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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 2, 1862., [Electronic resource].

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From Fredericksburg. There was nothing new with reference to operations around Fredericksburg brought down by passenger yesterday. No decisive demonstration has been made on either side, though the impression obtain that a fight cannot long be delayed. From what we gather it is the general opinion that Burnside will attempt to throw a column of the army across the Rappahannock at Port Royal, a Caroline county, where he can have the benefit of his gunboats.
Caroline (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
From Fredericksburg. There was nothing new with reference to operations around Fredericksburg brought down by passenger yesterday. No decisive demonstration has been made on either side, though the impression obtain that a fight cannot long be delayed. From what we gather it is the general opinion that Burnside will attempt to throw a column of the army across the Rappahannock at Port Royal, a Caroline county, where he can have the benefit of his gunboats.
Port Royal, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
From Fredericksburg. There was nothing new with reference to operations around Fredericksburg brought down by passenger yesterday. No decisive demonstration has been made on either side, though the impression obtain that a fight cannot long be delayed. From what we gather it is the general opinion that Burnside will attempt to throw a column of the army across the Rappahannock at Port Royal, a Caroline county, where he can have the benefit of his gunboats.
Titus C. Rice (search for this): article 1
Turned pilot. --Officers who accompanied the last flag of truce to City Point met on board the steamer New York, sent to carry off the departing Abolitionists, a former resident of Richmond, in the person of Major Titus C. Rice. This person will be remembered as a former dealer in tinware and a dabbler in military matters in peace times. He was acting as pilot on board the Yankee craft. He asked one of our officers to give his hind remembrances to certain of his former friends; but themer friends; but they told him the message would hardly be an acceptable one. He excused himself for his appearance as a pilot by saying that he had been captured by the Yankees last summer at Newport News, and he had no other way of getting his living than by entering the service of the Yankees. His heart (he hypocritically added) was with the South in this contest. Rice left here considerably played out and smartly in debt. By birth he is a Northern man, and by his actions an adventurer.
City Point (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
Turned pilot. --Officers who accompanied the last flag of truce to City Point met on board the steamer New York, sent to carry off the departing Abolitionists, a former resident of Richmond, in the person of Major Titus C. Rice. This person will be remembered as a former dealer in tinware and a dabbler in military matters in peace times. He was acting as pilot on board the Yankee craft. He asked one of our officers to give his hind remembrances to certain of his former friends; but they told him the message would hardly be an acceptable one. He excused himself for his appearance as a pilot by saying that he had been captured by the Yankees last summer at Newport News, and he had no other way of getting his living than by entering the service of the Yankees. His heart (he hypocritically added) was with the South in this contest. Rice left here considerably played out and smartly in debt. By birth he is a Northern man, and by his actions an adventurer.
From the Southwest. Mobile, Dec. 1. --A special dispatch dated Okolona, November 30, says there is no enemy at Danville or Elenzi. The latter place is occupied by our partisan rangers, under Capt. Harrison. The force at Corinth is much smaller than heretofore. Citizens beyond Corinth say that 12,000 or 15,000 Federal went on the Humboldt and Ohio railroad to the State line, and thence by the Edgefield and Kentucky railroad to Nashville.
November 30th (search for this): article 1
From the Southwest. Mobile, Dec. 1. --A special dispatch dated Okolona, November 30, says there is no enemy at Danville or Elenzi. The latter place is occupied by our partisan rangers, under Capt. Harrison. The force at Corinth is much smaller than heretofore. Citizens beyond Corinth say that 12,000 or 15,000 Federal went on the Humboldt and Ohio railroad to the State line, and thence by the Edgefield and Kentucky railroad to Nashville.
January, 12 AD (search for this): article 1
From the Southwest. Mobile, Dec. 1. --A special dispatch dated Okolona, November 30, says there is no enemy at Danville or Elenzi. The latter place is occupied by our partisan rangers, under Capt. Harrison. The force at Corinth is much smaller than heretofore. Citizens beyond Corinth say that 12,000 or 15,000 Federal went on the Humboldt and Ohio railroad to the State line, and thence by the Edgefield and Kentucky railroad to Nashville.
Danville (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
From the Southwest. Mobile, Dec. 1. --A special dispatch dated Okolona, November 30, says there is no enemy at Danville or Elenzi. The latter place is occupied by our partisan rangers, under Capt. Harrison. The force at Corinth is much smaller than heretofore. Citizens beyond Corinth say that 12,000 or 15,000 Federal went on the Humboldt and Ohio railroad to the State line, and thence by the Edgefield and Kentucky railroad to Nashville.
Okolona (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): article 1
From the Southwest. Mobile, Dec. 1. --A special dispatch dated Okolona, November 30, says there is no enemy at Danville or Elenzi. The latter place is occupied by our partisan rangers, under Capt. Harrison. The force at Corinth is much smaller than heretofore. Citizens beyond Corinth say that 12,000 or 15,000 Federal went on the Humboldt and Ohio railroad to the State line, and thence by the Edgefield and Kentucky railroad to Nashville.
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