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Springfield, Mo. (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 5.77
ssed, 278. Nullification of tariff act of 1828, 430. Southern forts. Evacuation urged, 242-43. Sovereignty. Definition, 120-21. Remarks of Motley, 121-22, 127. Remarks of Madison, 122. Remarks of Hamilton, 122. Remarks of Wilson, 123. Definition by Vattel, 123. Relation to Tenth Amendment, 124-132. Remarks on sovereignty, 128-29. Extracts from essays by Hamilton, 137-38. Extracts from speeches by Marshall, 140. Right to secede, 144-46. Speed, James, 339. Springfield (Mo.), Battle of, 368. Squatter sovereignty, 25-26, 27, 32, 34-35, 38. Party, 44. Star of the West, 186, 230, 254. Stark, John, 99. State rights, 6-7, 36-37, 99, 102-03. Jersey plan, 91-92, 110-14. Constitution considered a compact, 115. Sovereignty of the people, 120. Tenth Amendment, 124-132, 165. Sovereignty of the states asserted, 133. Extracts from essays by Hamilton, 137-38. Extracts from speeches by Marshall, 140. Right of secession, 144-46, 154. Right of inte
Detroit (Michigan, United States) (search for this): chapter 5.77
ckens, 174, 230, 242. Pulaski, 242, 283. St. Philip, 283. Sumter, 185, 186, 187, 242, 243, 244, 250-51, 406. Occupation by Federal forces, 182, 183-84, 230. Attempted reinforcement, 186. Evacuation considered, 231-239. Correspondence concerning bombardment,244-49. Bombardment and surrender, 252-53, 257. Taylor, 242. Warren, 403. Fox, G. V., 235, 236, 252. Plan for reinforcing Fort Sumter, 233-34, 243, 244. Franklin, Benjamin. Remarks on sovereignty, 122. Free press (Detroit). Remarks on coercion, 221. Free-soil party (See Republican Party). Fremont, Gen. John C., 32, 369. Friends, Society of, 2. Frost, Gen. D. M., 356-57. Fugitives, rendition laws, 12-13, 37, 68-69. G Gage, General, 100-101. Gaillard, John, 9. Gardner, Captain, 326-327. Colonel, 306, 326. Garnett, Gen., Robert, 293-94, 319, 321, 374. Gatchell, William H., 290-91. Georgia. Slavery question, 1, 2. Instructions to delegates to Constitutional conven
New Jersey (New Jersey, United States) (search for this): chapter 5.77
nt, 26. Nelson, Judge, 231, 232, 233. New Hampshire, 63. Instructions to delegates to Constitutional convention, 80. Ratification of Constitution, 93, 119; amendments proposed, 93, 124. Use of term sovereign in Constitution, 122. New Jersey. Commissioners to Annapolis, 76. Instructions to delegates to Constitutional convention, 78. Ratification of Constitution, 91-92. Jersey plan, 91-92. New Mexico, 10. New York, 12. Fugitive slaves, 69. Commissioners to Annapolis, 76New Mexico, 10. New York, 12. Fugitive slaves, 69. Commissioners to Annapolis, 76. Instructions to delegates to Constitutional convention, 79. Ratification of Constitution, 94-95, 124; amendments proposed, 94, 125. Property ceded to Federal government, 179. New York Herald. Remarks on right of secession, 219. Remarks on Confederate Constitution, 227. New York historical society. Address of John Quincy Adams, 162-63. New York Tribune, 48. Remarks on right of secession, 218-19. Nicholson letter, 32-33. Non-intervention (See Squatter sovereignty).
Kansas (Kansas, United States) (search for this): chapter 5.77
ence with Davis, 307-09. Judiciary (Federal). Decision in Dred Scott case, 70-71. K Kane, George P., 290. Kansas, 12, 23, 24, 31. Settlement, 26, 27. Speech of Davis on President's message relative to Lecompton constitution, 465-69. Kansas-Nebraska bill, 23, 24-25, 33, 71. Terms, 25-26. Kearsarge (ship), 408. Keitt, Col. Lawrence M., 206. Kelley, General, 392. Kennedy, —, 292. Kenner, Duncan F. Extract from letter concerning Davis, 205. Kentucky, Lay, Colonel, 329. Col. John F., 305. Extracts from reminiscences of Bull Run, 329. Lecompton constitution of Kansas, 465. Lee, Henry (Light-Horse Harry), 147. Richard Henry, 104. Gen. Robert Edward, 294, 295, 320, 382, 389, 443. Rion, 1, 71. Moral considerations, 1, 3-4. Importation prohibited, 2-3. Abolition petition, 2, 29. Extension, 4, 5; to Kansas and Nebraska, 26. Occasion but not cause of conflict, 65-66. Summary up to 1860, 66. Under control of states, 67. Rec
Delaware (Delaware, United States) (search for this): chapter 5.77
tion, 465-69. Extracts from speech to citizens of Portland, Me., 470-73. Address to citizens of Boston, 478-89. Speech in U. S. Senate relative to president's message on state of the Union, 519-37. John W., 290-91. Dayton, 32, 226. Delaware, 9, 10, 42. Commissioners to Annapolis, 76. Instructions to delegates to Constitutional convention, 80. Ratification of Constitution, 90-91. Delaware (ship), 285. Democratic convention, 40, 43. Convention (Mississippi), 15-17. PartyDelaware (ship), 285. Democratic convention, 40, 43. Convention (Mississippi), 15-17. Party, 32, 39-40, 44. Rupture, 26, 32, 43. Explanation, 31. Convention, 43. Party (Mississippi), 17. D'Wolf, James, 71. Doolittle, —, 58. Douglas, Stephen A., 24, 25, 32, 33-34, 38, 39-40, 45, 58, 59, 177, 178. Nominated for president, 43, 44. Resolution regarding forts, 242-43, 250. Drayton, —, 430. Dred Scott case. Decision of Supreme Court, 70-71. E Early, Gen. Jubal A., 305, 306, 330. Extracts from narrative of Bull Run, 322-28. Extracts on retreat from Centrevi
Germantown (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 5.77
emont, Gen. John C., 32, 369. Friends, Society of, 2. Frost, Gen. D. M., 356-57. Fugitives, rendition laws, 12-13, 37, 68-69. G Gage, General, 100-101. Gaillard, John, 9. Gardner, Captain, 326-327. Colonel, 306, 326. Garnett, Gen., Robert, 293-94, 319, 321, 374. Gatchell, William H., 290-91. Georgia. Slavery question, 1, 2. Instructions to delegates to Constitutional convention, 79. Ratification of Constitution, 92. Ordinance of secession, 189. Germantown (ship), 285. Gerry, Elbridge, 86, 117. Gorgas, Gen. J., 409. Chief of ordnance for Confederacy, 269. Extract from monograph on development of ordnance supply, 412-13. Grant, Gen. Ulysses S., 345-46, 347. Greeley, Horace, 219, 252. Green, James S., 53. Grimes, 58. H Hale, —, 456. Hamilton, Alexander, 94, 117, 135, 137, 139, 152, 159, 219. Remarks on sovereignty, 122, 127-28. Extracts from political essays, 137-38. Opposition to armed force against state
Columbus, Ky. (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 5.77
3-14. Clayton, Alexander M. Extract of letter to Memphis appeal, 203-04. Cobb, Howell, 204, 206. Thomas W., 9. Cocke, Gen. Philip St. George, 309, 325, 329. Collamer, —, 58. Collins, John, Gov. of Rhode Island, 97. Columbus (Ky.) Occupation by Confederate troops, 336-37. Columbus (frigate), 285. Community independence, 100-03. Compromise Congress (See Peace Congress). Compromise measures of 1850, 13-14, 28. Controversy, 15-16. Abrogated, 25. ., 20, 22, 23, 25, 176, 212. Pillow, General. Defense of Belmont, Missouri, 346. Pinckney, Charles, 9, 136, 139. Pleasants, James, 9. Plymouth (ship), 285. Poindexter, —, 62. Polk, Gen., Leonidas, 345, 351. Occupation of Columbus, Ky., 336-37. Correspondence with Kentucky authorities, 337-41. Defense of Belmont, Mo., 346-47. Popular sovereignty, (See Squatter sovereignty). Porterfield, Colonel, 293. Powell, Senator, 53, 55, 58. Prentice, —, 339. Presto<
icks, Gov. of Maryland, 287, 289. Extract from address stating position of Maryland, 287-88. Proclamation to preserve peace, 288. Final message to state legislature, 292. Higginson, —, 61. Hill, Col. A. P., 298. Col. D. H., 297. Hinks, Charles D., 291. Holmes, General, 319, 320, 390, 393. Holt, Joseph, 543-44. Howard, Charles, 290-91. Huger, General, 296. Hulburt, —, 314. Hunter, —, 58, 228. Hunton, Colonel, 376-77. Huse, Maj., Caleb. Emissary to Europe to secure arms for Confederacy, 270. Letter concerning war supplies for Eng-land, 413-14. I Independence, Declaration of, 15, 34, 41, 42, 48-49, 55, 69-70, 75, 98, 99, 101, 108, 121, 148, 190. Indiana territory, Slavery question in, 5-6. J Jackson, Gov. of Missouri, 358, 360-61, 364, 365, 367, 370. Reply to U. S. call for troops, 354. Proclamation calling for troops, 362. Attempt to maintain peace, 362-63. Andrew, 19, 190. Gen. H. R., 374,376. Gen. T. J. (Stonewall)<
Missouri (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 5.77
s, —, 281. Davis, Col. J. R., 302, 303. Jefferson. Extension of Missouri compromise, 10. Compromise measures of 1850, 13-14; speech in Senndence concerning status of Kentucky, 335-36. Letter to Clarke of Missouri, 367. Self-justification, 381-82. Conference at Fairfax Court Hona territory, Slavery question in, 5-6. J Jackson, Gov. of Missouri, 358, 360-61, 364, 365, 367, 370. Reply to U. S. call for troops,n Davis appointed commander, 195. Union bank episode, 426-27. Missouri, 28, 42, 353. Admission, 8-9, 29, 140-41. Reply of Gov. Jackson trd, 428. The, 27-28. Societies formed, 26. Territory acquired by Missouri compro-mise, 28. Abolition propaganda, 29. Government favors, 42 (original) (See Democratic party). Reynolds, Lt. Governor of Missouri, 361. Rhett, —, 205, 206. Rhode Island, 63. Rhode Isl. Remarks on Confederate Constitution, 223. Stewart, Gov. of Missouri, 359. Story, Judge, Joseph, 100,108, 110, 112, 140. Extract f
Harper's Ferry (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 5.77
, 412-13. Grant, Gen. Ulysses S., 345-46, 347. Greeley, Horace, 219, 252. Green, James S., 53. Grimes, 58. H Hale, —, 456. Hamilton, Alexander, 94, 117, 135, 137, 139, 152, 159, 219. Remarks on sovereignty, 122, 127-28. Extracts from political essays, 137-38. Opposition to armed force against states, 151. Hamlin, —, 42, 44. Handy, Judge, 287. Hardee, General, 351. Harney, Gen. William S., 356, 357, 361. Agreement with Gen. Price, 358-60. Harpers Ferry, Va. Evacuation, 284-85, 296. Harris, Dr., 327. Gov. of Tennessee, 350. Reply to U. S. call for troops, 354. Harrison, William Henry (governor of Indiana territory). Letters to Congress, 5, 6. Pres. U. S., 52. Hartford Convention, 63-64. Hartstein, Captain, 234. Hayne, Isaac W., 110, 115, 187. Extract of letter to Buchanan, 187-88. Correspondence concerning Fort Sumter, 540-51. Henry, Patrick, 147, 380. Opposition to Constitution, 94, 104, 105, 106, 109.
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