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Browsing named entities in a specific section of M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley). Search the whole document.

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ples 'neath the Northern Star In this their false belief; for them no fear Of that which frights all others: they with hands And hearts undaunted rush upon the foe And scorn to spare the life that shall return. Ye too depart who kept the banks of Rhine Safe from the foe, and leave the Teuton tribes Free at their will to march upon the world. When strength increased gave hope of greater deeds Caesar dispersed throughout Italia's bounds His countless bands, and filled the neighbouring towns. Thenthrong that sweeps along the land.' Nor as they knew him do they paint the chief, But stronger than the truth, and pitiless And fiercer far-as from his conquered foes Advancing; in his rear the peoples march, Snatched from their homes between the Rhine and Alps, To sack the city while her sons look on. Thus each man's panic thought swells rumour's lie: They fear the phantoms they themselves create. Nor did the terror seize the crowd alone: But fled the Fathers, to the Consuls Plutarch says the
Batavia (Indonesia) (search for this): book 1, card 396
their absence; fair Garonne Through peaceful meads glides onward to the sea. And where the river broadens, neath the cape Her quiet harbour sleeps. No outstretched arm Except in mimic war now hurls the lance. No skilful warrior of Seine directs The chariot scythed against his country's foe. Now rest the Belgians, and th' Arvernian race That boasts our kinship by descent from Troy; And those brave rebels whose undaunted hands Were dipped in Cotta's blood, and those who wear Sarmatian garb. Batavia's warriors fierce No longer listen for the trumpet's call, Nor those who dwell where Rhone's swift eddies sweep Saone to the ocean; nor the mountain tribes Who dwell about its source. Thou, too, oh Treves, Rejoicest that the war has left thy bounds. Ligurian tribes, now shorn, in ancient days First of the long-haired nations, on whose necks Once flowed the auburn locks in pride supreme; And those who pacify with blood accursed Savage Teutates, Hesus' horrid shrines, And Taranis' altars, cr
The tents are vacant by Lake Leman's side; The camps upon the beetling crags of Vosges No longer hold the warlike Lingon down, Fierce in his painted arms; Isere is left, Who past his shallows gliding, flows at last Into the current of more famous Rhone, To reach the ocean in another name. The fair-haired people of Cevennes are free: Soft Aude rejoicing bears no Roman keel, Nor pleasant Var, since then Italia's bound; The harbour sacred to Alcides' name Where hollow crags encroach upon the sea, Is left in freedom: there nor Zephyr gains Nor The north-west wind. Circius was a violent wind from about the same quarter, but peculiar to the district. Caurus access, but the Circian blast Forbids the roadstead by Monaecus' hold. Left is the doubtful shore, which the vast sea And land alternate claim, whene'er the tide Pours in amain or when the wave rolls back Be it the wind which thus compels the deep From furthest pole, and leaves it at the flood; Or else the moon that makes the tide to sw
Vosges (France) (search for this): book 1, card 396
The tents are vacant by Lake Leman's side; The camps upon the beetling crags of Vosges No longer hold the warlike Lingon down, Fierce in his painted arms; Isere is left, Who past his shallows gliding, flows at last Into the current of more famous Rhone, To reach the ocean in another name. The fair-haired people of Cevennes are free: Soft Aude rejoicing bears no Roman keel, Nor pleasant Var, since then Italia's bound; The harbour sacred to Alcides' name Where hollow crags encroach upon the sea, Is left in freedom: there nor Zephyr gains Nor The north-west wind. Circius was a violent wind from about the same quarter, but peculiar to the district. Caurus access, but the Circian blast Forbids the roadstead by Monaecus' hold. Left is the doubtful shore, which the vast sea And land alternate claim, whene'er the tide Pours in amain or when the wave rolls back Be it the wind which thus compels the deep From furthest pole, and leaves it at the flood; Or else the moon that makes the tide to sw
Saone (France) (search for this): book 1, card 396
ape Her quiet harbour sleeps. No outstretched arm Except in mimic war now hurls the lance. No skilful warrior of Seine directs The chariot scythed against his country's foe. Now rest the Belgians, and th' Arvernian race That boasts our kinship by descent from Troy; And those brave rebels whose undaunted hands Were dipped in Cotta's blood, and those who wear Sarmatian garb. Batavia's warriors fierce No longer listen for the trumpet's call, Nor those who dwell where Rhone's swift eddies sweep Saone to the ocean; nor the mountain tribes Who dwell about its source. Thou, too, oh Treves, Rejoicest that the war has left thy bounds. Ligurian tribes, now shorn, in ancient days First of the long-haired nations, on whose necks Once flowed the auburn locks in pride supreme; And those who pacify with blood accursed Savage Teutates, Hesus' horrid shrines, And Taranis' altars, cruel as were those Loved by Diana,This Diana was worshipped by the Tauri, a people who dwelt in the Crimea; and, accordi
Crimea (Ukraine) (search for this): book 1, card 396
t eddies sweep Saone to the ocean; nor the mountain tribes Who dwell about its source. Thou, too, oh Treves, Rejoicest that the war has left thy bounds. Ligurian tribes, now shorn, in ancient days First of the long-haired nations, on whose necks Once flowed the auburn locks in pride supreme; And those who pacify with blood accursed Savage Teutates, Hesus' horrid shrines, And Taranis' altars, cruel as were those Loved by Diana,This Diana was worshipped by the Tauri, a people who dwelt in the Crimea; and, according to legend, was propitiated by human sacrifices. Orestes on his return from his expiatory wanderings brought her image to Greece, and the Greeks identified her with their Artemis. (Compare Book VI., 93.) goddess of the north; All these now rest in peace. And you, ye Bards, Whose martial lays send down to distant times The fame of valorous deeds in battle done, Pour forth in safety more abundant song. While you, ye Druids,The horror of the Druidical groves is again alluded
that shall return. Ye too depart who kept the banks of Rhine Safe from the foe, and leave the Teuton tribes Free at their will to march upon the world. When strength increased gave hope of greater deeds Caesar dispersed throughout Italia's bounds His countless bands, and filled the neighbouring towns. Then empty rumour to well-grounded fear Gave strength, and heralding the coming war In hundred voices 'midst the people spread. One cries in terror, ' Swift the squadrons come ' Where Nar with Tiber joins: and where, in meads 'By oxen loved, Mevania spreads her walls, 'Fierce Caesar hurries his barbarian horse. ' With all his eagles and his standards joined 'He leads the throng that sweeps along the land.' Nor as they knew him do they paint the chief, But stronger than the truth, and pitiless And fiercer far-as from his conquered foes Advancing; in his rear the peoples march, Snatched from their homes between the Rhine and Alps, To sack the city while her sons look on. Thus each man's p
Cevennes (France) (search for this): book 1, card 396
The tents are vacant by Lake Leman's side; The camps upon the beetling crags of Vosges No longer hold the warlike Lingon down, Fierce in his painted arms; Isere is left, Who past his shallows gliding, flows at last Into the current of more famous Rhone, To reach the ocean in another name. The fair-haired people of Cevennes are free: Soft Aude rejoicing bears no Roman keel, Nor pleasant Var, since then Italia's bound; The harbour sacred to Alcides' name Where hollow crags encroach upon the sea, Is left in freedom: there nor Zephyr gains Nor The north-west wind. Circius was a violent wind from about the same quarter, but peculiar to the district. Caurus access, but the Circian blast Forbids the roadstead by Monaecus' hold. Left is the doubtful shore, which the vast sea And land alternate claim, whene'er the tide Pours in amain or when the wave rolls back Be it the wind which thus compels the deep From furthest pole, and leaves it at the flood; Or else the moon that makes the tide to sw
Treviri (Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany) (search for this): book 1, card 396
ce. No skilful warrior of Seine directs The chariot scythed against his country's foe. Now rest the Belgians, and th' Arvernian race That boasts our kinship by descent from Troy; And those brave rebels whose undaunted hands Were dipped in Cotta's blood, and those who wear Sarmatian garb. Batavia's warriors fierce No longer listen for the trumpet's call, Nor those who dwell where Rhone's swift eddies sweep Saone to the ocean; nor the mountain tribes Who dwell about its source. Thou, too, oh Treves, Rejoicest that the war has left thy bounds. Ligurian tribes, now shorn, in ancient days First of the long-haired nations, on whose necks Once flowed the auburn locks in pride supreme; And those who pacify with blood accursed Savage Teutates, Hesus' horrid shrines, And Taranis' altars, cruel as were those Loved by Diana,This Diana was worshipped by the Tauri, a people who dwelt in the Crimea; and, according to legend, was propitiated by human sacrifices. Orestes on his return from his expia
re is left, Who past his shallows gliding, flows at last Into the current of more famous Rhone, To reach the ocean in another name. The fair-haired people of Cevennes are free: Soft Aude rejoicing bears no Roman keel, Nor pleasant Var, since then Italia's bound; The harbour sacred to Alcides' name Where hollow crags encroach upon the sea, Is left in freedom: there nor Zephyr gains Nor The north-west wind. Circius was a violent wind from about the same quarter, but peculiar to the district. Caur spare the life that shall return. Ye too depart who kept the banks of Rhine Safe from the foe, and leave the Teuton tribes Free at their will to march upon the world. When strength increased gave hope of greater deeds Caesar dispersed throughout Italia's bounds His countless bands, and filled the neighbouring towns. Then empty rumour to well-grounded fear Gave strength, and heralding the coming war In hundred voices 'midst the people spread. One cries in terror, ' Swift the squadrons come ' Whe
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