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, by no breadth of shade 'Soften the summer sun-whose rays direct 'Pass from the Lion to the fervid earth.A passage of difficulty. I understand it to mean that at this spot the summer sun (in Leo) strikes the earth with direct rays. 'Next dost thou journey onwards past the realm 'Of burning Phoebus, and the sterile sands, 'With equal volume; now with all thy strength 'Gathered in one, and now in devious streams 'Parting the bank that crumbles at thy touch. 'Then by our kingdom's gates, where Philae parts 'Arabian peoples from Egyptian fields ' The sluggish bosom of thy flood recalls ' Thy wandering currents, which through desert wastes ' Flow gently on to where the merchant track ' Divides the Red Sea waters from our own. ' Who, gazing, Nile, upon thy tranquil flow, ' Could picture how in wild array of foam ' (Where shelves the earth) thy billows shall be plunged ' Down the steep cataracts, in fuming wrath ' That rocks should bar the passage of thy stream ' Free from its source? For w
us that the object of the journey was the discovery of the sources of the Nile. ' To Nile its mystery, and to furthest earth ' Sent chosen Ethiops whom the crimson zone ' Stayed in their further march, while flowed his stream ' Warm at their feet. Sesostris Sesostris, the great king, does not appear to have pushed his conquests to the west of Europe. westward far ' Reached, to the ends of earth; and necks of kings ' Bent 'neath his chariot yoke: but of the springs ' Which fill your rivers, Rhone and Po, he drank, 'Not of the fount of Nile. Cambyses king 'In madman quest led forth his host to where 'The long-lived races dwell: then famine struck, 'Ate of his dead See Herodotus, III., 17. These Ethiopian races were supposed to live to the age of 120 years, drinking milk, and eating boiled flesh. On Cambyses's march his starving troops cast lots by tens for the one man who was to be eaten. and, Nile unknown, returned. No lying rumour of thy hidden source 'Has e'er made mention; wheres
in his banks, until the sun ' In equal balance measures night and day. ' Nor are the laws that govern other streams ' Obeyed by Nile. For in the wintry year 'Were he in flood, when distant far the sun, ' His waters lacked their office; but he leaves ' His channel when the summer is at height, ' Tempering the torrid heat of Egypt's clime. ' Such is the task of Nile; thus in the world ' He finds his purpose, lest exceeding heat ' Consume the lands: and rising thus to meet ' Enkindled Lion, to Syene's prayers ' By Cancer burnt gives ear; nor curbs his wave ' Till the slant sun and Meroe's lengthening shades ' Proclaim the autumn. Who shall give the cause? ' 'Twas Parent Nature's self which gave command ' Thus for the needs of earth should flow the Nile. ' Vain too the fable that the western winds So, too, Herodotus, Book II., 20, who attributes this theory to Greeks who wish to get a reputation for cleverness. ' Control his current, in continuous course ' At stated seasons governing the
Jupiter (Canada) (search for this): book 10, card 194
sacred edicts should be known to men. ' A different power by the primal law, ' Each star possesses: It was supposed that the Sun and Moon and the planets (Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, and Venus) were points which restrained the motion of the sky in its revolution. (See Book VI., 576.) these alone control ' The movement of the simits of the sea and shore. ' Neath Saturn's sway the zone of ice and snow ' Has passed; while Mars in lightning's fitful flames ' And winds abounds: beneath high Jupiter ' Unvexed by storms abides a temperate air; ' And fruitful Venus' star contains the seeds ' Of all things. Ruler of the boundless deep ' The god Mercury. (See Boailed ' Remote by nature. Greatest of the kings ' By Memphis worshipped, Alexander grudged The historians state that Alexander made an expedition to the temple of Jupiter Hammon and consulted the oracle. Jupiter assisted his march, and an army of crows pointed out the path (Plutarch). It is, however, stated, in a note in Langhorne'
wandering currents, which through desert wastes ' Flow gently on to where the merchant track ' Divides the Red Sea waters from our own. ' Who, gazing, Nile, upon thy tranquil flow, ' Could picture how in wild array of foam ' (Where shelves the earth) thy billows shall be plunged ' Down the steep cataracts, in fuming wrath ' That rocks should bar the passage of thy stream ' Free from its source? For whirled on high the spray ' Aims at the stars, and trembles all the air With rush of waters; and with sounding roar The foaming mass down from the summit pours In hoary waves victorious. Next an isle In all our ancient lore "untrodden" named Stems firm thy torrent; and the rocks we call Springs of the river, for that here are marked The earliest tokens of the coming flood. With mountain shores now nature hems thee in And shuts thy waves from Libya; in the midst Hence do thy waters run, till Memphis first Forbids the barrier placed upon thy stream And gives thee access to the open fields.'
e earth with direct rays. 'Next dost thou journey onwards past the realm 'Of burning Phoebus, and the sterile sands, 'With equal volume; now with all thy strength 'Gathered in one, and now in devious streams 'Parting the bank that crumbles at thy touch. 'Then by our kingdom's gates, where Philae parts 'Arabian peoples from Egyptian fields ' The sluggish bosom of thy flood recalls ' Thy wandering currents, which through desert wastes ' Flow gently on to where the merchant track ' Divides the Red Sea waters from our own. ' Who, gazing, Nile, upon thy tranquil flow, ' Could picture how in wild array of foam ' (Where shelves the earth) thy billows shall be plunged ' Down the steep cataracts, in fuming wrath ' That rocks should bar the passage of thy stream ' Free from its source? For whirled on high the spray ' Aims at the stars, and trembles all the air With rush of waters; and with sounding roar The foaming mass down from the summit pours In hoary waves victorious. Next an isle In all
his march, and an army of crows pointed out the path (Plutarch). It is, however, stated, in a note in Langhorne's edition, that Maximus Tyrius informs us that the object of the journey was the discovery of the sources of the Nile. ' To Nile its mystery, and to furthest earth ' Sent chosen Ethiops whom the crimson zone ' Stayed in their further march, while flowed his stream ' Warm at their feet. Sesostris Sesostris, the great king, does not appear to have pushed his conquests to the west of Europe. westward far ' Reached, to the ends of earth; and necks of kings ' Bent 'neath his chariot yoke: but of the springs ' Which fill your rivers, Rhone and Po, he drank, 'Not of the fount of Nile. Cambyses king 'In madman quest led forth his host to where 'The long-lived races dwell: then famine struck, 'Ate of his dead See Herodotus, III., 17. These Ethiopian races were supposed to live to the age of 120 years, drinking milk, and eating boiled flesh. On Cambyses's march his starving troops ca
f spring, ' When first are thawed the snows, that ice-fed streams ' In swollen torrents tumble; but the Nile ' Nor lifts his wave before the Dog star burns; ' Nor seeks again his banks, until the sun ' In equal balance measures night and day. ' Nor are the laws that govern other streams ' Obeyed by Nile. For in the wintry year 'Were he in flood, when distant far the sun, ' His waters lacked their office; but he leaves ' His channel when the summer is at height, ' Tempering the torrid heat of Egypt's clime. ' Such is the task of Nile; thus in the world ' He finds his purpose, lest exceeding heat ' Consume the lands: and rising thus to meet ' Enkindled Lion, to Syene's prayers ' By Cancer burnt gives ear; nor curbs his wave ' Till the slant sun and Meroe's lengthening shades ' Proclaim the autumn. Who shall give the cause? ' 'Twas Parent Nature's self which gave command ' Thus for the needs of earth should flow the Nile. ' Vain too the fable that the western winds So, too, Herodotus, B
oe'er thou art 'Yet art thou sought, nor yet has nation claimed 'In pride of place thy river as its own. ' Yet shall I tell, so far as has the god, ' Who veils thy fountain, given me to know, 'Thy progress. Daring to upraise thy banks ''Gainst fiery Cancer's heat, thou tak'st thy rise 'Beneath the zenith: straight towards the north 'And mid Bootes flowing; to the couch 'Bending, or to the risings, of the sun 'In sinuous bends alternate; just alike 'To Araby's peoples and to Libyan sands. 'By Seres The Seres are, of course, the Chinese. The ancients seem to have thought that the Nile came from the east. But it is possible that there was another tribe of this name dwelling in Africa. first beheld, yet know they not Whence art thou come; and with no native stream Strik'st thou the Ethiop fields. Nor knows the world 'To whom it owes thee. Nature ne'er revealed 'Thy secret origin, removed afar. 'Nor did she wish thee to be seen of men ' While still a tiny rivulet, but preferred ' Their
ing heat ' Consume the lands: and rising thus to meet ' Enkindled Lion, to Syene's prayers ' By Cancer burnt gives ear; nor curbs his wave ' Till the slant sun and Meroe's lengthening shades ' Proclaim the autumn. Who shall give the cause? ' 'Twas Parent Nature's self which gave command ' Thus for the needs of earth should flow thething holes ' Deep in the earth, within whose mighty jaws ' Waters in noiseless current underneath ' From northern cold to southern climes are drawn; 'And when hot Meroe pants beneath the sun, ' Then, say they, Ganges through the silent depths ' And Padus pass: and from a single fount ' The Nile arising not in single streams ' Pourflood ' Untimely; such thy right: to other lands ' Bearing thy winter: and by both the poles ' Thou only wanderest. Here men ask thy rise ' And there thine ending. Meroe rich in soil 'And tilled by swarthy husbandmen divides 'Thy broad expanse, rejoicing in the leaves 'Of groves of ebony, which though spreading far 'Their branching
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