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Donelson (Indiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 70
be called a strong position for an adequate force, was a most dangerous one for a small command like ours. The whole Federal force at this point did not exceed over one thousand nine hundred effective men of all arms. Against this little army, Morgan in person led not less than four thousand men, of whom, probably, not less than two thousand were veteran troops, said to be the best in the confederate service, consisting in part of two Kentucky regiments, who were engaged in the battle of Donelson, and were there captured. The remaining one thousand were guerrillas and bushwackers, who joined his command on the way,, and who, after the surrender, dropped out at every cross-road and at almost every house, and returned to their peaceful occupations, resolved doubtless to deport themselves as loyal citizens henceforth. In addition to this large force, he brought with him twelve pieces of artillery to overcome the two six-pounders of the Federals. The two forts near Hartsville, one th
Rogersville, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 70
ertain other disreputable and disgraceful things, which you proceed to enumerate. My reply is, that I was not at Hartsville ; that I did not participate in the fight or surrender, and have not been with or seen those troops or had any opportunity of being with or seeing them for a month before that disaster; that said troops did not move with my main command at the time I moved forward from Bowling Green; that with my main command I was ordered, about the eighth of last month, to move to Scottsville, and subsequently from that place to this ; whereas the Thirty-ninth brigade was separated from my main command and ordered to Glasgow, thence to Tompkinsville, thence to Hartsville; that I was, at the time of the disaster, at Gallatin, where I had been ordered to be with my main command; and in addition, was prostrate with sickness whereof I had been confined to my bed for upward of two weeks. When I left Shelbyville I had with me four brigades. At Frankfort one of these brigades was
stances was doubtless a military necessity, threw our men into considerable confusion, from which they never recovered. At this juncture Col. Moore, perceiving that it was useless to contend longer against a force so greatly superior to his own, raised the white flag and surrendered. Capt. Ludington, with his company, who had held a position on the opposite side of the camp, continued to fight for some considerable time after the surrender, doing most admirable execution. Company A, Capt. Leighton, was acting as provost-guard of the town, and was surrounded at the beginning by one thousand horsemen, and compelled to surrender, though not before his men had killed five and wounded eight of the rebels, with a loss of only one killed and three wounded. Capt. Collins, with a part of his own and two other companies, was at Gallatin, acting as escort of a wagon-train, and was not in the fight at all. The One Hundred and Sixth Ohio, when the One Hundred and Eighth Ohio fled, was compelle
almost any number of the enemy. In a few hours General Dumont would have arrived with the remainder of the dis the river; but before the booty was all over, General Dumont's forces appeared upon the right bank, retook as of the enemy, including some prisoners taken by Gen. Dumont's forces upon the right bank of the river, was abut one hundred and fifty. Y. S. Letter from General Dumont. Gallatin, December 12, 1862. To the Editore informed that they are the same regiments that Gen. Dumont had at Frankfort and elsewhere in this State. Thnd, when persons made complaint of such doings to Gen. Dumont, as very many did, the only answer they could get over their heads. We have not learned whether Gen. Dumont was in actual command at Hartsville or not. He isas, armed with flying artillery and small arms, he (Dumont) was at the head of ten thousand men, only nine milon, and by their testimony I am willing to abide. E. Dumont. Chicago Tribune account. Columbus, Ohio
eridian, they reached Murfreesboro, where they were paroled. On Wednesday morning, they were sent under guard to Nashville. Before their arrival at Murfreesboro, their overcoats were taken from them, and within three miles of our lines on the return their blankets were demanded and given up. The distance of thirty miles to Nashville was made that night. The men of the One Hundred and Fourth think they have had a pretty hard time of it; but it is harder for them to rest under the suspicion that they have not done their duty, or have done it indifferently well. They point to their decimated ranks and their honorable wounds as proofs of their untarnished honor. They are eager to be exchanged ; and when they are, wo unto that rebel regiment that encounters them on the battle-field. Col. Moore, Lieut.-Col. Hasseman, and Major Wedman, are still prisoners, and are doubtless regarded by the rebels as a rare specimen of what they are pleased to term, the blue-bellied Yanks. W. C. S.
Doc. 65.-battle at Hartsville, Tenn. Cincinnati Gazette account. Nashville, Tenn., December 14. in a letter dated the eighth instant, I gave you such imperfect accounts of the affair at Hartsville, as had then come to hand, mentally resolving that I would write no more about it until I should be in possession of a sufficient number of facts to furnish a clear and reliable statement. Since that time, the paroled prisoners have arrived from Murfreesboro; minute accounts of the disaster have been presented by members of all the Union regiments concerned. At Hartsville, the Cumberland River, which runs north-west from Rome in Smith County, makes a not very abrupt curve, and for a few miles pursues a course almost due south. Two little streams enter the river at the bend, and between these lies the town of Hartsville, about a mile from the river-bank. Leaving the town and approaching the river, you enter tolerably heavy woods; after which you come to some old fields aba
Abraham B. Moore (search for this): chapter 70
lled, and not a spadeful of earth thrown up. Col. Moore, of the One Hundred and Fourth Illinois, comThe latter either said nothing about it to Colonel Moore, or was unheeded when he did. Suffice it tailed to do, being ordered, as he says, by Colonel Moore, to keep his position. Lacking the expect without the order, consent, or knowledge of Col. Moore, believing that such a step would promote thg had continued three quarters of an hour, Colonel Moore gave the order to retire to the hill upon ety by the rebels in the woods below. But Colonel Moore had doubtless somewhere read that the highreated across the Cumberland. Again, if Colonel Moore had possessed sufficient intrepidity, he mudgment. Let us return to the time when Colonel Moore ordered his force to retreat from the edgeake a stand. Almost immediately, however, Colonel Moore perceived the trap into which he had led h still they might be victorious. No, said Colonel Moore, we are whipped; I shall surrender. Do no[10 more...]
J. W. Palmer (search for this): chapter 70
ravine, to take the place of the pickets who had fled, and support the few who remained. Captain J. W. Palmer, company K, One Hundred and Fourth Illinois, commanded those from his own regiment, the S skirmishers checked and drove back the enemy, who were pressing down into the ravine, until Captain Palmer, fancying, or really perceiving that our men, formed in line of battle upon the edge of the rceived the trap into which he had led his men, fell at once into despair, and rushing up to Captain Palmer, asked him if he had a white handkerchief, declaring his determination to surrender. The Ca No, said Colonel Moore, we are whipped; I shall surrender. Do not, for God's sake, replied Captain Palmer. Upon this Colonel Moore walked away a little distance, frantically wringing his hands, but returned in a moment afterward and demanded the white handkerchief. This Captain Palmer now gave him, and the Colonel taking a bayonet from the hands of a soldier, put the handkerchief upon the poin
left, nearest the river; the One Hundred and Fourth Illinois was in the centre, and the One Hundred and Eighth Ohio, Captain Pivot, company A, commanding, was on the right. Strong detachments were sent down into the ravine, to take the place of thlinois, commanded those from his own regiment, the Second Indiana cavalry advanced for the One Hundred and Sixth, and Captain Pivot, of the One Hundred and Eighth himself led two companies of skirmishers in advance of his regiment. Several times cavalry continued in an irregular style to keep up the fight, but gradually retired to the principal line of battle. Captain Pivot, before descending into the ravine, ordered Adjutant Hahn to bring forward the rest of the regiment to his support, a Hahn failed to do, being ordered, as he says, by Colonel Moore, to keep his position. Lacking the expected support, Captain Pivot immediately retired. Thus, in less time than I can relate it, our advance line of skirmishers had gone forth and ret
had accomplished what he came for. The enemy were all mounted; pursuit with infantry after the deed was done would have been unavailing. Infantry could not have reached the place short of three hours, and the enemy would have then been fifteen miles off. The silly and absurd story that firing was heard at my camp, and that I was thus notified that the little band was in distress, and failed to go to its relief, is known to have no shadow of truth in it, by Cols. Owen, King, Miller, and O'Brien, of the infantry, Captains Nicklin and Lilly, of the artillery, and by all the officers and men of my command. I appeal to them to relieve me of the imputation, and by their testimony I am willing to abide. E. Dumont. Chicago Tribune account. Columbus, Ohio, Dec. 16, 1862. The One Hundred and Fourth regiment Illinois volunteers arrived at Columbus, Ohio, this morning, and are now quartered in Camp Chase. I have heard their account of the Hartsville affair, and am sure many of
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