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the statue of Attus Navius erected on the spot where the augur performed the miracle of cutting a whetstone with a razor, on the left side of the steps leading up from the comitium to the curia (Liv. i. 36). It was of bronze, less than life size, and represented Navius with covered head (Dionys. iii. 71). The language of Livy (loc. cit.) implies that the statue was no longer standing, and Pliny (NH xxxiv. 21) states that its base was destroyed when the senate house was burned at the funeral of Clodius, but Dionysius (loc. cit.) says explicitly that it was standing in his time. The latter was probably mistaken (Jord. i. 2. 264, 359; Mitt. 1893, 92; BPW 1913, 981).

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