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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 10, 1864., [Electronic resource].

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dies, God bless them, look in their homespuns prettier than they ever did. We will soon be commercially independent of the whole world. We had originally, including the States we claim, a population of eight million white people and four million blacks. Now we number not more than five million white people. How many troops do you suppose Abraham has sent down against us? In April, 1861, Lincoln called for seventy-five thousand men. One month later he called for sixty four thousand. From July to December (the old fellow began to get scared) he called for five hundred thousand. In July, 1862, he called for three hundred thousand; in August, 1862, for three hundred thousand; in 1863 he drafted three hundred thousand, and has a draft now pending for five hundred thousand more; making in all about two million and thirty-nine thousand men he has called for to send down upon us — almost half as many soldiers as we have men, women and children in the Confederacy. Their locality is about
bless them, look in their homespuns prettier than they ever did. We will soon be commercially independent of the whole world. We had originally, including the States we claim, a population of eight million white people and four million blacks. Now we number not more than five million white people. How many troops do you suppose Abraham has sent down against us? In April, 1861, Lincoln called for seventy-five thousand men. One month later he called for sixty four thousand. From July to December (the old fellow began to get scared) he called for five hundred thousand. In July, 1862, he called for three hundred thousand; in August, 1862, for three hundred thousand; in 1863 he drafted three hundred thousand, and has a draft now pending for five hundred thousand more; making in all about two million and thirty-nine thousand men he has called for to send down upon us — almost half as many soldiers as we have men, women and children in the Confederacy. Their locality is about as questi
ll clothed in the product of our own looms; and the ladies, God bless them, look in their homespuns prettier than they ever did. We will soon be commercially independent of the whole world. We had originally, including the States we claim, a population of eight million white people and four million blacks. Now we number not more than five million white people. How many troops do you suppose Abraham has sent down against us? In April, 1861, Lincoln called for seventy-five thousand men. One month later he called for sixty four thousand. From July to December (the old fellow began to get scared) he called for five hundred thousand. In July, 1862, he called for three hundred thousand; in August, 1862, for three hundred thousand; in 1863 he drafted three hundred thousand, and has a draft now pending for five hundred thousand more; making in all about two million and thirty-nine thousand men he has called for to send down upon us — almost half as many soldiers as we have men, women an
prediction. There never can be peace on the Continent of North America until the North and South are independent and distinct nations. There might be a temporary peace; such a peace as you have seen effected by overpowering a gallant man, putting manacles upon his limbs, and throwing him into a dungeon; such a peace as exists until he wrenches the bars, scales the walls, and strikes terror into the hearts of his enemies when they dream they are most secure. You would have such a peace as Poland has to-day. She has obtained peace again and again; but so clearly has God drawn a distinction between the Poles and the conquerors that they refuse to mix, and have retained their inherent nationality, though every quarter of a century demands for it a sacrifice of blood. For a while peace would reign in Warsaw, but some act of oppression — the whipping of delicate ladies on the bare back in the public streets, for instance — would cause the people to boil over in a fresh ebullition of in
the Second. If we had no other encouragement the led lustrailous with which history is full wounded sustain us with the assurance that a determined people fighting for their liberties cannot be conquered. You know that in the war of the Revolution we had greater difficulties to accounter than now beset us. It is a notable fact that we were whipped in three-fourths of the battles of the Revolution. The enemy took the city of Charleston, marched through South Carolina, driving Marion and Sumner into the swamps, then into North Carolina, driving our forces back into the wilderness of Virginia, and then returned to Wilington, having traversed two States with the air of a conqueror. How far have the Yankees penetrated these two States? Our currency is in unsettled condition at twenty for one, but that of our Revolutionary forefathers eight hundred for one. The enemy hold every seaboard city, and indeed almost every city in the interior. Our armies were scattered. The people wer
of the way furnishing water facilities transportation, and they are precisely where they were two years ago. No nearer Richmond than they were at the start. And the house of the Yankees that bleach on the plains of Northern Virginia, if piled in a row, would make a McAdamized road from Richmond to Washington, over which the artillery of the Southern Confederacy could roll between the two cities.[Applause.] We know that not withstanding all the immense levies made recently at the North, Gen. Meade is afraid of Gen. Lee, and skulks within his fortifications. If he makes no more progress towards Richmond than he has for some time past, he will not reach that goal of Yankee hopes before 12 o'clock on Doomsday. Why, fellow citizens, it is not worth while to be scared. We scare them about, as badly as they scare us. (Voice, "Go it Vance."!--Well, I am going it, old fellow, and I hope we will all "go it" until the war is over. (Applause.) When I was in the army, and would a Yanke
ulation of eight million white people and four million blacks. Now we number not more than five million white people. How many troops do you suppose Abraham has sent down against us? In April, 1861, Lincoln called for seventy-five thousand men. One month later he called for sixty four thousand. From July to December (the old fellow began to get scared) he called for five hundred thousand. In July, 1862, he called for three hundred thousand; in August, 1862, for three hundred thousand; in 1863 he drafted three hundred thousand, and has a draft now pending for five hundred thousand more; making in all about two million and thirty-nine thousand men he has called for to send down upon us — almost half as many soldiers as we have men, women and children in the Confederacy. Their locality is about as questionable, if they have all started South, as the passengers on a train at a smash-up described by a darkey who was illustrating the difference between a stage-coach and a railway accid
April, 1861 AD (search for this): article 1
ean manufacture. Almost every man I see here to-day is well clothed in the product of our own looms; and the ladies, God bless them, look in their homespuns prettier than they ever did. We will soon be commercially independent of the whole world. We had originally, including the States we claim, a population of eight million white people and four million blacks. Now we number not more than five million white people. How many troops do you suppose Abraham has sent down against us? In April, 1861, Lincoln called for seventy-five thousand men. One month later he called for sixty four thousand. From July to December (the old fellow began to get scared) he called for five hundred thousand. In July, 1862, he called for three hundred thousand; in August, 1862, for three hundred thousand; in 1863 he drafted three hundred thousand, and has a draft now pending for five hundred thousand more; making in all about two million and thirty-nine thousand men he has called for to send down upon
ing, be able to quote the passage of Scripture: "it was good for me to be here." Now, what is it you desire above all other present earthly good? [Voices--"peace, " "peace," "we all want peace."] I know you do. Everybody wants peace. Peace, blessed peace! Why, the man who does not desire peace is unworthy of existence. Peace! It is one of the highest and holiest attributes of Deity, so much so, that our blessed Saviour, Jesus Christ, was called the Prince of Peace. The great Apostle Paul said of the highest character of peace, the peace of God that "it pass all understanding." Now, if you really want peace his great blessing to repose upon our bleeding country, your sons to return from the battle field and take their position again in the family circle, commerce and agriculture to resume their beneficent away, the sword beaten into the plowshare and industry again to stretch her wand over the was beaten fields till they bloom as a garden I suppose, at reasonable men, you are
July, 1862 AD (search for this): article 1
rcially independent of the whole world. We had originally, including the States we claim, a population of eight million white people and four million blacks. Now we number not more than five million white people. How many troops do you suppose Abraham has sent down against us? In April, 1861, Lincoln called for seventy-five thousand men. One month later he called for sixty four thousand. From July to December (the old fellow began to get scared) he called for five hundred thousand. In July, 1862, he called for three hundred thousand; in August, 1862, for three hundred thousand; in 1863 he drafted three hundred thousand, and has a draft now pending for five hundred thousand more; making in all about two million and thirty-nine thousand men he has called for to send down upon us — almost half as many soldiers as we have men, women and children in the Confederacy. Their locality is about as questionable, if they have all started South, as the passengers on a train at a smash-up des
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