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Port Royal (South Carolina, United States) 94 0 Browse Search
Hilton Head (South Carolina, United States) 75 1 Browse Search
Samuel Francis Dupont 71 3 Browse Search
Percival Drayton 69 5 Browse Search
North Carolina (North Carolina, United States) 68 0 Browse Search
Q. A. Gillmore 57 1 Browse Search
United States (United States) 54 0 Browse Search
Morris Island (South Carolina, United States) 53 1 Browse Search
Fernandina, Fla. (Florida, United States) 47 1 Browse Search
C. R. P. Rodgers 47 11 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Daniel Ammen, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 7.2, The Atlantic Coast (ed. Clement Anselm Evans).

Found 4,828 total hits in 1,890 results.

... 184 185 186 187 188 189
Land's End, South-carolina (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
capture of Forts Walker and Beauregard, 31 et seq., 85 Barrett, Captain, 201 Barron, Samuel, 169 Barstow, Lieutenant N. S., 178 Barton, Colonel, 72 Batteries: Read's, 26; Sigel's, 62 Baury, Lieutenant, 237 Bay Point, 27 et seq. Bazley, the U. S. tug, 214 Beaufort, S. C., desertion of, 33 et seq., 42 et seq., 153 Beaufort, the, 184 Beaumont, Commander, 128 Beauregard, General G. T., proclamation of, concerning blockade at Charleston, 78 et seq., 137 Beauregard, Fort, see Fort Beauregard Bedell, Lieutenant, 63 Behm, Lieutenant C. F. W., 177, 189 Belknap, Colonel, of Eighty-fifth New York, 197 Belknap, Lieutenant-Commander George E., 100, 156 Belle, the, U. S. tug, 214 Belvidere, the, it. S. transport, 18, 33, 49 Benjamin, J. P., 16 (note) Berry, Captain, 25 Bertwistle, Ensign, 237 Bienville, the, U. S., 21 Black Warrior, the, 184 et seq. Blockade, proclamation concerning, 78; blockade running, 146 Blythewood, M
Port Royal (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
7, 18, 26, 35, 49, 56, 58 et seq. Pontiac, the, 151 et seq. Pontoosuc, the, 228, 242 Porter, Lieutenant, 237 Porter, Rear-Admiral D. D., relieves Admiral Lee, 216 et seq.; report of, 223 et seq., 227; report of, 234, 241 et seq. Port Royal, necessity of seizing, 11 et seq., 16 et seq., 20, 26, 32 et seq, 41 et seq. Port Royal, the, U. S. vessel, 70 Portsmouth, the, U. S. sloop, 7 Potomska, the, 46, 49 et seq., 56, 58 et seq., 64 Potter, General, 156 Powhatan, thePort Royal, the, U. S. vessel, 70 Portsmouth, the, U. S. sloop, 7 Potomska, the, 46, 49 et seq., 56, 58 et seq., 64 Potter, General, 156 Powhatan, the U. S. steamer, 7, 74, 228 Preble, Commander George H., 152 Prentiss, Commander G. A., 66 et seq. Preston, Lieutenant S. W., 102, 138, 218, 221, 233; death of, 237 et seq. Princess Royal, the, prize steamer, 79, 81 Proclamations: forbidding all intercourse between Confederate and National forces, 35; concerning the blockade at Charleston, 78 et seq. Pulaski, Fort, see Fort Pulaski Putnam, the, 177 et seq., 181, 183, 194 Q. Quackenbush, Commander, 155, 177, 183, 189
Sonoma (Texas, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
17 (note); his report on Port Royal expedition, 32 et seq.; moves against Port Royal Ferry, 43, 47, 59, 152 et seq.; 242 et seq. Shokokon, the, 196 Shuttleworth, Captain, 166 Simms, Mate, 237 Sketches: of the Atlanta, 119; of torpedo-boats, 140 Small, Robert, colored pilot of the Planter, 65, 67 Smith, Captain, Joseph, Chief of Yards and Docks, 3 Smith, Captain, Melancton, 204 et seq., 207, 210 Snell, Lieutenant-Commander, 70 Soley, Professor, volume of, 120 Sonoma, the, 152 et seq., 155 et seq. Southfield, the, 177 et seq., 189 et seq., 201 et seq., 212, 214 Speidel, Major, 46 Sproston, Lieutenant John G., killed, 69 Squadron, Mississippi, 216 Squadron, North Atlantic, 216 Squadron, West Gulf, 216 Star of the South, the, U. S. transport, 49 Stars and Stripes, the, U. S. vessel, 177, 189, 193 State fealty, 5 et seq. Steedman, Commander, Charles, 21, 70 et seq. Stellwagen, Captain F. S., 74 Stellwagen, Commander He
Mount Vernon (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
9 Monitors, description of, 111 et seq. Monitor, the, 83, 111 Monroe, Fortress, see Fortress: Monroe. Montauk, the, 83 et seq., 88, 90, 92, 94 et seq., 125, 127 et seq., 131, 138, 242 Montgomery, the, 218, 228 Monticello, the, 165 et seq., 172, 174, 196, 200, 211, 218, 228 Morley, Captain M. B., 179 Morris Island, 117, 122, 125, 128, 130, 134 et seq., 141, 145, 156 Morse, the, 177, 183 et seq., 186, 189 Morton, the, Confederate steamer, captured, 70 Mount Vernon, the, 175, 210 et seq., 218 Mullan, Assistant Engineer, 218, 221 Murdaugh, Lieutenant, 170 Murray, Lieutenant-Commanding A., 177 et seq., 185, 187, 189 Mystic, the, U. S. steamer, 7 N. Nahant, the, 87 et seq., 92, 97 et seq., 117, 125, 127, 131 Nansemond, the, 210, 229 Nantucket, the, 90, 92, 96, 128 et seq. Nashville, the, Confederate vessel, destruction of, 85 et seq., 121 Naval attack, plan of, 232 Negroes, rejoicing at Beaufort, 34 et seq.; deso
Hampton Roads (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
rant, General U. S., 215, 227 Graves, Master G. W., 177, 189 Great Britain, opinions there on the destruction of Charleston Harbor, 41 et seq.; statement purported from her consul at Charleston, 78 et seq.; English steamers attempt blockade-running, 146; blockade-runner taken, 146 Green, Mate, 237 Gregory. Rear-Admiral, 110, 122 Griffin. Colonel, 199 Guss, Colonel, 50 H. Haggerty, Commander Francis S., 21 Hale, the, U. S. tug, 43 et seq., 48, 63 et seq., 70 Hampton Roads, expedition to, 13 et seq. Harriet Lane, the U. S. revenue cutter, 165 et seq. Harris, Ensign, 237 Harris, Lieutenant-Commander T. C., 128 Hartford, the, U. S. steamer, 7 Harvest Moon, the, U. S. steamer, 148, 159 Hatch, General, 152 et seq. Hatteras Inlet, 163 et seq. Hatteras, the, U. S. vessel, 74 Hawkins, Colonel, 165, 172, 187, 194 Hayes, Acting-Master, Peter, 177, 189 Hazard, Commander Samuel F., 177 Hazeltine, Ensign, 147 Henningsen, General
Hilton Head (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
arleston, 92, 162 (note) Drayton, General, 16 (note), 19, 21; his description of attack on Fort Walker, 24 et seq., 28; report on defence of Forts Walker and Beauregard, 31 et seq.; his coast char0 et seq., 130 et seq., 141, 146, 148 Fort Wagner, 126 et seq., 131, 133 et seq., 145 Fort Walker, attack on, 22 et seq.; surrender pf, 27; report on, 30 et seq., 42 Foster, Captain I. L., 212 T. Tacony, the, 218, 228, 239 Tatnall, Commodore, Josiah, 19; his defence of Fort Walker, 22 et seq., 47 Taylor, Captain, Wm. Rogers, 77, 81 Terry, General A. H., 129 et seq., , 46, 50, 52, 55, 59, 62, 72, 122, 148, 165 et seq., 228 Wagner, Fort, see Fort Wagner Walker, Fort, see Fort Walker Wallace, Ensign, 72 Wamsutta, the, 64 Wando, the, 156 Wassaw SoFort Walker Wallace, Ensign, 72 Wamsutta, the, 64 Wando, the, 156 Wassaw Sound, demonstration in, 46 et seq. Washington, D. C., menaced by Confederates, 4 Wassaw Sound, 117 et seq., 157 Water Witch, the, U. S. vessel, 71, 146, 149 Watmough, Lieutenant-Command
Hutchinson's Island (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
seq., 218 Mullan, Assistant Engineer, 218, 221 Murdaugh, Lieutenant, 170 Murray, Lieutenant-Commanding A., 177 et seq., 185, 187, 189 Mystic, the, U. S. steamer, 7 N. Nahant, the, 87 et seq., 92, 97 et seq., 117, 125, 127, 131 Nansemond, the, 210, 229 Nantucket, the, 90, 92, 96, 128 et seq. Nashville, the, Confederate vessel, destruction of, 85 et seq., 121 Naval attack, plan of, 232 Negroes, rejoicing at Beaufort, 34 et seq.; desolation of, at Hutchinson's Island, 37 et seq.; as spies, 43 Nereus, the, 228 Newbern, 189 et seq. Newbury, Taylor C., 80 New Hampshire, regiment of: Fourth, 46, 59 New Ironsides, the, U. S. vessel, 83, 91 et seq., 96, 100, 104 et seq., 109 et seq. 116, 127 et seq., 131 et seq., 134 et seq., 137, 139, 141, 146, 160, 217, 221, 223, 229, 236 New Orleans, La., 104 et seq. Newport News, 82 New York Navy Yard, 8, 13 New York, regiments of: Ninth, 165, 186; Twentieth, 165; Eighty-fifth, 197 Ni
Iroquois, Wyoming (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
ua, the, 210 et seq. Hunchback, the, 177, 186 et seq,, 189 et seq., 196 et seq. Hunter, General, 61, 105 et seq. Hunter, the, U. S. transport, 130 Huron, the, 50 et seq., 67, 218, 223, 231, 242 et seq. Houston, George, a Regulator, 68 et seq. Huzzar, the, 179 I. Indiana, regiments of: Twentieth, 173 Ingraham, Commodore D. N., proclamation of, concerning blockade at Charleston, 78 et seq., 82 I. N. Seymour, the, 177 Iosco, the, 218 Iris, the, 156 Iroquois, the, U. S. vessel, 7 Irwin, Lieutenant, 43; commended, 62 Isaac Smith, the, U. S. vessel, 17, 19, 21, 26, 37, 46, 49 et seq., 52, 72 et seq., 130 Ives, Captain T. P., 179 J. Jacksonville, Fla., 60 et seq. James Adger, the, 84 Jeffers, Lieutenant-Commanding William N., 177, 186 John Adams, the, U. S. sloop, 7 Johnson, Ensign M. L., conduct commended, 62; again commended, 102 Johnson, Neils, 69 Jones, Ensign, 200, 211 Jordan, Thomas, 78 Josselyn, o
Tybee Island (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
T. R., 178 Rockville, desertion of, 39 et seq. Rodgers, Commander C. R. P., 13, 21, 27; reconnoitres Wassaw Sound, 38; commands advance against Port Royal Ferry, 43 et seq.; in Wassaw Sound, 46; in St. Andrew's Inlet, 50 et seq., 55 et seq.; at Fort Pulaski, 61 et seq., 70; highly commended, 102, 109 Rodgers, Commander George W., of the Catskill, 92 et seq., 125, 127 (note), 128; death of, 131 et seq., 146, 162 (note) Rodgers, Commander, John, 19, 27; makes a reconnoissance on Tybee Island, 35 et seq.; threatens Savannah, 47 et seq.; off Charleston, 91; in Wassaw Sound, 117, 122, 162 (note) Rogers, Ensign, 150 Rowan, Captain S. C., 128, 137, 146, 165, 172, 177, 179; at Roanoke Island, 182 et seq., 185 et seq.; at Newbern, 189 et seq. S. Sabine, the, U. S. frigate, 6, 17 St. Andrew's Inlet, 48 et seq. St. Augustine, Fla., surrendered to Captain Rodgers, 55 et seq., 59 et seq. St. Louis, the, U. S. sloop, 6 St. Mary's, Ga., 53 Sampson, Lieutenant Wi
Maumee river (United States) (search for this): chapter 14
Captain, Geo. W., dismissed by Lincoln, 3 et seq. Mahaska, the, 131, 146 et seq. Mahopac, the, 221, 229 Malvern, the, 231 Maple Leaf, the, U. S. transport, 146 Maps: Roanoke Island, 180; Newbern, 191 Maratanza, the, 218, 228, 242 Marblehead, the, U. S. vessel, 71, 129 et seq., 145 Marchand, Commander, 67 Marion, the, U. S. transport, 49 Martin, Colonel, 169 Massasoit, the, 211 Mather, Acting-Master, 60 Mattabesett, the, 204, 206 et seq., 209 Maumee, the, 228 Maxwell, Lieutenant, 172 Meade, Lieutenant-Commanding, 145 Mediterranean, our ships in the. 7 Memphis, the, U. S. vessel, 76, 80, et seq., 148 Mercedita, the, U. S. vessel, disaster to, 74 et seq., 81 Mercer, Captain, Samuel, 165 Mercer, General, 56 Merrimac, the, 82, 111, 204 Miami, the, 300 et seq., 208, 210 Miller, Lieutenant H. W., 18 Mingoe, the, 152 Minnesota, the, U. S. frigate, 7, 165 et seq., 217, 221, 223 et seq., 228, 230, 232
... 184 185 186 187 188 189