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May he indeed behold you, and with a gracious eye.

I would like even now to be seated by your side.

Then do not delay, but put your purpose into action.

[210] O Zeus, have pity upon our troubles lest we are ruined.

If he wishes it so, all will end well.


Invoke now also that bird of Zeus

We invoke the saving beams of the sun.

Pure Apollo, too, who, though a god, was exiled once from heaven.

[215] Knowing our lot, he may well have pity on mortals.

May he have pity indeed, and stand by ready to defend.

Whom, further, of these divinities must I invoke?

I behold a trident here, the token of its god.

Well did he send us here and well may he receive us in this land.

[220] Here, too, is Hermes, according to the Hellenic custom.

May he then announce good tidings to the free!

Honor to the mutual altar of all these protecting powers; and seat yourselves on holy ground like a flock of doves in dread of hawks of the same feathered tribe— [225] kindred, yet foes, who would defile their race. If bird prey on bird, how can it be pure? And how can man be pure who would seize from an unwilling father an unwilling bride? For such an act, not even in Hades, after death, shall he escape arraignment for outrage. [230] There also among the dead, so men tell, another Zeus holds a last judgment upon misdeeds. Take heed and reply in this manner, that victory may attend your cause.

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