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FONTES TAMARICI (Velilla de Guardo, or Velilla del Rio Carrión) Palencia, Spain.

Site near Guardo. Pliny (31.23-24) describes the spring, which still exists. Its flow is irregular, as Pliny reports. Its bed was excavated during a period of drought, and large ashlar courses delimiting the tank were discovered below the more modern concrete structure that rises above the water level. The few finds dating from the Roman period included common ware, a bronze coin minted during the reign of Tiberius and bearing the effigy of Augustus, and a small fragment of an Hispano-Roman stele.


A. Fernández de Avilés, “Prospección arqueológica en las Fontes Tamarici (Velilla-Palencia),” Revista de Archivos, Bibliotecas y Museos 69 (1961) 263-68I; A. García y Bellido & id., “Fuentes Tamaricas,” Excavaciones Arqueológicas en España 29 (1964)PI.


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    • Pliny the Elder, Naturalis Historia, 31.18
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