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Robert E. Scott (search for this): article 1
moved to lay the resolution upon the table, and on that motion demand the yeas and nays. Mr. Scott, of Powhatan, raised a point of order in regard to the reception of Mr. Speed's resolution, wh addressing the President, and read a substitute which he (Mr. Conrad) proposed to offer. Mr. Scott, of Fauquier, heartily concurred in the object which the gentleman from Montgomery (Mr. Presto--The applause came from the floor. The President.--From the lobbies and floor both. Mr. Scott went on to declare his belief that the President contemplated a peace policy.--He did not thinstate of suspense. He concurred in every sentiment expressed by the gentleman from Fauquier, (Mr. Scott,) but the question arises what is to be considered aggressive policy? He asked, why would thefficient reason for Virginia to assume a hostile attitude towards the General Government. Mr. Scott, of Powhatan, said if the vote had been taken on Saturday evening, he would have unhesitatingl
ispatch in the New York Herald which the gentleman from Harrison had omitted. (Calls for "Question," cries of "Leave," &c.) Mr. Carlile said he should claim the privilege of reply. After some difficulty, and against the protest of Mr. Hall, of Marion, Mr. Harvie succeeded in obtaining the floor. He said the gentleman from Harrison had taken occasion to make a fling at those with whom he (Mr. Harvie) acted, by bringing in an extract from the New York Herald. He would summon the wfall." Mr. Carlile replied, relieving himself from any charge that he had a special purpose to conceal any portion of the dispatch. He did not believe there was any truth in it. Brief speeches were made by Messrs. Baylor of Augusta, and Hall of Wetzel--Mr. Montague having meantime raised a point of order as to the debate now going on, which the Chair overruled. Mr. Carter, of Loudoun, said he was authorized to state that there was no truth in the report recently alluded to here,
peace? If, as claimed by gentlemen here, the President would thus refuse to dedicate himself to the measures of adjustment proposed by this Convention, to be carried out during the ensuing summer, the game was up, and we might as well go home. Mr. Preston briefly urged the adoption of the resolutions, and gave reasons why the request should be made through a delegation rather than through a communication from the President of the Convention. (Calls for "question," "question.") Mr. Critcher moved that the Convention adjourn, but withdrew the motion. Mr. Wise desired to give notice that if the previous question should not be sustained, he would offer an amendment, both to the preamble and the resolution. Mr. Wise, by the courtesy of the Convention, went on to explain his proposed amendment, urging such action as would place Virginia in possession of information to guide her movements in the future. Mr. Baldwin objected to the latitude of the gentleman's remarks
Robert L. Montague (search for this): article 1
n"--Messrs. Chand, ler, Segar and Botts. He then read a dispatch just received from Washington, in these words': "All Southern men, and many others in Washington, consider war imminent. The only question is where the blow shall fall." Mr. Carlile replied, relieving himself from any charge that he had a special purpose to conceal any portion of the dispatch. He did not believe there was any truth in it. Brief speeches were made by Messrs. Baylor of Augusta, and Hall of Wetzel--Mr. Montague having meantime raised a point of order as to the debate now going on, which the Chair overruled. Mr. Carter, of Loudoun, said he was authorized to state that there was no truth in the report recently alluded to here, of a correspondence between the Governor of this Commonwealth and the President. He then moved an adjournment, but withdrew it at the request of Mr. Macfarland, who desired to make a correction of the journal. The motion to adjourn was renewed by Mr. Macfarland, a
ssion sought to be created, that he and his friends had anything to do with inaugurating the movement. In offering an ordinance of secession. he had thrown the responsibility upon the majority who voted it down, and he was now prepared for any proposition that met his individual sanction. He would vote for the resolutions, but opposed anything that contemplated a humiliating or crouching attitude. He was satisfied that Virginia would, sooner or later, go with the Southern States. Mr. Holladay, of Portsmouth, explained his position. He had originally favored the proposition, but the course of argument here to-day had led him to doubt the propriety of making any such movement as the resolutions contemplated. He was opposed to anything that looked to more than a respectful request to the President to indicate his policy. He was solicitous that the information should be obtained, but entirely repudiated any such course as had been suggested by gentlemen this morning. The plan
O. Harvie (search for this): article 1
vote down the call for the previous question, and let the whole matter go to a committee. Mr. Harvie, of Amelia, would not have said a word upon this question but for the remarks of the gentlemanre discussed, when he would be happy to go into the ring with the gentleman from Augusta. Mr. Harvie asked the extension of the usual courtesy to him, to enable him to read that portion of rivilege of reply. After some difficulty, and against the protest of Mr. Hall, of Marion, Mr. Harvie succeeded in obtaining the floor. He said the gentleman from Harrison had taken occasion to make a fling at those with whom he (Mr. Harvie) acted, by bringing in an extract from the New York Herald. He would summon the witness back into court, to show the character of those who were engaged ntion, and to consider a letter from Governor Letcher, insisting upon a peace policy, &c., &c. Mr. Harvie produced in connection therewith a dispatch in the Philadelphia Inquirer of the same date, giv
C. J. Stuart (search for this): article 1
the United States, present to him this preamble and resolution, and respectfully ask of him to communicate to this Convention the policy which the authorities of the Federal Government intend to pursue in regard to the Confederate States. Mr. Stuart, of Augusta, approved of the patriotic motive of the mover of the preamble and resolution, but opposed their adoption in their present form, as calculated to do harm. He read a proposition which he intended to submit as a substitute for the peest to the President to indicate his policy. He was solicitous that the information should be obtained, but entirely repudiated any such course as had been suggested by gentlemen this morning. The plan presented by the gentleman from Augusta (Mr. Stuart) met his views, as calculated to attain the object in view. It was to authorize the President of the Convention to communicate to the President of the United States the wishes of this body. Mr. Flournoy, of Halifax, was surprised at the o
t was natural that the blood should spout and the waters be discolored; but if the Union men stood firm, the whale would soon show the white of his belly. [Laughter.] He did not want to go home and tell his constituents that he got so frightened that he had to send men right off to Washington as hard as they could rip, to see what Mr. Lincoln was going to do. He opposed secession, opposed coercion, and believed that the course of Virginia, thus far, had stayed the hand of civil war. Mr. Tredway, of Pittsylvania, was not among those referred to by the gentleman who had just taken his seat. He had come here with a view to make every honorable effort to adjust the difficulties, on condition that a policy of peace was to be preserved. Unusual events were now transpiring, and it was the duty of Virginia to make a respectful request of the President for information which would materially affect the future action of this Convention. He was opposed to an adjournment until the suspens
April, 4 AD (search for this): article 1
vention on Thursday last; and his purpose was also to show, that if no contradictory action was had here, after the vote of Thursday, harmony would have been restored. Mr. Preston.--Then I understand the gentleman to disclaim any purpose to connect the present measure with the movement alluded to at Washington. Mr. Carlile.--Certainly, sir. Mr. Preston then went on to speak of the responsibility that rested upon himself and those who thought with him, after the vote of the 4th of April. He was willing to do everything that honor required for the adjustment of difficulties, and he thanked God that he was one of those upon whom the responsibility rested. They had taken the ground that the interests of Virginia were safe within the Union; they had a set of propositions which they hoped would be accepted by the North; and the silence of the President he considered unaccountable. The language of the original resolutions was that of courage and respect; for he could use no
T. B. Harrison (search for this): article 1
ed to lay the resolution upon the table, and on that motion demand the yeas and nays. Mr. Scott, of Powhatan, raised a point of order in regard to the reception of Mr. Speed's resolution, which was overruled by the Chair. Mr. Wilson of Harrison, asked the gentleman from Wood to withdraw his motion, in order that he might offer an amendment which he thought would be acceptable to all. Mr. Jackson declined to withdraw his motion; he preferred to look straight ahead. The roll wa information when there was every probability that it would be refused. He intended, nevertheless, to vote for the proposition, for he desired that the President should be informed of the tone and temper of this Convention. Mr. Carlile, of Harrison, said that he opposed the measure on Saturday evening, and was strengthened in his opposition this morning. He was satisfied with the disclosures of the President's policy already made. He claimed that the paralyzation of commerce and industry
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