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George Gordon Meade 380 2 Browse Search
Ulysses Simpson Grant 296 0 Browse Search
Theodore Lyman 171 1 Browse Search
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Gouverneur Kemble Warren 158 0 Browse Search
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Henry Martyn Lazelle (search for this): chapter 10
60, 163, 279. Irish, good qualities, 131, 208. James river, 158. Jericho Bridge, 122. Jeter, —, 129. Jetersville, 342, 345, 349. John, history of, 274. Johnson, Edward, 111. Johnson, —, 183. Johnston, Joseph, 102n. Joinville, Prince de, 95. Kearny, Philip, 139. Kellogg, —, 61. Kelly's Ford, 43. Kelly's house, 140, 143. Kennedy, Joseph Camp Griffith, 73. Kent, —, 179. Kilpatrick, Judson, 15, 68, 76; raid, 77, 79. Kirkpatrick, —, 274. Landron house, 114. Lazelle, Henry Martyn, 286. Leave of absence, 59. Ledlie, James Hewitt, 167, 199, 310. Lee, Robert Edward, 163, 184; movement by, 29, 30; retreat, 102; annihilation, 124; character, 125; Appomattox campaign, 303, 305; effort to escape, 349; surrenders, 355, 357; described, 360. Lee, William Henry Fitzhugh, 362. Leigh, Bishop, 281. Letterman, Jonathan, 22. Lever, Charles James, Tony Butler, 260. Lincoln, Abraham, 319; merciful policy, 117; reelection, 154, 204, 245, 259; government, 247;
Philip Schuyler (search for this): chapter 10
0. Roumania, 307. Rowley, William Reuben, 84, 164. Rush's Lancers, 130. Russell, David Allen, 128, 144, 177. Russell, Elizabeth, III. Russell, George Robert, III. Russell, Henry Sturgis, 161, 164, 165, 269. Russians on horse, 61. Sailor's Run, 351. Salient, taking of the, 110; map, 113. Sanders, William Wilkins, 163, 177, 199. Sanford, Charles W., 255. Sanford, Henry Shelton, 262. Sanitaries, 135, 182, 183. Satterthwait, —, 291. Schack, George von, 322. Schuyler, Philip, 292. Sedgwick, Arthur, 224. Sedgwick, John, 60, 66, 98, 106, 180; in command, 36; at Kelly's Ford, 43, 44, 45; on Butler's demonstration, 68, 69; marches, 77; death of, 107. Sentry, a patriotic, 206. Sergeant, William, 295. Seward, William Henry, 259. Seymour, Truman, 98, 299. Shaler, Alexander, 98. Shaw, Robert Gould, 257; death of, 1. Shaw, —, 134, 250, 285; described, 191. Shells, behavior of mortar, 261, 270. Sheridan, Philip, 136, 300, 332, 347; chief of cav
Ulysses Simpson Grant (search for this): chapter 10
dey, Victor J. B., 216. Globe Tavern, 219, 233, 234. Graham, William Montrose, 16. Grant, Lewis Addison, 175. Grant, Ulysses Simpson, 87, 93, 123, 131; described, 80, 81, 83, 156; confidence of, 91; Lee's retreat, 102; in danger, 105, 210; on fighumor, 269; visits Butler, 279; in Mexican war, 313; presentation of medal, 318; demands Lee's surrender, 354, 355. Grant, Mrs., 316. Gravelly Run, 329. Graves, soldiers', 180. Greek fire, 280, 283, 284. Gregg, David McMurtrie, 15, 20, 10163, 217, 234, 237; on war, 243; new command, 279, 285, 326; at races, 321. Hunt, Henry Jackson, 63, 197, 275, 277; on Grant, 313. Hutchins, Benjamin Tucker, 16. Huts for winter quarters, 60. ice, 135. Indian, picket, 242. Ingalls, Rh, 126; before Petersburg, 165, 214, 242; Burnside and, 200; rumored removal, 204; force reduced, 210; good sleeper, 217; Grant and, 224; engineer, 246; report, 256; fraudulent votes, 264; services, 271; major-general, 283; pay, 287; bon-mot, 298; i
Charles Anderson Dana (search for this): chapter 10
Counselman, Jacob Henry, 18. Coxe, —, 74. Craig, John Neville, 244. Crawford, Samuel Wylie, 89, 169, 181, 234, 242, 253, 279, 299, 316, 331; portrait, 312. Crittenden, Thomas Leonidas, 116, 128. Crow, —, 172. Cullum, George Washington, 223. Culpeper, Va., cavalry raid, 16. Cummings house, 321. Curtis, Arthur Russell, 318. Custer, George Armstrong, 77, 189; described, 17. Dabney's Mill, 330, 333. Dahlgren, John Adolph, 290. Dalton, Edward Barry, 90, 184, 210, 216. Dana, Charles Anderson, want of tact, 126. Davies, Henry Eugene, Jr., 253, 347. Dead, care for the, 48. Deatonsville, fight at, 349, 351. Delafield, Richard, 290. De Ray, —, 205. Devereux, John H., 4. Dickinson, —, 13. Division, moving a, 184. Doyle, Sir, Charles Hastings, 244. Draft, quality of, 209. Draper, Simeon, 249. Dresser, George Warren, 253. Duane, James Chatham, 196n, 223, 257, 260, 289, 291, 293, 306, 339. Dutch Gap canal, 213, 233, 282. Earle, William, lieutenant-c
George Brinton McClellan (search for this): chapter 10
, 56. Lunn, —, 276, 277. Lyman, Elizabeth (Russell), III, 3. Lyman, Mary (Henderson), II. Lyman, Richard, i. Lyman, Theodore (1st), i. Lyman, Theodore (1792-1849), II. Lyman, Theodore (1833-1897), account of, i; joins Meade's staff 1; with Pleasonton, 14; goes to Washington, 36; astronomical observations, 44; thirty-first year , 226; visits the North, 228, 303; important, 335; meets Lee, 361; Meade's letter, 362. Lyon, Nathaniel, 9. McClellan, Arthur, 70, 112. McClellan, George Brinton, 141, 262. McGregor, —, 234. McKibbin, Chambers, 220. McLaughlen Napoleon Bonaparte, 261, 323. McMahon, John E., 154. McMahon, Martin Thomas, 107, 247. McParlin, Thomas Andrew, 115, 221. Macy, George Nelson, 97, 215. Madison's ordinary, 119. Mahon, Lord, see Stanhope. Mahone, William, 188. Mangohick Church, 130. Maps, difficulties of, 136. Marivault, —, de, 290. Marseilles, anecdotes of, 191. Marshall, Charles, 361. Marshall, Elisha Gaylord, 199. Martyn<
Elizabeth Russell (search for this): chapter 10
Linear house, 220. Locke, Frederick Thomas, remark of, 47. Long's Bridge, 156, 157. Longstreet, James, 94, 95, 122, 126. Loring, Charles Greely, 200, 211, 239, 246. Ludlow, Benjamin Chambers, 54, 56. Lunn, —, 276, 277. Lyman, Elizabeth (Russell), III, 3. Lyman, Mary (Henderson), II. Lyman, Richard, i. Lyman, Theodore (1st), i. Lyman, Theodore (1792-1849), II. Lyman, Theodore (1833-1897), account of, i; joins Meade's staff 1; with Pleasonton, 14; goes to Washington, 36; a7, 183, 193, 202, 204, 210, 232, 244, 249, 277, 304, 306, 309, 315, 336; first meeting, 6; on the English, 268; major, 290. Roumania, 307. Rowley, William Reuben, 84, 164. Rush's Lancers, 130. Russell, David Allen, 128, 144, 177. Russell, Elizabeth, III. Russell, George Robert, III. Russell, Henry Sturgis, 161, 164, 165, 269. Russians on horse, 61. Sailor's Run, 351. Salient, taking of the, 110; map, 113. Sanders, William Wilkins, 163, 177, 199. Sanford, Charles W., 25
Joseph Camp Griffith Kennedy (search for this): chapter 10
on Grant, 313. Hutchins, Benjamin Tucker, 16. Huts for winter quarters, 60. ice, 135. Indian, picket, 242. Ingalls, Rufus, 34, 60, 163, 279. Irish, good qualities, 131, 208. James river, 158. Jericho Bridge, 122. Jeter, —, 129. Jetersville, 342, 345, 349. John, history of, 274. Johnson, Edward, 111. Johnson, —, 183. Johnston, Joseph, 102n. Joinville, Prince de, 95. Kearny, Philip, 139. Kellogg, —, 61. Kelly's Ford, 43. Kelly's house, 140, 143. Kennedy, Joseph Camp Griffith, 73. Kent, —, 179. Kilpatrick, Judson, 15, 68, 76; raid, 77, 79. Kirkpatrick, —, 274. Landron house, 114. Lazelle, Henry Martyn, 286. Leave of absence, 59. Ledlie, James Hewitt, 167, 199, 310. Lee, Robert Edward, 163, 184; movement by, 29, 30; retreat, 102; annihilation, 124; character, 125; Appomattox campaign, 303, 305; effort to escape, 349; surrenders, 355, 357; described, 360. Lee, William Henry Fitzhugh, 362. Leigh, Bishop, 281. Letterman, Jonathan, 2
ulness, 346. Chambliss, John Randolph, Jr., 216. Chanal, colonel de, 178, 179, 191, 193, 199; love of trees, 195. Chapin's farm, 233. Charles City, 156. Chesterfield station, 122. Chickahominy River, 157. Childer's house, 346. City Point, 163; explosion, 209. Civilians, visiting, 145. Clapp, Channing, 23, 241. Cohorns, 135. Cold Harbor, battle of, 118; described, 140. Cold Spring, N. Y., sword for Warren, 25. Collis, Charles Henry Tucky, 247. Commissioners, Christian, 231, 288. Comstock, Cyrus Ballou, 81, 126. Concord, Transcendentalists, 260. Conscription, Rebel, 132. Contrabands, 287. Cook, arrest of the, 88. Cortez, Jose, 23. Counselman, Jacob Henry, 18. Coxe, —, 74. Craig, John Neville, 244. Crawford, Samuel Wylie, 89, 169, 181, 234, 242, 253, 279, 299, 316, 331; portrait, 312. Crittenden, Thomas Leonidas, 116, 128. Crow, —, 172. Cullum, George Washington, 223. Culpeper, Va., cavalry raid, 16. Cummings house, 321. Curtis,
William Mahone (search for this): chapter 10
cal observations, 44; thirty-first year , 226; visits the North, 228, 303; important, 335; meets Lee, 361; Meade's letter, 362. Lyon, Nathaniel, 9. McClellan, Arthur, 70, 112. McClellan, George Brinton, 141, 262. McGregor, —, 234. McKibbin, Chambers, 220. McLaughlen Napoleon Bonaparte, 261, 323. McMahon, John E., 154. McMahon, Martin Thomas, 107, 247. McParlin, Thomas Andrew, 115, 221. Macy, George Nelson, 97, 215. Madison's ordinary, 119. Mahon, Lord, see Stanhope. Mahone, William, 188. Mangohick Church, 130. Maps, difficulties of, 136. Marivault, —, de, 290. Marseilles, anecdotes of, 191. Marshall, Charles, 361. Marshall, Elisha Gaylord, 199. Martyn, steamer, 319. Marylanders, 221. Mason, Addison Gordon, 69, 122, 249. Mat, the, 121. Matile, George Auguste, 212. Matinee musicale, 317. Meade, George, 36, 48, 75, 359. Meade, George Gordon, 97, 107, 122, 338; at Key West, III; accepts Lyman as volunteer aide, 3; manner of riding, 8; at Ge
Ambrose Powell Hill (search for this): chapter 10
24, 233, 234, 251; on Lyman, 177; on Shaw, 191; plundering, 288. Hancock's cavalry, 221. Hapgood, Charles Eager, 150. Hartranft, John Frederic, 323. Harvard Club, Washington, i. Harwood, Franklin, 201. Hatcher's Run, 292, 309, 329, 837. Haw's store, 131. Hayes, Joseph, 186, 220, 224; dinner party, 71; wounded, 90. Hays, Alexander, 42, 82, 139; death of, 92. Hayter, Arthur Divett, 241. Heavy artillery, 81. Henderson, Mary, II. High Bridge, Appomattox, 352. Hill, Ambrose Powell, 88, 89, 93, 94, 222, 293, 294; death of, 341. Hoke, Robert F., 136. Holbrooke, —, Dr., 72. Holland, Sir, Henry, 21. Holman, Silas Atherton, 316. Hood, John Bell, 296. Hooker, Joseph, 93, 114; described, 230. Humphreys, Andrew Atkinson, 36, 57, 60, 65, 68, 69, 232, 277, 316, 318, 324, 329, 345, 346, 352; 353, 356; described, 6, 73, 78, 108, 307; on horses, 8; rejoins army, 64; mystery, 76; before Petersburg, 163, 217, 234, 237; on war, 243; new command, 279, 285, 326; at
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