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Actus Tertius.

[Scene I.]

Cornets. Enter Coriolanus, Menenius, all the Gentry,

Cominius, Titus Latius, and other Senators.

Tullus Auffidius then had made new head.

He had, my Lord, and that it was which caus'd
Our ſwifter Compoſition.

So then the Volces ſtand but as at firſt,
Readie when time ſhall prompt them, to make roade
Vpon's againe.

They are worne (Lord Conſull) ſo,
That we ſhall hardly in our ages ſee
Their Banners waue againe.

Saw you Auffidius?

On ſafegard he came to me, and did curſe
Againſt the Volces, for they had ſo vildly
Yeelded the Towne: he is retyred to Antium.

Spoke he of me?

He did, my Lord.

How? what?

How often he had met you Sword to Sword:
That of all things vpon the Earth, he hated
Your perſon moſt: That he would pawne his fortunes
To hopeleſſe reſtitution, ſo he might
Be call'd your Vanquiſher.

At Antium liues he?

At Antium.

I wiſh I had a cauſe to ſeeke him there,
To oppoſe his hatred fully. Welcome home.
Enter Scicinius and Brutus.
Behold, theſe are the Tribunes of the People,
The Tongues o'th'Common Mouth. I do deſpiſe them:
For they doe pranke them in Authoritie,
Againſt all Noble ſufferance.

Paſſe no further.

Hah? what is that?

It will be dangerous to goe on-No further.

What makes this change?

The matter?

Hath he not paſs'd the Noble, and the Common?

Cominius, no.

Haue I had Childrens Voyces?

Tribunes giue way, he ſhall toth'Market place.

The People are incens'd againſt him.

Stop, or all will fall in broyle.

Are theſe your Heard?
Muſt theſe haue Voyces, that can yeeld them now,
And ſtraight diſclaim their toungs? what are your Offices?
You being their Mouthes, why rule you not their Teeth?
Haue you not ſet them on?

Be calme, be calme.

It is a purpos'd thing, and growes by Plot,
To curbe the will of the Nobilitie:
Suffer't, and liue with ſuch as cannot rule,
Nor euer will be ruled.

Call't not a Plot:
The People cry you mockt them: and of late,
When Corne was giuen them gratis, you repin'd,
Scandal'd the Suppliants: for the People, call'd them
Time-pleaſers, flatterers, foes to Nobleneſſe.

Why this was knowne before.

Not to them all.

Haue you inform'd them fithence?

How? I informe them?

You are like to doe ſuch buſineſſe.

Not vnlike each way to better yours.

Why then ſhould I be Conſull? by yond Clouds
Let me deſerue ſo ill as you, and make me
Your fellow Tribune.

You ſhew too much of that,
For which the People ſtirre: if you will paſſe
To where you are bound, you muſt enquire your way,
Which you are out of, with a gentler ſpirit,
Or neuer be ſo Noble as a Conſull,
Nor yoake with him for Tribune.

Let's be calme.

The People are abus'd: ſet on, this paltring
Becomes not Rome: nor ha's Coriolanus
Deſeru'd this ſo diſhonor'd Rub, layd falſely
I'th' plaine Way of his Merit.

Tell me of Corne: this was my ſpeech,
And I will ſpeak't againe.

Not now, not now.

Not in this heat, Sir, now.

Now as I liue, I will.
My Nobler friends, I craue their pardons:
For the mutable ranke-ſented Meynie,
Let them regard me, as I doe not flatter,
And therein behold themſelues: I ſay againe,
In ſoothing them, we nouriſh 'gainſt our Senate
The Cockle of Rebellion, Inſolence, Sedition,
Which we our ſelues haue plowed for, ſow'd, & ſcatter'd,
By mingling them with vs, the honor'd Number,
Who lack not Vertue, no, nor Power, but that
Which they haue giuen to Beggers.

Well, no more.

No more words, we beſeech you.

How? no more?
As for my Country, I haue ſhed my blood,
Not fearing outward force: So ſhall my Lungs
Coine words till their decay, againſt thoſe Meazels
Which we diſdaine ſhould Tetter vs, yet ſought
The very way to catch them.

You ſpeake a'th'people, as if you were a God,
To puniſh; Not a man, of their Infirmity.

'Twere well we let the people know't.

What, what? His Choller?

Choller? Were I as patient as the midnight ſleep,
By Ioue, 'twould be my minde.

It is a minde that ſhall remain a poiſon
Where it is: not poyſon any further.

Shall remaine?
Heare you this Triton of the Minnoues? Marke you
His abſolute Shall?

'Twas from the Cannon.

Shall? O God! but moſt vnwiſe Patricians: why
You graue, but wreakleſſe Senators, haue you thus
Giuen Hidra heere to chooſe an Officer,
That with his peremptory Shall, being but
The horne, and noiſe o'th'Monſters, wants not ſpirit
To ſay, hee'l turne your Current in a ditch,
And make your Channell his? If he haue power,
Then vale your Ignorance: If none, awake
Your dangerous Lenity: If you are Learn'd,
Be not as common Fooles; if you are not,
Let them haue Cuſhions by you. You are Plebeians,
If they be Senators: and they are no leſſe,
When both your voices blended, the great'ſt taſte
Moſt pallates theirs. They chooſe their Magiſtrate,
And ſuch a one as he, who puts his Shall,
His popular Shall, againſt a grauer Bench
Then euer frown'd in Greece. By Ioue himſelfe,
It makes the Conſuls baſe; and my Soule akes
To know, when two Authorities are vp,
Neither Supreame; How ſoone Confuſion
May enter 'twixt the gap of Both, and take
The one by th'other.

Well, on to'th'Market place.

Who euer gaue that Counſell, to giue forth
The Corne a'th'Store-houſe gratis, as'twas vs'd
Sometime in Greece.

Well, well, no more of that.

Thogh there the people had more abſolute powre
I ſay they noriſht diſobedience: fed, the ruin of the State.

Why ſhall the people giue
One that ſpeakes thus, their voyce?

Ile giue my Reaſons,
More worthier then their Voyces. They know the Corne
Was not our recompence, reſting well aſſur'd
They ne're did ſeruice for't; being preſt to'th'Warre,
Euen when the Nauell of the State was touch'd,
They would not thred the Gates: This kinde of Seruice
Did not deferue Corne gratis. Being i'th'Warre,
There Mutinies and Reuolts, wherein they ſhew'd
Moſt Valour, ſpoke not for them. Th'Accuſation
Which they haue often made againſt the Senate,
All cauſe vnborne, could neuer be the Natiue
Of our ſo franke Donation. Well, what then?
How ſhall this Boſome-multiplied, digeſt
The Senates Courteſie? Let deeds expreſſe
What's like to be their words, We did requeſt it,
We are the greater pole, and in true feare
They gaue vs our demands. Thus we debaſe
The Nature of our Seats, and make the Rabble
Call our Cares, Feares; which will in time
Breake ope the Lockes a'th'Senate, and bring in
The Crowes to pecke the Eagles.

Come enough.

Enough, with ouer meaſure.

No, take more.
What may be ſworne by, both Diuine and Humane,
Seale what I end withall. This double worſhip,
Whereon part do's diſdaine with cauſe, the other
Inſult without all reaſon: where Gentry, Title, wiſedom
Cannot conclude, but by the yea and no
Of generall Ignorance, it muſt omit
Reall Neceſſities, and giue way the while
To vnſtable Slightneſſe. Purpoſe ſo barr'd, it followes,
Nothing is done to purpoſe. Therefore beſeech you,
You that will be leſſe fearefull, then diſcreet,
That loue the Fundamentall part of State
More then you doubt the change on't: That preferre
A Noble life, before a Long, and Wiſh,
To iumpe a Body with a dangerous Phyſicke,
That's ſure of death without it: at once plucke out
The Multitudinous Tongue, let them not licke
The ſweet which is their poyſon. Your diſhonor
Mangles true iudgement, and bereaues the State
Of that Integrity which ſhould becom't:
Not hauing the power to do the good it would
For th'ill which doth controul't.

Has ſaid enough.

Ha's ſpoken like a Traitor, and ſhall anſwer
As Traitors do.

Thou wretch, deſpight ore-whelme thee:
What ſhould the people do with theſe bald Tribunes?
On whom depending, their obedience failes
To'th'greater Bench, in a Rebellion:
When what's not meet, but what muſt be, was Law,
Then were they choſen: in a better houre,
Let what is meet, be ſaide it muſt be meet,
And throw their power i'th'duſt.

Manifeſt Treaſon.

This a Conſull? No.
Enter an Ædile.

The Ediles hoe: Let him be apprehended:

Go call the people, in whoſe name my Selfe
Attach thee as a Traitorous Innouator:
A Foe to'th'publike Weale. Obey I charge thee,
And follow to thine anſwer.

Hence old Goat.

Wee'l Surety him.

Ag'd ſir, hands off.

Hence rotten thing, or I ſhall ſhake thy bones
Out of thy Garments.
Sicin, Helpe ye Citizens.
Enter a rabble of Plebeians with the Ædiles.

On both ſides more reſpect.

Heere's hee, that would take from you all your

Seize him Ædiles.|

Downe with him, downe with him.

2 Sen.
Weapons, weapons, weapons:
They all buſtle about Coriolanus.
Tribunes, Patricians, Citizens: what ho:
Sicinius, Brutus, Coriolanus, Citizens.

Peace, peace, peace, ſtay, hold, peace.

What is about to be? I am out of Breath,
Confuſions neere, I cannot ſpeake. You, Tribunes
To'th'people: Coriolanus, patience: Speak good Sicinius.

Heare me, People peace.

Let's here our Tribune: peace, ſpeake, ſpeake,

You are at point to loſe your Liberties:
Martius would haue all from you; Martius,
Whom late you haue nam'd for Conſull.

Fie, fie, fie, this is the way to kindle, not to

To vnbuild the Citie, and to lay all flat.

What is the Citie, but the People?

True, the People are the Citie.

By the conſent of all, we were eſtabliſh'd the
Peoples Magiſtrates.

You ſo remaine.

And ſo are like to doe.

That is the way to lay the Citie flat,
To bring the Roofe to the Foundation,
And burie all, which yet diſtinctly raunges
In heapes, and piles of Ruine.
Scici. This deſerues Death.

Or let vs ſtand to our Authoritie,
Or let vs loſe it: we doe here pronounce,
Vpon the part o'th'People, in whoſe power
We were elected theirs, Martius is worthy
Of preſent Death.

Therefore lay hold of him:
Beare him toth' Rock Tarpeian, and from thence
Into deſtruction caſt him.

Ædiles ſeize him.

All Ple.
Yeeld Martius, yeeld.

Heare me one word, 'beſeech you Tribunes,
heare me but a word.

Peace, peace.

Be that you ſeeme, truly your Countries friend,
And temp'rately proceed to what you would
Thus violently redreſſe.

Sir, thoſe cold wayes,
That ſeeme like prudent helpes, are very poyſonous,
Where the Diſeaſe is violent. Lay hands vpon him,
And beare him to the Rock. Corio. drawes his Sword.

No, Ile die here:
There's ſome among you haue beheld me fighting,
Come trie vpon your ſelues, what you haue ſeene me.

Downe with that Sword, Tribunes withdraw
a while.

Lay hands vpon him.

Helpe Martius, helpe: you that be noble, helpe
him young and old.

Downe with him, downe with him. Exeunt.
In this Mutinie, the Tribunes, the Ædiles, and the
People are beat in.

Goe, get you to our Houſe: be gone, away,
All will be naught elſe.

2. Sena.
Get you gone.

Stand faſt, we haue as many friends as enemies.

Shall it be put to that?

The Gods forbid:
I prythee noble friend, home to they Houſe,
Leaue vs to cure this Cauſe.

For 'tis a Sore vpon vs,
You cannot Tent your ſelfe: be gone, 'beſeech you.

Come Sir, along with vs.

I would they were Barbarians, as they are,
Though in Rome litter'd: not Romans, as they are not,
Though calued i'th' Porch o'th' Capitoll:
Be gone, put not your worthy Rage into your Tongue,
One time will owe another.

On faire ground, I could beat fortie of them.

I could my ſelfe take vp a Brace o'th' beſt of
them, yea, the two Tribunes.

But now 'tis oddes beyond Arithmetick,
And Manhood is call's Foolerie, when it ſtands
Againſt a falling Fabrick. Will you hence,
Before the Tagge returne? whoſe Rage doth rend
Like interrupted Waters, and o're-beare
What they are vs'd to beare.

Pray you be gone:
Ile trie whether my old Wit be in requeſt
With thoſe that haue but little: this muſt be patcht
With Cloth of any Colour.

Nay, come away. Exeunt Coriolanus and

This man ha's marr'd his fortune.

His nature is too noble for the World:
He would not flatter Neptune for his Trident,
Or Ioue, for's power to Thunder: his Heart's his Mouth:
What his Breſt forges, that his Tongue muſt vent,
And being angry, does forget that euer
He heard the Name of Death. A Noiſe within.
Here's goodly worke.

I would they were a bed.

I would they were in Tyber.
What the vengeance, could he not ſpeake 'em faire?
Enter Brutus and Sicinius with the rabble againe.

Where is this Viper,
That would depopulate the city, & be euery man himſelf

You worthy Tribunes.

He ſhall be throwne downe the Tarpeian rock
With rigorous hands: he hath reſiſted Law,
And therefore Law ſhall ſcorne him further Triall
Then the ſeuerity of the publike Power,
Which he ſo ſets at naught.

1 Cit.
He ſhall well know the Noble Tribunes are
The peoples mouths, and we their hands.

He ſhall ſure ont.

Sir, ſir. Sicin. Peace.

Do not cry hauocke, where you ſhold but hunt
With modeſt warrant.

Sir, how com'ſt that you haue holpe
To make this reſcue?

Heere me ſpeake? As I do know
The Conſuls worthineſſe, ſo can I name his Faults.

Conſull? what Conſull?

The Conſull Coriolanus.

He Conſull.


If by the Tribunes leaue,
And yours good people,
I may be heard, I would craue a word or two,
The which ſhall turne you to no further harme,
Then ſo much loſſe of time.

Speake breefely then,
For we are peremptory to diſpatch
This Viporous Traitor: to eiect him hence
Were but one danger, and to keepe him heere
Our certaine death: therefore it is decreed,
He dyes to night.

Now the good Gods forbid,
That our renowned Rome, whoſe gratitude
Towards her deſerued Children, is enroll'd
In Ioues owne Booke, like an vnnaturall Dam
Should now eate vp her owne.

He's a Diſeaſe that muſt be cut away.

Oh he's a Limbe, that ha's but a Diſeaſe
Mortall, to cut it off: to cure it, eaſie.
What ha's he done to Rome, that's worthy death?
Killing our Enemies, the blood he hath loſt
(Which I dare vouch, is more then that he hath
By many an Ounce) he dropp'd it for his Country:
And what is left, to looſe it by his Countrey,
Were to vs all that doo't, and ſuffer it
A brand to th'end a'th World.

This is cleane kamme.

Meerely awry:
When he did loue his Country, it honour'd him.

The ſeruice of the foote
Being once gangren'd, is not then reſpected
For what before it was.

Wee'l heare no more:
Purſue him to his houſe, and plucke him thence.
Leaſt his infection being of catching nature,
Spred further.

One word more, one word:
This Tiger-footed-rage, when it ſhall find
The harme of vnskan'd ſwiftneſſe, will (too late)
Tye Leaden pounds too's heeles. Proceed by Proceſſe,
Leaſt parties (as he is belou'd) breake out,
And ſacke great Rome with Romanes.

If it were ſo?

What do ye talke?
Haue we not had a taſte of his Obedience?
Our Ediles ſmot: our ſelues reſiſted: come.

Conſider this: He ha's bin bred i'th'Warres
Since a could draw a Sword, and is ill-ſchool'd
In boulted Language: Meale and Bran together
He throwes without diſtinction. Giue me leaue,
Ile go to him, and vndertake to bring him in peace,
Where he ſhall anſwer by a lawfull Forme
(In peace) to his vtmoſt perill.

1. Sen.
Noble Tribunes,
It is the humane way: the other courſe
Will proue to bloody: and the end of it,
Vnknowne to the Beginning.

Noble Menenius, be you then as the peoples officer:
Maſters, lay downe your Weapons.

Go not home.

Meet on the Market place:wee'l attend you there:
Where if you bring not Martius, wee'l proceede
In our firſt way.

Ile bring him to you.
Let me deſire your company: he muſt come,
Or what is worſt will follow.

Pray you let's to him. Exeunt Omnes.

[Scene II.]

Enter Coriolanus with Nobles.

Let them pull all about mine eares, preſent me
Death on the Wheele, or at wilde Horſes heeles,
Or pile ten hilles on the Tarpeian Rocke,
That the precipitation might downe ſtretch
Below the beame of ſight; yet will I ſtill
Be thus to them
Enter Volumnia.

You do the Nobler.

I muſe my Mother
Do's not approue me further, who was wont
To call them Wollen Vaſſailes, things created
To buy and ſell with Groats, to ſhew bare heads
In Congregations, to yawne, be ſtill, and wonder,
When one but of my ordinance ſtood vp
To ſpeake of Peace, or Warre. I talke of you,
Why did you wiſh me milder? Would you haue me
Falſe to my Nature? Rather ſay, I play
The man I am.

Oh ſir, ſir, ſir,
I would haue had you put your power well on
Before you had worne it out.

Let go.

You might haue beene enough the man you are,
With ſtriuing leſſe to be ſo: Leſſer had bin
The things of your diſpoſitions, if
You had not ſhew'd them how ye were disſpos'd
Ere they lack'd power to croſſe you.

Let them hang.|

I, and burne too.
Enter Menenius with the Senators.

Come, come, you haue bin too rough, ſomthing
too rough: you muſt returne, and mend it.

There's no remedy,
Vnleſſe by not ſo doing, our good Citie
Cleaue in the midd'ſt, and periſh.

Pray be counſail'd;
I haue a heart as little apt as yours,
But yet a braine, that leades my vſe of Anger
To better vantage.

Well ſaid, Noble woman:
Before he ſhould thus ſtoope to'th'heart, but that
The violent fit a'th'time craues it as Phyſicke
For the whole State; I would put mine Armour on,
Which I can ſcarſely beare.

What muſt I do?

Returne to th'Tribunes.

Well, what then? what then?

Repent, what you haue ſpoke.

For them, I cannot do it to the Gods,
Muſt I then doo't to them?

You are too abſolute,
Though therein you can neuer be too Noble,
But when extremities ſpeake. I haue heard you ſay,
Honor and Policy, like vnſeuer'd Friends,
I'th'Warre do grow together: Grant that, and tell me
In Peace, what each of them by th'other looſe,
That they combine not there?

Tuſh, tuſh.

A good demand.

If it be Honor in your Warres, to ſeeme
The fame you are not, which for your beſt ends
You adopt your policy: How is it leſſe or worſe
That it ſhall hold Companionſhip in Peace
With Honour, as in Warre; ſince that to both
It ſtands in like requeſt.

Why force you this?

Becauſe, that
Now it lyes you on to ſpeake to th'people:
Not by your owne inſtruction, nor by'th'matter
Which your heart prompts you, but with ſuch words
That are but roated in your Tongue;
Though but Baſtards, and Syllables
Of no allowance, to your boſomes truth.
Now, this no more diſhonors you at all,
Then to take in a Towne with gentle words,
Which elſe would put you to your fortune, and
The hazard of much blood.
I would diſſemble with my Nature, where
My Fortunes and my Friends at ſtake, requir'd
I ſhould do ſo in Honor. I am in this
Your Wife, your Sonne: Theſe Senators, the Nobles,
And you, will rather ſhew our generall Lowts,
How you can frowne, then ſpend a fawne vpon 'em,
For the inheritance of their loues, and ſafegard
Of what that want might ruine.

Noble Lady,
Come goe with vs, ſpeake faire: you may ſalue ſo,
Not what is dangerous preſent, but the loſſe
Of what is paſt.

I pry thee now, my Sonne,
Goe to them, with this Bonnet in thy hand,
And thus farre hauing ſtretcht it (here be with them)
Thy Knee buſſing the ſtones: for in ſuch buſineſſe
Action is eloquence, and the eyes of th'ignorant
More learned then the eares, wauing thy head,
Which often thus correcting thy ſtout heart,
Now humble as the ripeſt Mulberry,
That will not hold the handling: or ſay to them,
Thou art their Souldier, and being bred in broyles,
Haſt not the ſoft way, which thou do'ſt confeſſe
Were fit for thee to vſe, as they to clayme,
In asking their good loues, but thou wilt frame
Thy ſelfe (forſooth) hereafter theirs ſo farre,
As thou haſt power and perſon.

This but done,
Euen as ſhe ſpeakes, why their hearts were yours:
For they haue Pardons, being ask'd, as free,
As words to little purpoſe.

Prythee now,
Goe, and be rul'd: although I know thou hadſt rather
Follow thine Enemie in a fierie Gulfe,
Then flatter him in a Bower. Enter Cominius.
Here is Cominius.

I haue beene i'th' Market place: and Sir 'tis fit
You make ſtrong partie, or defend your ſelfe
By calmeneſſe, or by abſence: all's in anger.

Onely faire ſpeech.

I thinke 'twill ſerue, if he can thereto frame his

He muſt, and will:
Prythee now ſay you will, and goe about it.

Muſt I goe ſhew them my vnbarb'd Sconce?
Muſt I with my baſe Tongue giue to my Noble Heart
A Lye, that it muſt beare well? I will doo't:
Yet were there but this ſingle Plot, to looſe
This Mould of Martius, they to duſt ſhould grinde it,
And throw't againſt the Winde. Toth' Market place:
You haue put me now to ſuch a part, which neuer
I ſhall diſcharge toth' Life.

Come, come, wee'le prompt you.

I prythee now ſweet Son, as thou haſt ſaid
My praiſes made thee firſt a Souldier; ſo
To haue my praiſe for this, performe a part
Thou haſt not done before.

Well, I muſt doo't:
Away my diſpoſition, and poſſeſſe me
Some Harlots ſpirit: My throat of Warre be turn'd,
Which quier'd with my Drumme into a Pipe,
Small as an Eunuch, or the Virgin voyce
That Babies lull a-ſleepe: The ſmiles of Knaues
Tent in my cheekes, and Schoole-boyes Teares take vp
The Glaſſes of my ſight: A Beggars Tongue
Make motion through my Lips, and my Arm'd knees
Who bow'd but in my Stirrop, bend like his
That hath receiu'd an Almes. I will not doo't,
Leaſt I ſurceaſe to honor mine owne truth,
And by my Bodies action, teach my Minde
A moſt inherent Baſeneſſe.

At thy choice then:
To begge of thee, it is my more diſ-honor,
Then thou of them. Come all to ruine, let
Thy Mother rather feele thy Pride, then feare
Thy dangerous Stoutneſſe: for I mocke at death
With as bigge heart as thou. Do as thou liſt,
Thy Valiantneſſe was mine, thou ſuck'ſt it from me:
But owe thy Pride thy ſelfe.

Pray be content:
Mother, I am going to the Market place:
Chide me no more. Ile Mountebanke their Loues,
Cogge their Hearts from them, and come home belou'd
Of all the Trades in Rome. Looke, I am going:
Commend me to my Wife, Ile returne Conſull,
Or neuer truſt to what my Tongue can do
I'th way of Flattery further.

Do your will. Exit Volumnia

Away, the Tribunes do attend you: arm your ſelf
To anſwer mildely: for they are prepar'd
With Accuſations, as I heare more ſtrong
Then are vpon you yet.

The word is, Mildely. Pray you let vs go,
Let them accuſe me by inuention: I
Will anſwer in mine Honor.

I, but mildely.

Well mildely be it then, Mildely. Exeunt

[Scene III.]

Enter Sicinius and Brutus.

In this point charge him home, that he affects
Tyrannicall power: If he euade vs there,
Inforce him with his enuy to the people,
And that the Spoile got on the Antiats
Was ne're diſtributed. What, will he come?
Enter an Edile.

Hee's comming.

How accompanied?

With old Menenius, and thoſe Senators
That alwayes fauour'd him.

Haue you a Catalogue
Of all the Voices that we haue procur'd, ſet downe by'th Pole?

I haue: 'tis ready.

Haue you collected them by Tribes?

I haue.

Aſſemble preſently the people hither:
And when they heare me ſay, it ſhall be ſo,
I'th'right and ſtrength a'th'Commons: be it either
For death, for fine, or Baniſhment, then let them
If I ſay Fine, cry Fine; if Death, cry Death,
Inſiſting on the olde prerogatiue
And power i'th Truth a'th Cauſe.

I ſhall informe them.

And when ſuch time they haue begun to cry,
Let them not ceaſe, but with a dinne confus'd
Inforce the preſent Execution
Of what we chance to Sentence.

Very well.

Make them be ſtrong, and ready for this hint
When we ſhall hap to giu't them.

Go about it,
Put him to Choller ſtraite, he hath bene vs'd
Euer to conquer, and to haue his worth
Of contradiction. Being once chaft, he cannot
Be rein'd againe to Temperance, then he ſpeakes
What's in his heart, and that is there which lookes
With vs to breake his necke.
Enter Coriolanus, Menenius, and Comi-
nius, with others.

Well, heere he comes.

Calmely, I do beſeech you.

I, as an Hoſtler, that fourth pooreſt peece
Will beare the Knaue by'th Volume:
Th'honor'd Goddes
Keepe Rome in ſafety, and the Chaires of Iuſtice
Supplied with worthy men, plant loue amongs
Through our large Temples with ye ſhewes of peace
And not our ſtreets with Warre.

1 Sen.
Amen, Amen.

A Noble wiſh.
Enter the Edile with the Plebeians.

Draw neere ye people.

Liſt to your Tribunes. Audience:
Peace I ſay.

Firſt heare me ſpeake.

Both Tri.
Well, ſay: Peace hoe.

Shall I be charg'd no further then this preſent?
Muſt all determine heere?

I do demand,
If you ſubmit you to the peoples voices,
Allow their Officers, and are content
To ſuffer lawfull Cenſure for ſuch faults
As ſhall be prou'd vpon you.

I am Content.

Lo Citizens, he ſayes he is Content.
The warlike Seruice he ha's done, conſider: Thinke
Vpon the wounds his body beares, which ſhew
Like Graues i'th holy Church-yard.

Scratches with Briars, ſcarres to moue
Laughter onely.

Conſider further:
That when he ſpeakes not like a Citizen,
You finde him like a Soldier: do not take
His rougher Actions for malicious ſounds:
But as I ſay, ſuch as become a Soldier,
Rather then enuy you.

Well, well, no more.

What is the matter,
That being paſt for Conſull with full voyce:
I am ſo diſhonour'd, that the very houre
You take it off againe.

Anſwer to vs.

Say then: 'tis true, I ought ſo

We charge you, that you haue contriu'd to take
From Rome all ſeaſon'd Office, and to winde
Your ſelfe into a power tyrannicall,
For which you are a Traitor to the people.

How? Traytor?

Nay temperately: your promiſe.

The fires i'th'loweſt hell. Fould in the people:
Call me their Traitor, thou iniurious Tribune.
Within thine eyes ſate twenty thouſand deaths
In thy hands clutcht: as many Millions in
Thy lying tongue, both numbers. I would ſay
Thou lyeſt vnto thee, with a voice as free,
As I do pray the Gods.

Marke you this people?

To'th'Rocke, to'th'Rocke with him.

We neede not put new matter to his charge:
What you haue ſeene him do, and heard him ſpeake:
Beating your Officers, curſing your ſelues,
Oppoſing Lawes with ſtroakes, and heere defying
Thoſe whoſe great power muſt try him.
Euen this ſo criminall, and in ſuch capitall kinde
Deſerues th'extreameſt death.

But ſince he hath ſeru'd well for Rome.

What do you prate of Seruice.

I talke of that, that know it.


Is this the promiſe that you made your mother.

Know, I pray you.

Ile know no further:
Let them pronounce the ſteepe Tarpeian death,
Vagabond exile, Fleaing, pent to linger
But with a graine a day, I would not buy
Their mercie, at the price of one faire word,
Nor checke my Courage for what they can giue,
To haue't with ſaying, Good morrow.

For that he ha's
(As much as in him lies) from time to time
Enui'd againſt the people; ſeeking meanes
To plucke away their power: as now at laſt,
Giuen Hoſtile ſtrokes, and that not in the preſence
Of dreaded Iuſtice, but on the Miniſters
That doth diſtribute it. In the name a'th'people,
And in the power of vs the Tribunes, wee
Eu'n from this inſtant) baniſh him our Citie
In perill of precipitation
From off the Rocke Tarpeian, neuer more
To enter our Rome gates. I'th'Peoples name,
I ſay it ſhall bee ſo.

It ſhall be ſo, it ſhall be ſo: let him away:
Hee's baniſh'd, and it ſhall be ſo.

Heare me my Maſters, and my common friends.

He's ſentenc'd: No more hearing.

Let me ſpeake:
I haue bene Conſull, and can ſhew from Rome
Her Enemies markes vpon me. I do loue
My Countries good, with a reſpect more tender,
More holy, and profound, then mine owne life,
My deere Wiues eſtimate, her wombes encreaſe,
And treaſure of my Loynes: then if I would
Speake that.

We know your drift Speake what?

There's no more to be ſaid, but he is baniſh'd
As Enemy to the people, and his Countrey.
It ſhall bee ſo.

It ſhall be ſo, it ſhall be ſo.

You common cry of Curs, whoſe breath I hate,
As reeke a'th'rotten Fennes: whoſe Loues I prize,
As the dead Carkaſſes of vnburied men,
That do corrupt my Ayre: I baniſh you,
And heere remaine with your vncertaintie.
Let euery feeble Rumor ſhake your hearts:
Your Enemies, with nodding of their Plumes
Fan you into diſpaire: Haue the power ſtill
To baniſh your Defenders, till at length
Your ignorance (which findes not till it feeles,
Making but reſeruation of your ſelues,
Still your owne Foes) deliuer you
As moſt abated Captiues, to ſome Nation
That wonne you without blowes, deſpiſing
For you the City. Thus I turne my backe;
There is a world elſewhere.
Exeunt Coriolanus, Cominius, with Cumalijs.
They all ſhout, and throw vp their Caps.

The peoples Enemy is gone, is gone.

Our enemy is baniſh'd, he is gone: Hoo,oo.

Go ſee him out at Gates, and follow him
As he hath follow'd you, with all deſpight
Giue him deſeru'd vexation. Let a guard
Attend vs through the City.

Come, come, lets ſee him out at gates, come:
The Gods preſerue our Noble Tribunes, come. Exeunt.

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