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Wetumpka (Alabama, United States) (search for this): article 14
nham, Durden, Hausman, Henley, Lorre, Keating, McDaniel, Pringle. Missing: Privates Cohn, Dreyfox. Company G, (Sharpshooters.)--Willed: None — Wounded: N M Cowling, J Stubbs, P Giduce, A Sodler. Company H. Cownder Beanregards.--Killed: Sgt. Reese, Sgt. Shelby; Brivittes Myley. Wounded. Corpl Dunklin; Privates J Stanley. S Farris, Sharp, Sharp, Stone, W Stanley, W H Turner. Missing privates Pierce, W H Alexander, W Alexander, B H Dudley, Lerer, Broadiway, Scofield. Co. I, (Wetumpka Light Guards.)--Killed: Color Sgt W M Due, Privates W E Lindsey. H C Tommy. Wounded: Lt L H Hill; Privates J E Carter, C K McMorris, B J Goss, W A Bensoo, L A Calla. Way, J R King, G A Jones, W Jefter, W M Teague, J. Skinner. D Price, G A Ready, Sgt J A Davis.--Missing: Privates Ben Bross, J O Banksion, J A Dison, Wm Loyd, John Lynch, Chas Law, J N Norwood, H J Norris. N A Rawis, J J Stoker. Co. K, (Mobile Rifles.)--Killed: Corp'l Wm. Lieut. Wounded: Sgt. Traylor, Corp'l McGuire,
Cross Keys (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 14
ng: e L. Fargo, James Thompson, M. N O Connor. Total — Killed, 15; wounded, 24; misaing, 3. Total — Killed, wounded, and missing, 42. The loss in the three other companies of the baltalion was very heavy. Among them are killed Adj't Holcombe; Capt Burton, co C; St Pettit, co. B. Wounded. Lt. Rusi, co C, severely; Lt Mattison, co B, slightly; Sergt Porter, co B, severaly. List of casualties of the 16th regiment of Mississippi Volunteers, in the engagement of June 8th, 1862, at Cross Keys. Col. Campt Posey, wounded. Company A.--None killed or wounded. Company B.--Mortally Wounded: Private R. H. Harper. Wounded: Private A B Caston. Company C.--Killed: Private Andrew J Curry. Wounded: 1at Lieut W R Brown, 3d Serg't W H Catching. Company d.--Killed: Corporal W. S Horner, Private Charles Quinn. Wounded: Private Henry Willows. Company E.--Wounded: Privates Wm. Garner, J B May, A P. Sparkman, W Yarborough. Company F.--Wounded: Privates James W.
Milford, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 14
Grier, R P Cunningham, J A Davis, L Fields, W P Morrison, E W Pruit, G B Richey, Wm H Simpson, Jos. Smith, F Clinkscales. L O Rid. Wounded: Capt G McD Miller, Lieut. Latimer, Serg't Means, Serg't R W Hadden, Corp J A Burton, privates W D Anderson, C A Botts, L D Bowie, Wm. Boyd, A P Brooks, T W Brocks, A W Brock, W J Calvert, W T Cowen, M Flin, M Freeman, B T Parsavay, T S Gordon, A G Johnson, J F Latimer, J L Latimer, W T Lufitner, E J Humphries, J G Martin, J H Mallison, C W Milford, B M Milford, A H McGec; J M Pruit, R A Robertson, J W Thomson. Company H.--Killed: Capt. J h Hungin, Lt J C Brown, Copl S A McCormies, Corpi N leggit, Corpl R P. James. Wounded: Lt G W Mocey, privates J B Moody, L Wiggins, G W Peaboddy, A H Hynes; H Finkly, P T Saunders, A G Walter, N H Mcinus, Serg't N Smith, J F Ealliorling. Company K,--Killed: R. A. Branyan, George Graymest R M Slatt, J C Telford, W A Bambrell J J T Machel, J W C Mitchel, Robin Keaton, Wm McMury, T M Morrison, R. C Kay, C
Jasper, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): article 14
Miss. Reg't. List of the wounded in the Lynchburg Beauregard Artillery. W. S Roid, G. A Boyd.--Johns, J. Stratton, A Stratton — Mayo, J D Stephens, --Green,--Folkes. List of Killed and wounded in the 1st regiment of Rifles, South Carolina Volunteers, commanded by Col. J. Foster Marshall, at Galace's Mitt, 27th June. Field and Staff.--Killed: Serg't Major All McGee. Wounded: Maj. J. W Livingston, slightly; Adj't Joe Berry Sloan, severely. Company A.--Killed: Privates, Jasper. Crain, G B Stephens, W D Reeves, J M Clayton. Wounded: Lt J W. Philpot, mortally; Serg't W P Hester, severely, Privates J M Beasley, do; W A Lay, do; J. P. Durham, do; M collum, slightly; J J Morgan; severely J. D. Alberison, slightly; F Dowers, do; J B Raid, do; P b Powers, do; D M miel, severely; J herndon, do; a J Martin, slightly; R M Martin, do F Roggers, do; A J Bell, do; W P Riggids, do; C C Morgan, do; M A Martin, serverely. Company B7#x2014;Killed: Privates W H Porrin, Lockw
Ord-Serg Cooper (search for this): article 14
of the friends of the wounded. We had killed Capt. Blackard, Lieut Gooding, Ord Serg Apperson.--Belling, L Willis, John Shotwell, Huisle, Story, Webb, and Huckstep. Capt Jones and Lieut Tensil are among the missing. The following are the names of a portion of the wounded: J W Sarver, Gen. Brown, Early, Levi Dempsay, Ord-Serg Yates, Thornhill, Lieut Moore, Lieut Almond, Serg-Major Tensil, T. P Barrel, T. P. Mays, ensign of the 7th, J. J. Bolling, John A Jenkins, Wesley Mannel, Ord-Serg Cooper, Lieut Estes, Lieut Fogg, Lewis Monroe, Daniel Bish, Josse Young. J. L. Kidd, Ayler, H. J. Wilburn, David Acres, B. P Meadows, Jas Monroe, L. A. Monroe, W. H McQueary, T. J. Mitchell, Ord-Serg H. Smith. Killed and wounded in 12th Virginia regiment, Co. Weisiger, in the action of 1st July. Company A, Capt. Waddell.--Killed: Privates H A Blanks, Jr. Wm A Graham, Robert E. Willcox, Wounded: Henry Fisher, T. F Alley, J. W Baylor. Company Lyon.--Killed: None. Wounded: Geo W.
Company H, Capt Lewellen.--Killed: None.--Wounded: Corpl B Mitchell; Private Wm. Mann. A list of the Killed, wounded, and Missing from the 19th Virginia regiment. Major John T Ellis wounded in thigh. Company A.--Wounded: W W Murray. Company B.--Killed: Jas Durret. Wounded: Sgt Lee Gilmore, Sgt Shepherd, Sgt P. Craven, Corporals Barker, O'Brien; privates W. H Garth, W. H. Jones, W. J. Robertson, A Sutler, J. Huckstep.--Missing: W Leak, P Pearson. Company C.--Killed: Wm Giles, Geo. Rodeniser; Wm Grant. Wounded: Capt J. E. Blair, Lt. S H. White, Sgt Ro, Bowles, privates. M R Morris, James Napier, C, T Thompson, W D Scruggs. Missing: Ro Herndon. Company D.--Wounded: Lts R J Harland, H. Baker, S W Farrar; privates W A Ball, W H Duncan, W T England, A M Fortune, W A Moss, J Scanlan, J Strange, W R Woodson. Missing: E M Miles. Company E.--Killed: W. C. Woud, Wounded: W J Garnett, P. O Garrold, M Wood, J Sandridge, J H Pritchett, B J. Edwards. Compa
Report of casualties in the 38th regiment N. C. T., on June 26th and 27th. Col J L Hoke, wounded. Adj't Cowels, Company A, Lieut Armstrong, commanding — Not in action. Company B, Capt Cook, commanding.--Killed: Corp'l G W. Wheeling, Private Jas Stokes, Sr., Jno Grezart, J. Blackman. Wounded: Serg't H. B Brown, J A Boon, G C Poplin, A Grose, J. M Atwood, G D Halcomb; W M Carter, A S Hair, W Cook, J E Hutchins, A R Reese, R D Russell, D T Talley, W H Felts, L J Wells, W R Hains, John H Grose, C F Armstrong. Company C, Capt Wilson, commanding.--Killed: Privates L Gurley, O M Warwick, J S Britt. --Wounded: Serg'ts J W Walker, G L. Doughtry, Corpl's W T Sutton. W A Andrews, Privates R. R Jackson, R Cobb, W MeLamb, J. B. Cotton, R B. Stith, W. Brewer, S. W Sutton, J S Sanderson, M. Vaughn, W B Harlington, W. H. Pope, J. H Warwick. Company D. Capt Ashfort, commanding.--Killed: Lieut Jos W Darden. Wounded: Serg't O B Morrissey, Privates Jos Persithe, Robt Shi
E Nimmo. Company G, Capt Owens.--Killed: Corpl T B Braithwaite; Private Lewis Meyers. Woundeany H, Capt Lewellen.--Killed: None.--Wounded: Corpl B Mitchell; Private Wm. Mann. A list of t --Wounded: Serg'ts J W Walker, G L. Doughtry, Corpl's W T Sutton. W A Andrews, Privates R. R Jacklightly wounded: Sergts R. E Cobb, J F. Maull, Corpl E W Nobles, Privates J W Cox, J. J. Howell, J . Wrenn; Sergt. E. L Houston, Corpl B. Branch, Corpl T Camber, privates F. Eard, W Steelerd of Hodgburn, W. c. Round. Wounded: Lieut. W C Davis, Corpl W W Shero, Corpl W A Kylo, D A Bell, J H Delanot, T R Morris. Company G.7#x2014;Killed: Corpl A P Lindsay, Privates L A Calahan, J L Grier, J C Brown, Copl S A McCormies, Corpi N leggit, Corpl R P. James. Wounded: Lt G W Mocey, privates Jdlove, Captain C J Bryan, Lieut E A Etherhige, Corpl D F Wright, W B Holt, Jno R Hartis, Otis MonaccLangidin, Capt J W Chester, Sergt Stephenson, Corpl J M Coleman,--Bridges, Jno Burton, W Hamaling.[3 more...]
gan; W. R. Ratliff, E. P. Jones, Lynch, John Warmack, and — Ellis. Company K. Capt. Renfrow.--Killed: Private J Shellon. Wounded: Lt. Foster, badly; privates R. Bottoms, J. Dausby, J. Noland, A. Miller, C. K. Martin and M. Tucker. Company L. Capt. Green.--Killed: Private D. McHue. Wounded: Thos. Fostray. R. G. Sims. 1st Lieut. and Adj't 21st Miss. Reg't. List of the wounded in the Lynchburg Beauregard Artillery. W. S Roid, G. A Boyd.--Johns, J. Stratton, A Stratton — Mayo, J D Stephens, --Green,--Folkes. List of Killed and wounded in the 1st regiment of Rifles, South Carolina Volunteers, commanded by Col. J. Foster Marshall, at Galace's Mitt, 27th June. Field and Staff.--Killed: Serg't Major All McGee. Wounded: Maj. J. W Livingston, slightly; Adj't Joe Berry Sloan, severely. Company A.--Killed: Privates, Jasper. Crain, G B Stephens, W D Reeves, J M Clayton. Wounded: Lt J W. Philpot, mortally; Serg't W P Hester, severely, Privates J M Beasley,
Chas Walton (search for this): article 14
Company E.--Killed: W. C. Woud, Wounded: W J Garnett, P. O Garrold, M Wood, J Sandridge, J H Pritchett, B J. Edwards. Company G.--Killed: W W Loving, W B Coffee, R. M. Fitzpatrick, Aleck Johnson. Wounded: Corp'l B Hamilton, Privates A K Kidd, A B Kidd, L D Kidd, Geo May, J W May, W. H Parrish, J M. Plunket, N. B Ponton, A A Purvis, S J. Saundors. Missing: J A Lowry. Company F.--Wounded: Privates D Strange, J Warren. Missing: C Barnett, J Lankford, F Bohlinger,--Madison, Chas Walton. Company I.--Killed: C J Higginbatham. Wounded: Serg't T. H. Campbell, Privates D G Campbell Jos Campbell, E W Smith, W L Simpson, L O Jennings, D F M Burford, W A Pendleton, A S Quinn. Missing: A M Franklin, L P Hawkins, T P Gill, W H Lavender. Company H.--Killed: Herod Scott. Wounded: Serg't T. McGinnis, Corp'l P Roberts, Privates G. G. Hite, Jno Watts, P G Cox, B Cox, B T, Joiner, J Landrum, H. Stinnett, John Davidson, C W Brown, B Sottle, E Cutter. D Jennings, Lieut Rich
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