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the headquarters of the praefectus annonae, who was charged with the administration of the food supply of the city of Rome. In the fourth century A.D. a structure was erected in front of the temple of HERCULES POMPEIANUS (?) (q.v.)-a rectangular porticus, some 30 metres long and 15 wide, with columns supporting arches on three sides and a brick wall at the back. Traces of what may have been another hall connected with it have been found to the north-east.

The discovery of various inscriptions connected with the annona (CIL vi. 1151, 31856; xv. 7941-7951) in the neighbourhood 1 and of an inscription of the older Symmachus on the opposite bank of the Tiber (NS 1886, 362; BC 1887, 16; cf. Ann. d. Inst. 1885, 223-236; BC 1889, 358-360; Mitt. 1891, 107) has led to the identification of this portico with the statio. Into it was built the original diaconia, which was later on enlarged by Pope Hadrian I (Rom. Quartalschr. 1893, 11-31; Giovenale, La Basilica di S. Maria in Cosmedin (Rome, 1927), 334-350; DAP 2. vi. 231-235; LR 522; LS iii. 43; HJ 146-147; JRS 1919, 183; P1. 402; HCh 327-328. The arguments to the contrary in BC 1924, 135-150, are not convincing; see YW 1925-6, 113, 114).

1 CIL vi. xx15 was found in front of the church, 31856 in the Tiber; and all the rest in or near it (except perhaps xv. 7944, 7947), as also a considerable number of the lead seals published ibid. xv. 7952-7999, which were affixed to the cords of bales of imported goods.

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