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[p. lv]


What is meant by pedari senatores, and why they are so called; also the origin of these words in the customary edict of the consuls: “senators and those who are allowed to speak in the House” . . . . . . . . . . . . 301


Why, according to Gavius Bassus, a man is called parcus and what he thought to be the derivation of that word; and how, on the contrary, and in what language, Favorinus made fun of that explanation of his. . . . . 301

Book IV


A discourse of the philosopher Favorinus carried on in the Socratic manner with an over-boastful grammarian; and in that discourse we are told how Quintus Scaevola defined penus; and that this same definition has been criticized and rejected . 309


On the difference between a disease and a defect, and the force of those terms in the aediles' edict; also whether eunuchs and barren women can be returned, and the various views as to that question 317


That before the divorce of Carvilius there were no lawsuits about a wife's dowry in the city of Rome; further, the proper meaning of the word paelex and its derivation . . . . . . . . . 323


What Servius Sulpicius wrote in his work On Dowries about the law and usage of betrothals in early times . . . . . . . . . . . 325


A story which is told of the treachery of Etruscan diviners; and how because of that circumstance the boys at Rome chanted this verse all over the city: “Bad counsel to the giver is most ruinous” . . 327


A quotation from an early decree of the senate, which provided that sacrifice should be made with full-grown victims because the spears of Mars had moved in the sanctuary; also an explanation of the meaning of hostiae succidaneae and likewise of

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