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Atlanta (Georgia, United States) 1,463 127 Browse Search
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Jonesboro (Georgia, United States) 693 51 Browse Search
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Calhoun, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 65
st described; also to the meritorious conduct of Colonel Payne in seizing the position already occupied by the enemy, and Lieutenant-Colonel Kimberly in assisting to make it secure. In the attempt to assault the greatest bravery and coolness was manifested by the entire command, but particularly by Col. W. W. Berry, Fifth Kentucky Infantry, and Lieut. and Adjt. J. J. Siddall, Sixth Indiana Volunteer Infantry. On the morning of the 16th the brigade moved through Resaca in the direction of Calhoun, and on the 17th to within one mile of Adairsville, skirmishing a portion of the way, and finding there the enemy drawn up to check our farther progress, causing us also to form in line. Some skirmishing took place with small loss. The enemy having withdrawn during the night, we moved on through Adairsville and Kingston, coming upon him in front of Cassville about midday the 19th. The command formed in line and moved cautiously forward to within a half mile of Cassville, the enemy retiri
Dallas, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 65
here covered themselves by a breast-work, but on the morning of the 20th no enemy was found in our front, he having retreated across the Allatoona Mountain. The troops remained in this position until the 23d, when we moved in the direction of Dallas, crossing the Etowah at Gillem's Bridge and bivouacking near Stilesborough, and on the 24th moved to Burnt Hickory, and on the 25th to near Dallas, going into position on the morning of the 26th with considerable skirmishing, which continued untiDallas, going into position on the morning of the 26th with considerable skirmishing, which continued until about 10 a. m. of the 27th, when the brigade was withdrawn and formed in front of the division. Each brigade being deployed in two lines with this formation, supported by King's division, of the Fourteenth Corps, it moved through a thick wood for about three miles in search of the enemy's right flank. Having found it at 2.30 p. m., we remained in position until 4.30 for the other troops forming the expedition to be made ready. This brigade, in two lines, was then pushed forward to attack
Rocky Face Ridge (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 65
day the brigade, composed of eight regiments, with an effective strength of 131 officers and 2,312 men, broke camp and marched, with one wagon to the regiment, in the direction of Catoosa Springs, reaching that point on the 4th, where we remained until the 7th, when we moved forward and occupied Tunnel Hill at meridian of the same day, taking position and remaining until the 9th, when, to make a diversion in favor of other troops, the brigade in two lines moved up one of the slopes of Rocky Face Ridge to within 100 yards of the summit. Our losses to-day were quite severe. We remained in front of Buzzard Roost until the 13th, when we passed through to Dalton, four miles distant, the enemy having retreated the previous night. We followed, striking his cavalry about 10 a. m. on the 14th four miles in front of Resaca. Forming in two lines, the troops moved forward for about two miles, when we came upon the left wing of the Twenty-third Corps sharply engaged with the enemy, which we r
Cassville (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 65
enemy drawn up to check our farther progress, causing us also to form in line. Some skirmishing took place with small loss. The enemy having withdrawn during the night, we moved on through Adairsville and Kingston, coming upon him in front of Cassville about midday the 19th. The command formed in line and moved cautiously forward to within a half mile of Cassville, the enemy retiring to that place, where he made dispositions for battie. Our own troops here covered themselves by a breast-woCassville, the enemy retiring to that place, where he made dispositions for battie. Our own troops here covered themselves by a breast-work, but on the morning of the 20th no enemy was found in our front, he having retreated across the Allatoona Mountain. The troops remained in this position until the 23d, when we moved in the direction of Dallas, crossing the Etowah at Gillem's Bridge and bivouacking near Stilesborough, and on the 24th moved to Burnt Hickory, and on the 25th to near Dallas, going into position on the morning of the 26th with considerable skirmishing, which continued until about 10 a. m. of the 27th, when th
Dalton, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 65
e direction of Catoosa Springs, reaching that point on the 4th, where we remained until the 7th, when we moved forward and occupied Tunnel Hill at meridian of the same day, taking position and remaining until the 9th, when, to make a diversion in favor of other troops, the brigade in two lines moved up one of the slopes of Rocky Face Ridge to within 100 yards of the summit. Our losses to-day were quite severe. We remained in front of Buzzard Roost until the 13th, when we passed through to Dalton, four miles distant, the enemy having retreated the previous night. We followed, striking his cavalry about 10 a. m. on the 14th four miles in front of Resaca. Forming in two lines, the troops moved forward for about two miles, when we came upon the left wing of the Twenty-third Corps sharply engaged with the enemy, which we relieved; and Colonel Payne, One hundred and twenty-fourth Ohio Volunteers, commanding his own regiment and the Ninety-third Ohio Volunteers, pushed forward, vigorousl
Resaca (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 65
vere. We remained in front of Buzzard Roost until the 13th, when we passed through to Dalton, four miles distant, the enemy having retreated the previous night. We followed, striking his cavalry about 10 a. m. on the 14th four miles in front of Resaca. Forming in two lines, the troops moved forward for about two miles, when we came upon the left wing of the Twenty-third Corps sharply engaged with the enemy, which we relieved; and Colonel Payne, One hundred and twenty-fourth Ohio Volunteers, cbravery and coolness was manifested by the entire command, but particularly by Col. W. W. Berry, Fifth Kentucky Infantry, and Lieut. and Adjt. J. J. Siddall, Sixth Indiana Volunteer Infantry. On the morning of the 16th the brigade moved through Resaca in the direction of Calhoun, and on the 17th to within one mile of Adairsville, skirmishing a portion of the way, and finding there the enemy drawn up to check our farther progress, causing us also to form in line. Some skirmishing took place wi
Chattahoochee River, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 65
eached Kenesaw Mountain, or, more properly, the last position taken up before the enemy's retreat beyond Marietta. This position was separated but about 300 yards from the enemy's. We remained here maneuvering with picket-lines, losing some men every day, and on the 23d losing 4 officers and 64 men in moving the picket-line forward, until 3d of July. The enemy having retreated during the previous night we moved forward through Marietta, and on the 4th and 5th to Pace's Ferry, on the Chattahoochee River, the enemy having halted and fortified but one position in this distance. This brigade being in advance on the 5th, met the enemy's cavalry five miles from the river, but pushing on vigorously did not halt for them, and reached the ferry just as the enemy had cut loose one end of their pontoon bridge, which swung around, but was secured by my men three days afterwards. All of the command during the day was at different times on the skirmish line; and all the battalion commanders per
Catoosa Springs (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 65
lowing report of the operations of the Second Brigade, Third Division, Fourth Corps, during the part of the late campaign it was commanded by myself: The brigade was stationed May 3 at McDonald's Station, on the Chattanooga and East Tennessee Railroad, thirty miles east from Chattanooga. At 12 m. of that day the brigade, composed of eight regiments, with an effective strength of 131 officers and 2,312 men, broke camp and marched, with one wagon to the regiment, in the direction of Catoosa Springs, reaching that point on the 4th, where we remained until the 7th, when we moved forward and occupied Tunnel Hill at meridian of the same day, taking position and remaining until the 9th, when, to make a diversion in favor of other troops, the brigade in two lines moved up one of the slopes of Rocky Face Ridge to within 100 yards of the summit. Our losses to-day were quite severe. We remained in front of Buzzard Roost until the 13th, when we passed through to Dalton, four miles distan
Marietta (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 65
at short intervals, taking up new positions and fortifying them as the enemy would take up new lines, losing a few men each day. On the 22d reached Kenesaw Mountain, or, more properly, the last position taken up before the enemy's retreat beyond Marietta. This position was separated but about 300 yards from the enemy's. We remained here maneuvering with picket-lines, losing some men every day, and on the 23d losing 4 officers and 64 men in moving the picket-line forward, until 3d of July. The enemy having retreated during the previous night we moved forward through Marietta, and on the 4th and 5th to Pace's Ferry, on the Chattahoochee River, the enemy having halted and fortified but one position in this distance. This brigade being in advance on the 5th, met the enemy's cavalry five miles from the river, but pushing on vigorously did not halt for them, and reached the ferry just as the enemy had cut loose one end of their pontoon bridge, which swung around, but was secured by my men
East Point (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 65
No. 61. report of Brig. Gen. William B. Hazen, U. S. Army, commanding Second brigade, of operations May 3-August 17. Hdqrs. Second Division, Fifteenth Army Corps, East Point, Ga., September 15, 1864. I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of the Second Brigade, Third Division, Fourth Corps, during the part of the late campaign it was commanded by myself: The brigade was stationed May 3 at McDonald's Station, on the Chattanooga and East Tennessee Railroad, thirty miles east from Chattanooga. At 12 m. of that day the brigade, composed of eight regiments, with an effective strength of 131 officers and 2,312 men, broke camp and marched, with one wagon to the regiment, in the direction of Catoosa Springs, reaching that point on the 4th, where we remained until the 7th, when we moved forward and occupied Tunnel Hill at meridian of the same day, taking position and remaining until the 9th, when, to make a diversion in favor of other troops, the br
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