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rsday, and died to day; Brig Gen Stuart, of Stonewall brigade, was also wounded. His arm has been resected, and he is doing well; Brig Gen McGowan was wounded, but is better. The following are a few more of casualties in staff officers of which I have heard: Col Baker, 16th Miss, killed; Lt Col Felters, do do, do; Col Harding, 19th Miss, killed; Lt Colonel Shuter, 1st South Carolina, killed; Colonel McGreary, wounded in throat; Lieut Col McArthur, 61st Ga wounded mortally, since died; Col Skinner, 52d Va, wounded severely, not mortally; Lieut Col Mcmeyer, 61st Va, killed, and Col O D Groner, same regiment, slightly wounded, whilst riding at the head of his regiment in a grand charge; Col Casey, 58th Va, severely, not dangerously wounded; Col Fields, Mahone's brigade, severely, not dangerously wounded; Col J M Hall, 5th Ala, arm amputated; Col Lightfoot, 6th Ala, arm broken; Lt Col Hobson, 5th Ala, thigh; Maj Proskrauer, 12th Ala, head; Adj't Pegues, 5th Ala, neck; Gen Ramseur, sligh
he suggestion of his aid he dismounted, supposing that dismounted he would be loss a target for the enemy's sharpshooters, who were pouring minnie balls thick and last around. So soon as Gen J was dismounted he ran hastily to one of the guns of Cutshaw's artillery, in order to fire it upon the enemy; before, however, he had succeeded the enemy had closed thickly around him and he was a prisoner in their hands, as was also Brig Gen G H Stuart of the Maryland line, with some twenty five hundred officers and men from this division, and some twenty pieces of artillery; twelve of which were from Page's and the rest from Cutshaw's battalions. This temporary success greatly elated the Yankees, and they pressed on with increasing numbers and a zeal intensified by their temporary success. Gordon, with Early's division, however, quickly come to the assistance of the remnant of Johnson's division, now under command of Col Williams, of La, and fought the enemy for some time, but were gr
to surrender; but, unarmed as he was, he commanded them to throw down their arms as his prisoners. The Yankees not readily complying, the General quietly remarked, "Very well, wall a moment, till my line comes up," whereupon they quickly threw down their arms, and the General made his escape. The extreme right and left of the lines were not engaged during this day, but from nine until twelve o'clock in the day of Thursday the enemy made repeated assaults in Fields's front, of Benning's, Law's, and Gregg's brigades. Each time, however, this gallant division repulsed the enemy with fearful slaughter to the enemy, and with a loss of a mere handful of our men. During the day on other parts of the line there was more or less skirmishing. In this fight we lost many brave officers and men, among them Brig Gen Petrin, of Alabama, was shot dead whilst gallantly leading his brigade is the thickest of the fight — a nobler spirit of braver man has not been offered a sacrifice to
May 15th, 1864 AD (search for this): article 5
rong fortifications behind which to retire if pressed. General Lee is well fortified, as Grant knows by sad experience. Yesterday there was nothing of interest and to day there is nothing but skirmishing. Our men are firm in their convictions of ultimate success, and sing cheerfully around their camp fires at night. Gen Lee stands the fatigue well, and his friends say he is most cheerful and buoyant. I could write almost indefinitely, but time presses. X. Sunday Morning, May 15th, 1864. The enemy yesterday threw a force of infantry on our extreme left and engaged our cavalry, protecting that flank. Our cavalry (Chambliss's brigade) fought them a considerable time, when they were reinforced by infantry, driving the enemy back and capturing from him some seventy or eighty prisoners. Everything is quiet at 12 o'clock today. The bearing of most of our troops was superb on Thursday last; but Harris's, Mabone's, and Lane's, and Pegram's brigades I have heard spec
May 14th, 1864 AD (search for this): article 5
[from our own correspondent.] Battle Field, near Spotsylvania C H,May 14th, 1864. This has been an eventful week. May I not say, without fear of successful contradiction, the most eventful in the history of the war and of the Southern Confederacy--certainly no such general engagement as that of Thursday last has ever occurred between the armies of the Potomac and of Northern Virginia. I propose now to speak briefly in regard to it. During Wednesday skirmishing occurred all along the lines, but no general engagement. As early on Thursday morning as the first crack of daylight the enemy's artillery opened fire upon us, and very soon thereafter the enemy, having massed in extraordinarily heavy force upon our right centre, which was held by the division of Maj Gen Ed Johnson, advanced upon us. The first point of assault was the Virginia brigade of Brig Gen J M Jones. The enemy attacked this point of the line most furiously. The brigade of Jones broke and gave back.
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