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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 33 (ed. Evan T. Sage, Ph.D. Professor of Latin and Head of the Department of Classics in the University of Pittsburgh). Search the whole document.

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ase a good deal. Open covenants would have saved the free-speaking Romans a good deal of embarrassment in the east. He had not even taken advantage of Philip's ill fortune to seize and plunder, nor had he entered Europe to threaten the Romans; but all the country which had once been the kingdom of Lysimachus,One of Alexander's generals, who had carved out a kingdom for himself in this region. He was defeated by Seleucus, founder of the Seleucid dynasty, to which Antiochus belonged, in 281 B.C. (XXXIV. lviii. 5; Justin XVII. 1). and which, on his defeat, had passed with his other possessions into the hands of Seleucus by right of conquest, he considered his own. While his forefathers were busy with the disposition of other matters, possession of some of these towns had been seized, first by Ptolemy,See xxxviii. 1 above. then by Philip,See XXXI. xvi. 4. Antiochus had apparently suffered along with Ptolemy from the depredations committed by Philip under the authority of the tr
us should do or how far he should advance by land or sea, and that they did not see that Asia was no concern of theirs, andB.C. 196 that they had no more right to ask what Antiochus was doing in Asia than Antiochus had to ask what the Roman people was doing in Italy. So far as Ptolemy was concerned, the loss of whose cities was a subject of complaint, he already had a treaty of friendship with Ptolemy and was taking steps which would soon lead to a tie of relationship as well.In 193 B.C. (XXXV. xiii. 4) Ptolemy married the daughter of Antiochus: preliminary arrangements for this may have been under way at this time. It may be noted that just as Antiochus silenced the Rhodian ambassadors by quoting to them the complimentary speeches of Rome (see xx. 8 above), so he now silences the Romans by quoting to them a treaty of which they, apparently, knew nothing before and which weakened their case a good deal. Open covenants would have saved the free-speaking Romans a good deal of