; and he divided amongst them seven provinces, each greater than the whole of Sicily; and these colleagues he found loyal, neither did they make any attack either on himself or on one another. And thus he left an example of the character which should belong to the good lawgiver and king; for by the laws he framed he has preserved the empire of the Persians even until this day. Moreover, the Athenians also, after taking over many of the Greek cities which had fallen into the
Eleusis (Greece) (search for this): letter 7
s, as his friend, to the propriety of his expulsion of Dion, in this design he failed utterly. And later on, while returning home from exile, Dion attached to himself two brothers from Athens,Callipus and Philostratus; cf. Plutarch,Dion, cc. 54 ff. men whose friendship was not derived from philosophy, but from the ordinary companionship out of which most friendships spring, and which comes from mutual entertaining and sharing in religion and mystic ceremonies.After the Little Mysteries of Eleusis the initiated became aMUSTH/S, after the Great Mysteries anE)PO/PTHS. So, too, in the case of these two friends who accompanied him home; it was for these reasons and because of their assistance in his homeward voyage that they became his companions. But on their arrival in Sicily, when they perceived that Dion was slanderously charged before the Siceliots whom he had set free with plotting to become tyrant, they not only betrayed their companion and host but became themselves, so to say,
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