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2. The sister and wife of Dareius Codomannus, celebrated as the most beautiful woman of her time. She accompanied her husband on his march to the battle of Issus (B. C. 333), and was taken prisoner, together with her mother-in-law Sisygambis and her daughters, after that battle. They were all treated with the utmost respect and courtesy by the generous conqueror, but Stateira died shortly before the battle of Arbela, B. C. 331. She was honoured by Alexander with a splendid funeral, and he sent a special envoy to apprise Dareius of her fate. (Curt. 3.3.22, 11.24-26, 12. §§ 11,15,22, 4.10. §§ 18-34; Arrian. Anab. 2.11, 12, 4.19, 20; Plut. Alex. 21, 30 ; Just. 11.9, 12.)

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