
Actus Quintus.

[Scene I.]

Enter Menenius, Cominius, Sicinius, Brutus,

the two Tribunes, with others.

No, Ile not go: you heare what he hath faid
Which was ſometime his Generall: who loued him
In a moſt deere particular. He call'd me Father:
But what o'that? Go you that baniſh'd him
A Mile before his Tent, fall downe, and knee
The way into his mercy: Nay, if he coy'd
To heare Cominius ſpeake, Ile keepe at home.

He would not ſeeme to know me.

Do you heare?

Yet one time he did call me by my name:
I vrg'd our old acquaintance, and the drops
That we haue bled together. Coriolanus
He would not anſwer too: Forbad all Names,
He was a kinde of Nothing, Titleleſſe,
Till he had forg'd himſelfe a name a'th'fire
Of burning Rome.

Why ſo: you haue made good worke:
A paire of Tribunes, that haue wrack'd for Rome,
To make Coales cheape: A Noble memory.

I minded him, how Royall 'twas to pardon
When it was leſſe expected. He replyed
It was a bare petition of a State
To one whom they had puniſh'd.

Very well, could he ſay leſſe.

I offered to awaken his regard
For's priuate Friends. His anſwer to me was
He could not ſtay to picke them, in a pile
Of noyſome muſty Chaffe. He ſaid, 'twas folly
For one poore graine or two, to leaue vnburnt
And ſtill to noſe th'offence.

For one poore graine or two?
I am one of thoſe: his Mother, Wife, his Childe,
And this braue Fellow too: we are the Graines,
You are the muſty Chaffe, and you are ſmelt
Aboue the Moone. We muſt be burnt for you.

Nay, pray be patient: If you refuſe your ayde
In this ſo neuer-needed helpe, yet do not
Vpbraid's with our diſtreſſe. But ſure if you
Would be your Countries Pleader, your good tongue
More then the inſtant Armie we can make
Might ſtop our Countryman.

No: Ile not meddle.

Pray you go to him.

What ſhould I do?

Onely make triall what your Loue can do,
For Rome, towards Martius.

Well, and ſay that Martius returne mee,
As Cominius is return'd, vnheard: what then?
But as a diſcontented Friend, greefe-ſhot
With his vnkindneſſe. Say't be ſo?

Yet your good will
Muſt haue that thankes from Rome, after the meaſure
As you intended well.

Ile vndertak't:
I thinke hee'l heare me. Yet to bite his lip,
And humme at good Cominius, much vnhearts mee.
He was not taken well, he had not din'd,
The Veines vnfill'd, our blood is cold, and then
We powt vpon the Morning, are vnapt
To giue or to forgiue; but when we haue ſtufft
Theſe Pipes, and theſe Conueyances of our blood
With Wine and Feeding, we haue ſuppler Soules
Then in our Prieſt-like Faſts: therefore Ile watch him
Till he be dieted to my requeſt,
And then Ile ſet vpon him.

You know the very rode into his kindneſſe,
And cannot loſe your way.

Good faith Ile proue him,
Speed how it will. I ſhall ere long, haue knowledge
Of my ſucceſſe. Exit.

Hee'l neuer heare him.


I tell you, he doe's ſit in Gold, his eye
Red as 'twould burne Rome: and his Iniury
The Gaoler to his pitty. I kneel'd before him,
'Twas very faintly he ſaid Riſe: diſmiſt me
Thus with his ſpeechleſſe hand. What he would do
He ſent in writing after me: what he would not,
Bound with an Oath to yeeld to his conditions:
So that all hope is vaine, vnleſſe his Noble Mother,
And his Wife, who (as I heare) meane to ſolicite him
For mercy to his Countrey: therefore let's hence,
And with our faire intreaties haſt them on. Exeunt

[Scene II.]

Enter Menenius to the Watch or Guard.

1. Wat.
Stay: whence are you.

2. Wat.
Stand, and go backe.

You guard like men, 'tis well. But by your leaue,
I am an Officer of State, & come to ſpeak with Coriolanus
1 From whence? Mene. From Rome.
1 You may not paſſe, you muſt returne: our Generall
will no more heare from thence.
2 You'l ſee your Rome embrac'd with fire, before
You'l ſpeake with Coriolanus.

Good my Friends,
If you haue heard your Generall talke of Rome,
And of his Friends there, it is Lots to Blankes,
My name hath touch't your eares: it is Menenius.
1 Be it ſo, go back: the vertue of your name,
Is not heere paſſable.

I tell thee Fellow,
Thy Generall is my Louer: I haue beene
The booke of his good Acts, whence men haue read
His Fame vnparalell'd, happely amplified:
For I haue euer verified my Friends,
(Of whom hee's cheefe) with all the ſize that verity
Would without lapſing ſuffer: Nay, ſometimes,
Like to a Bowle vpon a ſubtle ground
I haue tumbled paſt the throw: and in his praiſe
Haue (almoſt) ſtampt the Leaſing. Therefore Fellow,
I muſt haue leaue to paſſe.
1 Faith Sir, if you had told as many lies in his behalfe,
as you haue vttered words in your owne, you ſhould not
paſſe heere: no, though it were as vertuous to lye, as to
liue chaſtly. Therefore go backe.

Prythee fellow, remember my name is Menenius,
always factionary on the party of your Generall.
2 Howſoeuer you haue bin his Lier, as you fay you
haue, I am one that telling true vnder him, muſt ſay you
cannot paſſe. Therefore go backe.

Ha's he din'd can'ſt thou tell? For I would not
ſpeake with him, till after dinner.
1 You are a Roman, are you?

I am as thy Generall is.
1 Then you ſhould hate Rome, as he do's. Can you,
when you haue puſht out your gates, the very Defender
of them, and in a violent popular ignorance, giuen your
enemy your ſhield, thinke to front his reuenges with the
eaſie groanes of old women, the Virginall Palms of your
daughters, <*>or with the palſied interceſſion of ſuch a de-
cay'd Dotant as you ſeeme to be? Can you think to blow
out the intended fire, your City is ready to flame in, with
ſuch weake breath as this? No, you are deceiu'd, therfore
backe to Rome, and prepare for your execution: you are
condemn'd, our Generall has ſworne you out of repreeue
and pardon.

Sirra, if thy Captaine knew I were heere,
He would vſe me with eſtimation.
1 Come, my Captaine knowes you not.

I meane thy Generall.
1 My Generall cares not for you. Back I ſay, go: leaſt
I let forth your halfe pinte of blood. Backe, that's the vt-
moſt of your hauing, backe.

Nay but Fellow, Fellow.
Enter Coriolanus with Auffidius.

What's the matter?

Now you Companion: Ile ſay an arrant for you:
you ſhall know now that I am in eſtimation: you ſhall
perceiue, that a Iacke gardant cannot office me from my
Son Coriolanus, gueſſe but my entertainment with him: if
thou ſtand'ſt not i'th ſtate of hanging, or of ſome death
more long in Spectatorſhip, and crueller in ſuffering, be-
hold now preſently, and ſwoond for what's to come vpon
thee. The glorious Gods ſit in hourely Synod about thy
particular proſperity, and loue thee no worſe then thy old
Father Menenius do's. O my Son, my Son | thou art pre-
paring fire for vs: looke thee, heere's water to quench it.
I was hardly moued to come to thee: but beeing aſſured
none but my ſelfe could moue thee, I haue bene blowne
out of your Gates with ſighes: and coniure thee to par-
don Rome, and thy petitionary Countrimen. The good
Gods aſſwage thy wrath, and turne the dregs of it, vpon
this Varlet heere: This, who like a blocke hath denyed
my acceſſe to thee.


How? Away?

Wife, Mother, Child, I know not. My affaires
Are Seruanted to others: Though I owe
My Reuenge properly, my remiſſion lies
In Volcean breſts. That we haue beene familiar,
Ingrate forgetfulneſſe ſhall poiſon rather
Then pitty: Note how much,| therefore be gone.
Mine eares againſt your ſuites, are ſtronger then
Your gates againſt my force. Yet for I loued thee,
Take this along, I writ it for thy ſake,
And would haue ſent it. Another word Menenius,
I will not heare thee ſpeake. This man Auffidius
Was my belou'd in Rome: yet thou behold'ſt.

You keepe a conſtant temper. Excunt
Manet the Guard and Menenius.
1 Now ſir, is your name Menenius?
2 'Tis a ſpell you ſee of much power:
You know the way home againe.
1 Do you heare how wee are ſhent for keeping your
greatneſſe backe?
2 What cauſe do you thinke I haue to ſwoond?

I neither care for th'world, nor your General:
for ſuch things as you, I can ſcarſe thinke ther's any, y'are
ſo ſlight. He that hath a will to die by himſelfe, feares it
not from another: Let your Generall do his worſt. For
you, bee that you are, i long; and your miſery encreaſe
with your age. I ſay to you, as I was ſaid to, Away. Exit
1 A Noble Fellow I warrant him.
2 The worthy Fellow is our General. He's the Rock,
The Oake not to be winde-ſhaken. Exit Watch.

[Scene III.]

Enter Coriolanus and Auffidius.

We will before the walls of Rome to morrow
Set downe our Hoaſt. My partner in this Action,
You muſt report to th'Volcian Lords, how plainly
I haue borne this Buſineſſe.

Onely their ends you haue reſpected,
Stopt your eares againſt the generall ſuite of Rome:
Neuer admitted a priuat whiſper, no not with ſuch frends
That thought them ſure of you.

This laſt old man,
Whom with a crack'd heart I haue ſent to Rome,
Lou'd me, aboue the meaſure of a Father,
Nay godded me indeed. Their lateſt refuge
Was to ſend him: for whoſe old Loue I haue
(Though I ſhew'd ſowrely to him) once more offer'd
The firſt Conditions which they did refuſe,
And cannot now accept, to grace him onely,
That thought he could do more: A very little
I haue yeelded too. Freſh Embaſſes, and Suites,
Nor from the State, nor priuate friends heereafter
Will I lend eare to. Ha? what ſhout is this? Shout within
Shall I be tempted to infringe my vow
In the ſame time'tis made? I will not.
Enter Virgilia, Volumnia, Valeria, yong Martius,
with Attendants.
My wife comes formoſt, then the honour'd mould
Wherein this Trunke was fram'd, and in her hand
The Grandchilde to her blood. But out affection,
All bond and priuiledge of Nature breake;
Let it be Vertuous to be Obſtinate.
What is that Curt'ſie worth? Or thoſe Doues eyes,
Which can make Gods forſworne? I melt, and am not
Of ſtronger earth then others: my Mother bowes,
As if Olympus to a Mole-hill ſhould
In ſupplication Nod: and my yong Boy
Hath an Aſpect of interceſsion, which
Great Nature cries, Deny not. Let the Volces
Plough Rome, and harrow Italy, Ile neuer
Be ſuch a Goſling to obey inſtinct; but ſtand
As if a man were Author of himſelf, & knew no other kin

My Lord and Husband.

Theſe eyes are not the ſame I wore in Rome.

The ſorrow that deliuers vs thus chang'd,
Makes you thinke ſo.

Like a dull Actor now, I haue forgot my part,
And I am out, euen to a full Diſgrace. Beſt of my Fleſh,
Forgiue my Tyranny: but do not ſay,
For that forgiue our Romanes. O a kiſſe
Long as my Exile, ſweet as my Reuenge!
Now by the iealous Queene of Heauen, that kiſſe
I carried from thee deare; and my true Lippe
Hath Virgin'd it ere ſince. You Gods, I pray,
And the moſt noble Mother of the world
Leaue vnſaluted: Sinke my knee i'th'earth, Kneeles
Of thy deepe duty, more impreſsion ſhew
Then that of common Sonnes.

Oh ſtand vp bleſt!
Whil'ſt with no ſofter Cuſhion then the Flint
I kneele before thee, and vnproperly
Shew duty as miſtaken, all this while,
Betweene the Childe, and Parent.

What's this? your knees to me?
To your Corrected Sonne?
Then let the Pibbles on the hungry beach
Fillop the Starres: Then, let the mutinous windes
Strike the proud Cedars 'gainſt the fiery Sun:
Murd'ring Impoſſibility, to make
What cannot be, ſlight worke.

Thou art my Warriour, I hope to frame thee
Do you know this Lady?

The Noble Siſter of Publicola;
The Moone of Rome: Chaſte as the lſicle
That's curdied by the Froſt, from pureſt Snow,
And hangs on Dians Temple: Deere Valeria.

This is a poore Epitome of yours,
Which by th'interpretation of full time,
May ſhew like all your ſelſe.

The God of Souldiers:
With the conſent of ſupreame Ioue, informe
Thy thoughts with Nobleneſſe, that thou mayſt proue
To ſhame vnvulnerable, and ſticke i'th Warres
Like a great Sea-marke ſtanding euery flaw,
And ſauing thoſe that eye thee.

Your knee, Sirrah.

That's my braue Boy.

Euen he, your wife, this Ladie, and my ſelfe,
Are Sutors to you.

I beſeech you peace:
Or if you'ld aske, remember this before;
The thing I haue forſworne to graunt, may neuer
Be held by you denials. Do not bid me
Diſmiſſe my Soldiers, or capitulate
Againe, with Romes Mechanickes. Tell me not
Wherein I ſeeme vnnaturall: Deſire not t'allay
My Rages and Reuenges, with your colder reaſons.

Oh no more, no more:
You haue ſaid you will not grant vs any thing:
For we haue nothing elſe to aske, but that
Which you deny already: yet we will aske,
That if you faile in our requeſt, the blame
May hang vpon your hardneſſe, therefore heare vs.

Auffidius, and you Volces marke, for wee'l
Heare nought from Rome in priuate. Your requeſt?

Should we be ſilent & not ſpeak, our Raiment
And ſtate of Bodies would bewray what life
We haue led ſince thy Exile. Thinke with thy ſelfe,
How more vnfortunate then all liuing women
Are we come hither; ſince that thy ſight, which ſhould
Make our eies flow with ioy, harts dance with comforts,
Conſtraines them weepe, and ſhake with feare & ſorow,
Making the Mother, wife, and Childe to ſee,
The Sonne, the Husband, and the Father tearing
His Countries Bowels out; and to poore we
Thine enmities moſt capitall: Thou barr'ſt vs
Our prayers to the Gods, which is a comfort
That all but we enioy. For how can we?
Alas! how can we, for our Country pray?
Whereto we are bound, together with thy victory:
Whereto we are bound: Alacke, or we muſt looſe
The Countrie our deere Nurſe, or elſe thy perſon
Our comfort in the Country. We muſt finde
An euident Calamity, though we had
Our wiſh, which ſide ſhould win. For either thou
Muſt as a Forraine Recreant be led
With Manacles through our ſtreets, or elſe
Triumphantly treade on thy Countries ruine,
And beare the Palme, for hauing brauely ſhed
Thy Wife and Childrens blood: For my ſelfe, Sonne,
I purpoſe not to waite on Fortune, till
Theſe warres determine: If I cannot perſwade thee,
Rather to ſhew a Noble grace to both parts,
Then ſeeke the end of one; thou ſhalt no ſooner
March to aſſault thy Country, then to treade
(Truſt too't, thou ſhalt not) on thy Mothers wombe
That brought thee to this world.

I, and mine, that brought you forth this boy,
To keepe your name liuing to time.

A ſhall not tread on me: Ile run away
Till I am bigger, but then Ile fight.

Not of a womans tenderneſſe to be,
Requires nor Childe, nor womans face to ſee:
I haue ſate too long.

Nay, go not from vs thus:
If it were ſo, that our requeſt did tend
To ſaue the Romanes, thereby to deſtroy
The Volces whom you ſerue, you might condemne vs
As poyſonous of your Honour. No, our ſuite
Is that you reconcile them: While the Volces
May ſay, this mercy we haue ſhew'd: the Romanes,
This we receiu'd, and each in either ſide
Giue the All-haile to thee, and cry be Bleſt
For making vp this peace. Thou know'ſt (great Sonne)
The end of Warres vncertaine: but this certaine,
That if thou conquer Rome, the benefit
Which thou ſhalt thereby reape, is ſuch a name
Whoſe repetition will be dogg'd with Curſes:
Whoſe Chronicle thus writ, The man was Noble,
But with his laſt Attempt, he wip'd it out:
Deſtroy'd his Country, and his name remaines
To th'inſuing Age, abhorr'd. Speake to me Son:
Thou haſt affected the fiue ſtraines of Honor,
To imitate the graces of the Gods.
To teare with Thunder the wide Cheekes a'th'Ayre,
And yet to change thy Sulphure with a Boult
That ſhould but riue an Oake. Why do'ſt not ſpeake?
Think'ſt thou it Honourable for a Nobleman
Still to remember wrongs? Daughter, ſpeake you:
He cares not for your weeping. Speake thou Boy,
Perhaps thy childiſhneſſe will moue him more
Then can our Reaſons. There's no man in the world
More bound to's Mother, yet heere he let's me prate
Like one i'th'Stockes. Thou haſt neuer in thy life,
Shew'd thy deere Mother any curteſie,
When ſhe (poore Hen) fond of no ſecond brood,
Ha's clock'd thee to the Warres: and ſafelie home
Loden with Honor. Say my Requeſt's vniuſt,
And ſpurne me backe: But, if it be not ſo
Thou art not honeſt, and the Gods will plague thee
That thou reſtrain'ſt from me the Duty, which
To a Mothers part belongs. He turnes away:
Down Ladies: let vs ſhame him with him with our knees
To his ſur-name Coriolanus longs more pride
Then pitty to our Prayers. Downe: an end,
This is the laſt. So, we will home to Rome,
And dye among our Neighbours: Nay, behold's,
This Boy that cannot tell what he would haue,
But kneeles, and holds vp hands for fellowſhip,
Doe's reaſon our Petition with more ſtrength
Then thou haſt to deny't. Come, let vs go:
This Fellow had a Volcean to his Mother:
His Wife is in Corioles, and his Childe
Like him by chance: yet giue vs our diſpatch:
I am huſht vntill our City be afire, & then Ile ſpeak a litle
Holds her by the hand ſilent.

O Mother, Mother<*>
What haue you done? Behold, the Heauens do ope,
The Gods looke downe, and this vnnaturall Scene
They laugh at. Oh my Mother, Mother: Oh!
You haue wonne a happy Victory to Rome.
But for your Sonne, beleeue it: Oh beleeue it,
Moſt dangerouſly you haue with him preuail'd,
If not moſt mortall to him. But let it come:
Auffidius, though I cannot make true Warres,
Ile frame conuenient peace. Now good Auffidius,
Were you in my ſteed, would you haue heard
A Mother leſſe? or granted leſſe Auffidius?

I was mou'd withall.

I dare be ſworne you were:
And ſir, it is no little thing to make
Mine eyes to ſweat compaſſion. But (good ſir)
What peace you'l make, aduiſe me: For my part,
Ile not to Rome, Ile backe with you, and pray you
Stand to me in this cauſe. Oh Mother! Wife!

I am glad thou haſt ſet thy mercy, & thy Honor
At difference in thee: Out of that Ile worke
My ſelfe a former Fortune.

I by and by; But we will drinke together:
And you ſhall beare
A better witneſſe backe then words, which we
On like conditions, will haue Counter-ſeal'd.
Come enter with vs: Ladies you deſerue
To haue a Temple built you: All the Swords
In Italy, and her Confederate Armes
Could not haue made this peace. Exeunt.

[Scene IV.]

Enter Menenius and Sicinius.

See you yon'd Coin a'th Capitol, yon'd corner ſtone?

Why what of that?

If it be poſſible for you to diſplace it with your
little finger, there is ſome hope the Ladies of Rome, eſpe-
cially his Mother, may preuaile with him. But I ſay, there
is no hope in't, our throats are ſentenc'd, and ſtay vppon

Is't poſsible, that ſo ſhort a time can alter the
condition of a man.

There is differency between a Grub & a But-
terfly, yet your Butterfly was a Grub: this Martius, is
growne from Man to Dragon: He has wings, hee's more
then a creeping thing.

He lou'd his Mother deerely.

So did he mee: and he no more remembers his
Mother now, then an eight yeare old horſe. The tartneſſe
of his face, ſowres ripe Grapes. When he walks, he moues
like an Engine, and the ground ſhrinkes before his Trea-
ding. He is able to pierce a Corſlet with his eye: Talkes
like a knell, and his hum is a Battery. He fits in his State,
as a thing made for Alexander. What he bids bee done, is
finiſht with his bidding. He wants nothing of a God but
Eternity, and a Heauen to Throne in.

Yes, mercy, if you report him truly.

I paint him in the Character. Mark what mer-
cy his Mother ſhall bring from him: There is no more
mercy in him, then there is milke in a male-Tyger, that
ſhall our poore City finde: and all this is long of you.

The Gods be good vnto vs.

No, in ſuch a caſe the Gods will not bee good
vnto vs. When we baniſh'd him, we reſpected not them:
and he returning to breake our necks, they reſpect not vs.
Enter a Meſſenger.

Sir, if you'ld ſaue your life, flye to your Houſe,
The Plebeians haue got your Fellow Tribune,
And hale him vp and downe; all ſwearing, if
The Romane Ladies bring not comfort home,
They'l giue him death by Inches.
Enter another Meſſenger.

What's the Newes?

Good Newes, good newes, the Ladies haue preuayl'd,
The Volcians are diſlodg'd, and Martius gone:
A merrier day did neuer yet greet Rome,
No, not th'expulſion of the Tar quins.

Friend, art thou certaine this is true?
Is't moſt certaine.

As certaine as I know the Sun is fire:
Where haue you lurk'd that you make doubt ofit:
Ne're through an Arch ſo hurried the blowne Tide,
As the recomforted through th'gates. Why harke you:
Trumpets, Hoboyes, Drums beate, altogether.
The Trumpets, Sack-buts, Pſalteries, and Fifes,
Tabors, and Symboles, and the ſhowting Romans;
Make the Sunne dance. Hearke you. A ſhout within

This is good Newes:
I will go meete the Ladies. This Volumnia,
Is worth of Conſuls, Senators, Patricians,
A City full :Of Tribunes ſuch as you,
A Sea and Land full: you haue pray'd well to day:
This Morning, for ten thouſand of your throates,
I'de not haue giuen a doit. Harke, how they ioy.
Sound ſtill with the Shouts.

Firſt, the Gods bleſſe you for your tydings:
Next, accept my thankefulneſſe.

Sir, we haue all great cauſe to giue great thanks.

They are neere the City.

Almoſt at point to enter.

Wee'l meet them, and helpe the ioy. Exeunt.

[Scene V.]

Enter two Senators, with Ladies, paſsing ouer

the Stage, with other Lords.

Behold our Patronneſſe, the life of Rome:
Call all your Tribes together, praiſe the Gods,
And make triumphant fires, ſtrew Flowers before them:
Vnſhoot the noiſe that Baniſh'd Martius;
Repeale him, with the welcome of his Mother:
Cry welcome Ladies, welcome.

Welcome Ladies, welcome.
A Flouriſh with Drummes & Trumpets.

[Scene VI.]

Enter Tullus Auffidius, with Attendants.

Go tell the Lords a'th'City, I am heere:
Deliuer them this Paper: hauing read it,
Bid them repayre to th'Market place, where I
Euen in theirs, and in the Commons eares
Will vouch the truth of it. Him I accuſe:
The City Ports by this hath enter'd, and
Intends t'appeare before the People, hoping
To purge himſelfe with words. Diſpatch.
Enter 3 or 4 Conſpirators of Auffidius Faction.
Moſt Welcome.

1. Con.
How is it with our Generall?

Euen ſo, as with a man by his owne Almes im-
poyſon'd, and with his Charity ſlaine.

2. Con.
Moſt Noble Sir, If you do hold the ſame intent
Wherein you wiſht vs parties: Wee'l deliuer you
Of your great danger.

Sir, I cannot tell,
We muſt proceed as we do finde the People.

3. Con.
The people will remaine vncertaine, whil'ſt
'Twixt you there's difference: but the fall of either
Makes the Suruiuor heyre of all.

I know it:
And my pretext to ſtrike at him, admits
A good conſtruction. I rais'd him, and I pawn'd
Mine Honor for his truth: who being ſo heighten'd,
He watered his new Plants with dewes of Flattery,
Seducing ſo my Friends: and to this end,
He bow'd his Nature, neuer knowne before,
But to be rough, vnſwayable, and free.

3. Conſp.
Sir, his ſtoutneſſe
When he did ſtand for Conſull, which he loſt
By lacke of ſtooping.

That I would haue ſpoke1 of:
Being baniſh'd for't, he came vnto my Harth,
Preſented to my knife his Throat: I tooke him,
Made him ioynt-ſeruant with me: Gaue him way
In all his owne deſires: Nay, let him chooſe
Out of my Files, his proiects, to accompliſh
My beſt and freſheſt men, ſeru'd his deſignements
In mine owne perſon: holpe to reape the Fame
Which he did end all his; and tooke ſome pride
To do my ſelfe this wrong: Till at the laſt
I ſeem'd his Follower, not Partner; and
He wadg'd me with his Countenance, as if
I had bin Mercenary.

1. Con.
So he did my Lord:
The Army marueyl'd at it, and in the laſt,
When he had carried Rome, and that we look'd
For no leſſe Spoile, then Glory.

There was it:
For which my ſinewes ſhall be ſtretcht vpon him,
At a few drops of Womens rhewme, which are
As cheape as Lies; he ſold the Blood and Labour
Of our great Action; therefore ſhall he dye,
And Ile renew me in his fall. But hearke.
Drummes and Trumpets ſounds, with great
ſhowts of the people.

1. Con.
Your Natiue Towne you enter'd like a Poſte,
And had no welcomes home, but he returnes
Splitting the Ayre with noyſe.

2. Con.
And patient Fooles,
Whoſe children he hath ſlaine, their baſe throats teare
With giuing him glory.

3. Con.
Therefore at your vantage,
Ere he expreſſe himſelfe, or moue the people
With what he would ſay, let him feele your Sword:
Which we will ſecond, when he lies along
After your way. His Tale pronounc'd, ſhall bury
His Reaſons, with his Body.

Say no more. Heere come the Lords,
Enter the Lords of the City.

All Lords.
You are moſt welcome home.

I haue not deſeru'd it.
But worthy Lords, haue you with heede peruſed
What I haue written to you?

We haue.

1. Lord.
And greeue to heare't:
What faults he made before the laſt, I thinke
Might haue found eaſie Fines: But there to end
Where he was to begin, and giue away
The benefit of our Leuies, anſwering vs
With our owne charge: making a Treatie, where
There was a yeelding; this admits no excuſe.

He approaches, you ſhall heare him.
Enter Coriolanus marching with Drumme, and Colours. The
Commoners being with him.

Haile Lords, I am return'd your Souldier:
No more infected with my Countries loue
Then when I parted hence: but ſtill ſubſiſting
Vnder your great Command. You are to know,
That proſperouſly I haue attempted, and
With bloody paſſage led your Warres, euen to
The gates of Rome: Our ſpoiles we haue brought home
Doth more then counterpoize a full third part
The charges of the Action. We haue made peace
With no leſſe Honor to the Antiates
Then ſhame to th'Romaines. And we heere deliuer
Subſcrib'd by'th'Conſuls, and Patricians,
Together with the Seale a'th Senat, what
We haue compounded on.

Read it not Noble Lords,
But tell the Traitor in the higheſt degree
He hath abus'd your Powers.

Traitor? How now?

I Traitor, Martius.


I Martius, Caius Martius: Do'ſt thou thinke
Ile grace thee with that Robbery, thy ſtolne name
Coriolanus in Corioles?
You Lords and Heads a'th'State, perfidiouſly
He ha's betray'd your buſineſſe, and giuen vp
For certaine drops of Salt, your City Rome:
I ſay your City to his Wife and Mother,
Breaking his Oath and Reſolution, like
A twiſt of rotten Silke, neuer admitting
Counſaile a'th'warre: But at his Nurſes teares
He whin'd and roar'd away your Victory,
That Pages bluſh'd at him, and men of heart
Look'd wond'ring each at others.

Hear'ſt thou Mars?

Name not the God, thou boy of Teares.


No more.

Meaſureleſſe Lyar, thou haſt made my heart
Too great for what containes it. Boy? Oh Slaue,
Pardon me Lords, 'tis the firſt time that euer
I was forc'd to ſcoul'd. Your iudgments my graue Lords
Muſt giue this Curre the Lye: and his owne Notion,
Who weares my ſtripes impreſt vpon him, that
Muſt beare my beating to his Graue, ſhall ioyne
To thruſt the Lye vnto him.

1 Lord.
Peace both, and heare me ſpeake.

Cut me to peeces Volces men and Lads,
Staine all your edges on me. Boy, falſe Hound:
If you haue writ your Annales true, 'tis there,
That like an Eagle in a Doue-coat, I
Flatter'd your Volcians in Corioles.
Alone I did it, Boy.

Why Noble Lords,
Will you be put in minde of his blinde Fortune,
Which was your ſhame, by this vnholy Braggart?
'Fore your owne eyes, and eares?

All Conſp.
Let him dye for't.

All People.
Teare him to peeces, do it preſently:
He kill'd mySonne, my daughter, he kill'd my Coſine
Marcus, he kill'd my Father.
2 Lord. Peace hoe: no outrage, peace:
The man is Noble, and his Fame folds in
This Orbe o'th'earth: His laſt offences to vs
Shall haue Iudicious hearing. Stand Auffidius,
And trouble not the peace.

O that I had him, with fix Auffidiuſſes, or more:
His Tribe, to vſe my lawfull Sword.

Inſolent Villaine.

Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill him.
Draw both the Conſpirators, and kils Martius, who
falles, Auffidius ſtands on him.

Hold, hold, hold, hold.

My Noble Maſters, heare me ſpeake.

1. Lord.
O Tullus.

2. Lord.
Thou haſt done a deed, whereat
Valour will weepe.

3. Lord.
Tread not vpon him Maſters, all be quiet,
Put vp your Swords.

My Lords,
When you ſhall know (as in this Rage
Prouok'd by him, you cannot) the great danger
Which this mans life did owe you, you'l reioyce
That he is thus cut off. Pleaſe it your Honours
To call me to your Senate, Ile deliuer
My ſelfe your loyall Seruant, or endure
Your heauieſt Cenſure.

1. Lord.
Beare from hence his body,
And mourne you for him. Let him be regarded
As the moſt Noble Coarſe, that euer Herald
Did follow to his Vrne.

2. Lord.
His owne impatience,
Takes from Auffidius a great part ofblame:
Let's make the Beſt ofit.

My Rage is gone,
And I am ſtrucke with ſorrow. Take him vp:
Helpe three a'th'cheefeſt Souldiers, Ile be one.
Beate thou the Drumme that it ſpeake mournfully:
Traile your ſteele Pikes. Though in this City hee
Hath widdowed and vnchilded many a one,
Which to this houre bewaile the Iniury,
Yet he ſhall haue a Noble Memory. Aſſiſt.
Exeunt bearing the Body of Martius. A dead March


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